October Download Statistics

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On November 15th Gerhard released the download statistics for all packages on Drupal.org (with formatting by Earl). Here are two charts that summarize the data and the accompanying Excel. Suggestions are welcome on how to improve them or on other ways to analyze and display the data.

1. Top 30 Packages (click thumbnail to enlarge)

These top packages are comprised of 3 versions of Drupal, 20 modules, 5 themes, and 2 videos.

2. Overall Distribution (click thumbnail to enlarge)

When looking at the distribution of downloads we see noticeable breaking points at 16, 36, and about 590, which segment packages into four classes: Tier 1 (critical), Tier 2 (very popular), Tier 3 (moderately popular), and Tier 4 (unpopular).

Drupal-200610-Top30.png14.43 KB
Drupal-200610-Overall.png11.08 KB
Drupal-200610-DownloadStats.xls281 KB