Example module using config management

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alberto56's picture

Hi all,

After reading this blog post on the new config management initiative for D8, I thought an example module demonstrating a very simple use case, and a simple upgrade path from D7, use be of use.

I submitted it as a patch to the Examples for developers module, as well as a stand-alone zipped module, at http://drupal.org/node/1615520

(To use the upgrade path, install block_example for D7, then upgrade it for D8).




Example module for CMI ready for review

alberto56's picture

I updated the patch at http://drupal.org/node/1615520. It is now a stand-alone module called configuration_example, with automated tests, for Drupal 8. It demonstrates both simple configuration (what used to be variables in D7) and more complex sets of configurations. Not sure I did this right, though, so reviews would be welcome.
