Drupal Modules for Genealogy

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Anonymous's picture

Thought that I would start a list of the various modules and threads for creating a Drupal-based family tree.

TNGintegrate http://drupal.org/project/tngintegrate
Family Tree 2 http://drupal.org/project/family
Genmod http://drupal.org/project/genmod


Was also wondering if others have genealogies 'working' on their sites whether they could pack them up as 'features' [see this video http://www.developmentseed.org/blog/2009/may/29/making-and-using-feature... http://drupal.org/project/features ].

And/ or others can add links to their successful websites so 'we' can actually see what we like/might work for 'our' sites.


Further thoughts

I_am_trying_to_understand's picture

I have just been researching the GEDCOM 'standard' and thought it is a relevant part of the discussion that a new release hasn't come out in 13 years since 5.5.

It would appear that the LDS who originated the GEDCOM felt that an XML 6 version diverted from its primary focus, and they now have their new initiative Family Search and are more than likely not to continue active development of the GEDCOM 'standard'. This is the draft document http://www.familysearch.org/GEDCOM/GedXML60.pdf

The other interesting note is that there is no 'standard' as different programmes that import/export these types of files choose how to handle the fields differently.

And interesting thread related to all this is here http://groups.google.com/group/open-ancestry/browse_thread/thread/96d9b8...

So I am oscillating between using PGV, TNG or doing it the DRUPAL way, considering also that PGV, TNG integration may not be up-to-date either.

Are there Drupalistas out there that would care to share the urls of their family history sites on any software? Pro's? Con's?

[Cross-posting to thread http://drupal.org/node/523314]


I_am_trying_to_understand's picture

This is from the Wikipedia page on GEDCOMS and alternatives, to add to the discussion of whether a Drupal-based module/feature could be developed around something other than the GEDCOM 'standard'.

* Event-Oriented GEDCOM specification - Draft Release 1.0 (12 September 1994) (Microsoft Word in a ZIP file)
* GEDC - An XML-Based Standard for Genealogy - originated as an outgrowth of the GEDCOM 6.0 Beta specification and Gentech's Genealogical Data Model (GDM).
* FamilyML based on XML and allows the exchange of genealogical data. Also based on GedML and GEDCOM, but in a more human-readable format.
* GDMUML - Genealogical Data Models in the Unified Modeling Language
* GedML: Genealogical Data in XML - combines the GEDCOM data model with the XML standard.
* Gendatam - genealogical data model
* The GENTECH Genealogical Data Model
      o gdmxml, a RELAX NG Schema to validate XML documents with genealogical information according to the GENTECH Genealogical Data Model.
* GeniML - Genealogical Information Markup Language (pronounced 'jeenie em el') is a data model and XML vocabulary for recording and exchanging genealogical data.
* GenXML is a file format for exchange of data between genealogy programs.
* GREnDL - Genealogical Record Exchange and Description Language - XML specification[52]
* GEDCOM 5.5 XML - "attempts to be a 100 percent one-to-one translation of GEDCOM 5.5 into XML; it even includes the superfluous (and empty) <TRLR/> element." - By Chad Albers - neomantic.com


I'm just putting these ideas out there guys as am not a programmer. Just hoping that having the information in one place will stimulate discussion and perhaps someone will benefit from it/develop something we all want to use, that is a bit more future-proof if that is possible.

Any activity?

Gunnar Langemark's picture

I'd like to know if there's any activity going on here?
Does anybody work on genealogy related stuff in the Drupal domain?

Gunnar Langemark


Not really

I_am_trying_to_understand's picture

I posted this thread and another on D.o http://drupal.org/node/523314 but there has only been one other person posting feedback. A few years back a couple of the lead devs were into gen stuff but it seems more as a hobby than to bring any ground-breaking code to Drupal.

I can see it would be a phenomenally huge undertaking to craft anything based on the current GEDCOM 5.5 standard limitations and feel that it is time for a new standard - but of course just my opinion and something I can only dream about as I don't have the coding skills to do anything about it.


Gunnar Langemark's picture

As I understand it, the GEDCOM standard will never move from 5.5, and the 6.0 draft is end of the line.
If we're to further this in any way, what we need is to take the 6.0 draft and the 5.5 and build a module system and an install profile with relevant modules - i.e cck, forms, views etc - and BOTH implement a solution AND take the standard one step further.
I believe this to be a very demanding project.
However, to enable online genealogy in terms of real collaboration this MUST be done. Otherwise we will continue to work on personal trees, and collaborate on proprietary systems like Geni and Ancestry.com.
I don't fancy that.

Gunnar Langemark



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