Contributed Module Ideas

We encourage users to post events happening in the community to the community events group on
This group should probably have more organizers. See documentation on this recommendation.

When a developer has an idea for a module, they are often not the only one with that idea.

By announcing module ideas here, this group aims to:

  • Reduce module duplication. We can prevent two independent developers from writing separate, duplicate modules.
  • Increase developer collaboration. We can get interested developers working together at an early stage of development.
  • Improve module quality. Others can shape and improve the ideas, leading to a better module from the beginning (or, at the least, a better road map for future development.)

Before submitting a new module idea, please do a little research and search for an existing module with the same functionality.

DarrellDuane's picture

CCK Content type for referencing other content types

Does anyone know if there is a module to create a field in a content type that allows you to reference one or more other node types?

I've had a few times where it would be nice to be able to select from a list of the node types in the system. In my case, I have 10 or so node types that are used to hold data for a specific type, and for my content type that indicates what the type is (of which there are 20 types), it'd be nice to indicate which node type is used by that type to hold the relevant data.

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patrickavella's picture

Sticky Social Media Share Bar

This is my first post here, ever, and I'm still new to, so please redirect me if I'm totally off topic or in the wrong area, or anything of that nature!

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cleaver's picture


I needed a quick API for calling JSON-RPC. I wasn't aware of anything in contrib, so I threw it together. I just thought I'd run it by here in case someone was aware of some duplicate that I missed.

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alex.pilon's picture

AdMob Wrapper Module

I recently built a small mobile site and during the development of it whipped up a quick module to handle the placement of an Admob advertisement on the site. There doesn't seem to be anything out there for mobile advertisements or Admod.

Is what I built worth submitting to get something started for mobile advertisements?

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the_g_bomb's picture

Wordpress Theme conversion

I am working on a wordpress conversion of the Site5 Boldy theme.

I am probably going to contribute it once it is finished. What features would people expect to be ported from a premium theme such as this.

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tmuras's picture

External database authentication

I'm considering writing a module for Drupal 7 that will allow for authenticating users against external database. I like the way this is handled in Moodle - see the attached screen-shot. The only similar module I've found is:

What do you think?

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d.novikov's picture

Bulk delete nodes by taxonomy term

I'm interested if anyone ever faced the situation when you need to delete all nodes under certain taxonomy term. I haven't found any reasonable solution for this yet. However, I need to massively delete near 10-20k nodes and each of them belongs to some taxonomy term. I think it can easily be done with minimal UI built upon standart Taxonomy module and Batch API.

Any ideas about this?

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barobba's picture

"Services Field" module?

Is there a module that caches "services" requests to node fields? For example:


This would be useful for service requests to take advantage of the various node-level modules, such as comments, views, etc. I have this working somewhat. The question now is "formatters".

This type of module might be unique because the choice of formatter is not easy to determine from the node type's "Display fields" menu.

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j. ayen green's picture

Site Blueprint

I'm thinking of a module that self-documents the site. Not the documentation generated for the API, etc. Higher level. The audience would be an incoming developer or maintainer, etc. not familiar with the site.

The idea is for it to compile through examination a list of custom and contributed modules, blocks, views, templates, taxonomies, content types, permissions, hooks, overrides, etc., of things not provided by core, noting whether they are contributed, custom, created via the UI or in code, etc.

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wanderingstan's picture

Mechanical Turk module

Years ago I had an Elancer write a module for submitting Mechanical Turk jobs (HITS) from drupal nodes. I've recently updated the code and thought that others may find it useful. Right now it is fine-tuned for transcription jobs, but it could be made more generic.

This module covers only Mechanical Turk, not other Amazon services as does the AWS module.

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pwolanin's picture

Stocks and Trading groups inactive - to be merged

The "Stocks" group has no posts since 2008. (~3 total)

The "Trading" group none since 2006. (1 total)

I will merge them later today into:

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Garrett Albright's picture

Allowed Protocol Editor

Okay, how's this for esoteric?

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borazslo's picture

Node points

for the most intresting nodes.

An User points like module for nodes. I would like to make a block/page/view for the most interesting nodes.
Which node is intresting? You can setup simple rules for
- the length of the body
- the number of the comments (registered user's comments gets more points)
- a taxonomy term (or vocabulary)
- statistics
- votes
- extra points from the node's author / administrator

For example:
body|<1000:30 -> if the plained body's length is less then 1000 char it gets 30 points

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n-tuple's picture

Entity set domain based CCK field: naturally represents multi-component data or arbitrary n-ary relations between system entities

It is now for quite some time i'm using a bunch of modules i built for my projects.
I call the entire package N-Tuple.
The purpose of modules is to extend the drupal frameworking capabilties.
Modules were developed based on concepts of ER modeling.

N-Tuple modules provides cck field that developers can use in different ways:

  1. Build multi-column fields
  2. Per-column options
  3. Assign each column a list of available values
  4. Advanced management of available values
  5. As base cck field for your module. (just implement your application specific logic)
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ronline's picture

purchase counter

I'd like to display number of purchases per product.
I didn't find any functionality in Ubercart so I've decided to create a module.
When turned on it displays the number of purchase right next to the “Add to cart” button.
It has been tested on two websites so far works good.

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chx's picture

sudo by email

Users with the right permission can email themselves a link with a token and clicking that adds a role to their session. This allows elevating yourself to admin when necessary but not being an admin all the time.

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alex.a's picture

Message of the Day

I have written a Message of the Day module which defines a block that rotates a different message every day. The messages are selected from a pool of nodes designated as messages of the day. The block displays the title of the node as a link to the node.

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othermachines's picture

Simpler views?

Again, on the topic of simplicity: despite the power of Views, I find it too cumbersome for my clients and so, about a year ago, began building a module that provides some of the basic features of views with a more accessible interface. As with workflows, in my experience 90% of the time clients just want the basics-- a listing of news articles, a staff directory, a calendar of events, that sort of thing.

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othermachines's picture

Simpler workflows?

Not to undermine the fine work done by the maintainers of the Workflow module and others, but in my experience a large majority of our clients don't need all of the bells & whistles but a basic, easy-to-configure-and-use system that allows editors to oversee contributors. In response-- and also due to my frustration at trying to set up and then dumb down the available modules (often requiring getting more than one module to sync in the way I want)-- I created a simple module (not yet hosted here) that I've been using on a few production sites.

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mrf's picture

Arbitrary Lists of Drupal Users

We already have flag and nodequeue, but there is no easy way for an end user to create arbitrary lists of other users.

This would probably use flag's api on the back end, but provide a super easy interface to manage these lists without exposing all the details to the end user.

Have a look at what Facebook and Twitter do with their user lists for inspiration of what is possible with this kind of feature.

The idea came up in this User Relationship issue but I think this would make a really useful module on its own.

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