AustroFeedr - Mapping Open Data with OpenLayers in Drupal 7

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dasjo's picture

hi everyone,

i would like to share my research project austrofeedrOnly local images are allowed. where we use openlayers to visualize aggregated data on a openstreetmap with custom popups and some further customizations like rich popups. you can see it in action at

there is an in-depth showcase description at and we also shared all features code including the custom behavior for the popups

i just joined the location and mapping group but have been contributing some patches for openlayers and plan to work further on drupal mapping during my diploma thesis. especially i'm interested in porting generic openlayers functionality to the new mapping module, trialing the more light-weight leaflet module and playing around with custom maps using for example mapbox.

if anyone is interested in such topics please let's start a conversation, i'm looking forward gathering some inputs for my diploma thesis! and don't miss First Drupal Book of 2012: Mapping with Drupal and the recent DrupalEasy Podcast 73: Lots of Options where Alan Palazzolo (zzolo) and Thomas Turnbull (tom_o_t) talk about their book.

regards josef


Schön zu sehen, …

stilblütler's picture

… dass sich dieses sinnvolle Projekt so gut entwickelt.


kip stanning's picture

hi josef,

looks like great work, i wish i'd have more time to explore it. i am working in local political consulting and am sure you're doing work that's very useful.

by the way: river Ager is flowing aside my hometown, schwanenstadt.

hope to meet you some day! good luck.


Amazing work! Congratulations

itamair's picture

Amazing work! Congratulations ... I like so much the custom behavior for the popups. (!)
I am experimenting a lot in Drupal Mapping too.
You can have a look to this too, whose front end looks mainly Goggle Maps api like, but that would/will efficiently be switched to openlayers the close future (?).
Contact me for any reason, in case


Digital Communication, Web 2.0 & Web Gis 2.0 Opensource

Looks fantstic

blattmann's picture

I'll be taking a look at all your links soon. Thanks for sharing!

openlayer popup google

DRUPALON's picture

i have a problem with openlayers and google layer, when i use this a popup appears



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