SimpleTest DROP Tasks

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Some SimpleTests would make great DROP tasks. So I propose we create a list of the most-needed SimpleTests, and at any given time, the top 3-5 are active DROP tasks. Edit the table below; I'll be updating the DROP issue queue(s) as necessary.

Take a look at ... here are the first items from that list that I see ... chx has asked that he be contacted if you begin working on an item from his list

Title Description Status
  1. User has access to create, edit or delete their own blog entries when given the permission.
  2. User has access to create, edit or delete any blog entries when given the permission.
  3. Verify the “View recent blog entries” links to the user's blog page. (Url: blog/%uid)
  4. Verify the “View recent blog entries” link is on the user page when they have permission to create blog entries. (Url: user/%uid)
  5. Displays help information on the help page and only viewable for users that have access into the admin area. (Url: admin/help/blog)
  6. Display a blog editing form when viewing the url node/%nid/edit and the user has permission to edit blog entries. Check for both permissions (edit own blog entries and edit any blog entry).
  7. Verify the breadcrumbs are being displayed on the blog pages.
  8. Adds a link to the user's blogs on the blog page and the full node view of the blog.
  9. Display a blog feed starting with the latest blog. (Url: blog/feed)
  10. Display a blog feed per user when that user has permission to create a blog. (Url: blog/%uid/feed)
  11. Display a blog page per user when that user has permission to create a blog. (Url: blog/%uid)
  12. Display a blog page containing all published blogs. (Url: blog)
  13. Display a recent blogs block when the block is enabled.
Posted to DROP site.
color_module Suggested tests needed.... Awaiting suggested tests.
  1. Displays help information on the help page and only viewable for users that have access into the admin area. (url: admin/help/blog)
  2. Setting the database logging settings to 100 (url: admin/reports/page-not-found). Fill up the error log with more then 100 and verify that it only keeps hundred.
  3. Displays the database log and only user with admin rights are able to access it. (url: admin/reports/dblog)
  4. Displays a listing of page not found and only user with admin rights are able to access it. (url: admin/reports/page-not-found)
  5. Displays a page listing of pages that users do not have access to. (url: admin/reports/access-denied)
  6. Displays a page listing with more detail of the event. (url: admin/reports/event/%)
  7. Verify that css is being applied on admin/reports pages.
  8. When cron gets run the watchdog table gets clean up per the user's setting or the default settings.
  9. Deleting a user the watchdog table gets updated from the current user id to user id of 0.
  10. Verify watchdog table has the new errors inserted into it.
  11. Only users with access to the admin section have access to the watchdog logs.
  12. The watchdog types getting returned from the database is returned as an array.
Posted to DROP site.
  1. Enable node view counter
  2. Create a node
  3. View it with another user
  4. Check the counter is now 2
  5. Check that the user's tracker contains the node
  6. View it with anonymous
  7. Check the counter is now 3
  8. View it with anonymous but page cache on
  9. Check the counter is now 4
  10. Check that the node is in recent hits
Posted to DROP site.
Help Module
  1. When a module does not have help info it should display “No help is available for module %module_name”.
  2. When the module does have help info then it should display the help information.
  3. Check to make sure help page exists and only users with permission have access rights.
Awaiting suggested tests.
Node module
  1. Create a node. Assure that the operation was successful.
  2. Edit an existing node. Assure that the operation was successful.
  3. Delete an existing node. Before delete, check that the rss.xml contains the new node and that the new node is on the home page (i.e. test the /node callback).
  4. Filter the admin/content/node page and then apply each operation in the dropdown and assure that is succeeded
  5. Create, rename, and delete a content type and assure that it succeeds as expected. Check that the node_info hook is fired (or whatever it is called when you rename a content type).
  6. Put simpletest_nodeapi() in a test and just record there each call to the API. Create/Edit/Delete a node and assure that all the nodeapi hooks are called.
  7. Create a node and render it. Assure that the title, body, date, links, etc. are visible upon display.
  8. Create a new revision of an existing node.
  9. Revert to a previous revision of an existing node.
Awaiting suggested tests.
openid_module Awaiting suggested tests. Awaiting suggested tests.
  1. The help PHP filter help information is on the php help page and the link to the admin help page is on the help page. (admin/help and admin/help/php)
  2. User with permission to post php can post php and users with no permission can't post any php.
  3. Ensure the filter tips page the php filter information. (filter/tips)
  4. Ensure that the php filter option is available when customizing input formats. (admin/settings/filters/1)
Awaiting suggested tests.
ping_module Awaiting suggested tests. Awaiting suggested tests.
taxonomy_module [Starter list, many more needed. Please crosspost tests status / thoughts to the taxonomy group.]
  • User has access to create, edit or delete any vocabulary when given the 'administer taxonomy' permission.
  • User has access to create, edit or delete any taxonomy term when given the 'administer taxonomy' permission.
  • Display a teaser list of nodes for each taxonomy term. (Url: taxonomy/term/%tid)
  • Display an RSS feed per taxonomy term. (Url: taxonomy/term/%tid/0/feed)
  • Display a teaser list of nodes for a union of taxonomy terms. (Url: taxonomy/term/%tid1+%tid2)
  • Display an RSS feed for a union of taxonomy terms. (Url: taxonomy/term/%tid1+%tid2/0/feed)
Awaiting suggested tests.
  1. Ensure the throttle admin page has been created. (admin/settings/throttle)
  2. The admin help page has a link to the throttle help page and the throttle help page exists.
  3. Other modules are able to access the throttle status to turn on certain features when the server is under heavy load with $throttle = module_invoke('throttle', 'status');
  4. Setting up the throttle settings (admin/settings/throttle) with x number of anonymous user online and x number of authenticated user online. When the specific numbers are hit the throttle module is run.
  5. Enter in non-numeric values in the throttle admin page in the auto-throttle on anonymous users and auto-throttle on authenticated users fields.
Awaiting suggested tests.
  1. Link provided on the help page (url: admin/help)
  2. Tracker help page exists (url: admin/help/tracker)
  3. User page contains the track link.
  4. User id 1 can view track post and page visits. All other users can track posts.
  5. Check to see if tracker/all page exists and only logged in users can view the page.
Awaiting suggested tests.
system_module Awaiting suggested tests. Awaiting suggested tests.