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lhridley's picture

Documentation for data requirements for creating nodes through the JSON Restful Server (Services 3, Drupal 7)

We have a project to complete for a client that involves setting up a restful web service backend for a set of mobile apps for Android and iOS. We have elected to use Drupal as our restful server and utilize the JSON service available through Services 3 along with the spyc library.

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iribarne's picture

Broward Drupal Meeting Minutes - January 2013

We held our Broward Drupal monthly meetup on Wednesday, January 9th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.

In Person (Greater Fort Lauderdale, Broward County Florida):
Jay Epstein @jeppy64, Phil Smith @siliconvalet, John Everett @Agile_dot_TV, Ben Groenevelt @dropfoundry, Jeff Lock @adoptek, Elvis Svoboda @ElvisIsOnATrain, Margie Casey @margiecasey, Susana Kaiser and me @hectoriribarne

This month we had one presentation on related content displays.

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godling's picture

best solution for mass hierarchical terms management?

Hello. I'm seeking for a solution for a site with hundreds of Hierarchical Terms:
Mass terms in level 1 and some terms in level 2 and some terms in level 3.
And it's free tagging system, user can add term in any level.
All 3 levels are required when posting node(image).

Since there are so many terms in level 1, it's not an ease for users to select what they need with default modules, needless to say the bulk uploading. In addition to that, if users want to add new terms, how to guide them add terms level by level?

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Screenack's picture

Building a working drill-down taxonomy view


Thanks, but no need to respond. I've remodeled the views and taxonomy relationship entirely, changing the nature of my question.

I'm building a multi-dimensional drill down for a Drupal-7/Views 3.x site that is exclusively organized using taxonomies. I'm using 2 vocabularies:

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Shane Birley's picture

Display Image Style Based on Taxonomy

I am playing around with display suite and wondering about conditional statements. I was writing some code for this but thought I would ask the DS group as well.

The issue I have is I would like to display a particular image style based on a term selected for the node.

I am still researching this but I wonder if anyone has run across this.

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worldlinemine's picture

Using D7 to build a Thesaurus for use by > 1 Application/Website

An idea I am presently working on is building a simple Drupal site to provide a controlled vocabulary to other Drupal sites as well as non-Drupal applications in D7.

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dawnbuie's picture

How to keep term relationship to node, when term changes vocabulary in Drupal 7?

I've inherited a site with a very big hierarchical taxonomy:

Vocabulary name: categories
--term: company name
---- many child terms
-- term: country
---- many child terms
-- term: issue
---- many child terms

I realized it would be easier to create Search facets and Views with appropriate content if I set up each of these parent terms


as their own Vocabularies.

I created the new Vocabularies and used Taxonomy Manager to shift all the sub-terms to their new vocabularies.

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hasanbeder's picture

Taksonomi Nedir, Ne Değildir ?

Taksonomi bildiğimiz gibi sınıflandırma demektir. Taksonomi de kategori kavramı yoktur, sözlük vardır, bu sözlüğün de terimleri vardır. Alt kategori yoktur, alt terim vardır.

Sözlük ve terimler, matematikte anladığımız gibi bir kümeyi temsil eder. Her küme kendinden büyük bir kümenin, hatta kendinin bir alt kümesidir, terimler alt terimleriyle birlikte eleman olarak düşünülebilir. Kümenin adını (sözlüğü) kategori diye isimlendiremezsiniz. Hangi terimleri (elemanları, alt kategorileri değil!) ihtiva ettiğini anlamak için sözlüğümüze isim verebiliriz ki bu öncelikle zaten şart.

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xesusfreire's picture

problema coa taxonomía

teño unha dubida q quería saber se alguén ma pode resolver: fixen para un sitio e Commerce filtros expostos por familia de produtos, categoría e subcategoría. O que quero conseguir é que cando fago click en famila 1 por ex me aparezan en categorías e subcategorías os termos relacionados con esa familia e non coas outras familias, o mesmo para famila 2, familia 3..

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aperez2242's picture

Árbol de taxonomías con departamento, provincia y distrito (UBIGEO)


Recientemente he tenido que realizar para una página web en Drupal los desplegables para elegir departamento, provincia y distrito de Perú. Busqué y busqué pero no encontré nada ya hecho así que me tocó a mi hacerlo a partir de un SQL que encontré.

El módulo utilizado para la importación es el Taxonomy CSV import/export

Os dejo el CSV adjunto por si a alguien le hace falta en su momento.

Funciona a la perfección con Hierarchical Select

Espero que a alguien le sirva de ayuda.

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