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sir_gon's picture

Flujo para integración continua de traducciones (?)

Bien... para poner en contexto.
Tengo un sitio basado en Drupal 7 en desarrollo, al cual estoy tratando de aplicarle todas las best-practices posibles para desarrollarlo.

Tengo un repositorio git conectado a un servicio de CI que dispara un script de integración en el servidor de producción por cada push a master. En este script hago cosas como:

  • el git pull al directorio con el código fresco.
  • borrar caches
  • comandos drush para reversiones de features y updates de BD de los módulos.
  • comandos drush para descargar traducciones frescas de l10n_update.
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jim0203's picture

Publicising the Scots Gaelic Drupal translation

At the time of writing, the Scots Gaelic translation of Drupal at http://localize.drupal.org/translate/languages/gd runs in at 7.96KB for Drupal 6 and 6.18KB for Drupal 7. The Spanish translations run in at 527.35KB and 594.68KB so, assuming that the Spanish translation is more or less complete, only 1-1.5% of the necessary work has been completed on the Scots Gaelic translation.

What can be done to get started on rectifying this situation?

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ipsitamishra's picture

Drupal Interface translation to Oriya(Odia)

Hi All,

Oriya language is added to localize.drupal.org server and the page is available at http://localize.drupal.org/translate/languages/or

I would request you all to join and start contributing.

I will be importing the work done earlier(http://drupal.org/project/or) to this server.

Spread the word and invite others who can contribute to this.


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serkan.arikusu's picture


Selam herkese,
Yeni bir servis başladı biliyorsunuzdur, http://localize.drupal.org/
Daha önce http://l10n.drupaltr.org sunucusunda yapılan Türkçe çevirinin buraya aktarılması çok yerinde olacak.
Erdemkose dışında yöneticisi var mıdır bu sunucunun?
http://drupal.org/node/569676 bu adreste açılmış bir konu var, Türkçe de eklensin diye, ama doğal olarak daha önceden çeviri projeleriyle ilgilenmiş kişileri soruyorlar.

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