Image crop modules (to manually crop images)

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Wiki page! Please share your experiences/expertise with these modules. Add any modules that should be listed here.

Module Versions Description Pros Cons
Image javascript crop 7.x-1.2, 6.x-1.0-rc3 Creates an Imagecache 2 (D6) or Styles (D7) 'javascript crop' toolbox action. Problems when placed inside vertical tabs.
Imagefield Crop 6.x-1.0, 7.x-1.0 Provides a widget for cropping an image after upload.
ImageField Focus 6.x-1.3, 7.x-1.0 Imagecache action that allows users to designate a core area around which to crop.
Manual Crop 7.x-1.2 Allows you to add a custom effect to image styles so it becomes possible to manually crop an image after uploading.
Smart Crop 6.x-1.0-beta1, 7.x-1.0-beta2 An Imagecache action that crops based on entropy. Integrates with ImageField Focus

Keep the wiki concise, please. You can elaborate on your thoughts and experiences in comments below. (If you have bug reports, please post them in the appropriate queue for that module.)


A more comprensive list

siliconmeadow's picture

Some people might find the Comparison of image cropping and resizing modules in the Site Building Guide on d.o more comprehensive.

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