上海Drupal协同贡献聚会 - 2013年12月21日 / Drupal Workshop SH - December 21st, 2013

We encourage users to post events happening in the community to the community events group on https://www.drupal.org.
DYdave's picture
2013-12-21 10:00 - 19:00 Asia/Shanghai
Event type: 
User group meeting

See English version below.
Only local images are allowed.

很期待在Drupal 12月聚会上跟各位见面。

Drupal协同贡献聚会(Drupal workshop)是一场全天候的、每月第2个或第3个周六、免费举办,Drupaler在这里相聚 (线上同) 以小组的形式为 Drupal 作各种不同的贡献

Workshop 安排综览

培训 聚会 协作
10:00 ~ 12:00
12:00 ~ 13:00 - 午餐时间

测试, 打补丁,
13:00 ~ 15:00
15:00 ~ 15:30 - 中场休息
  15:30 ~ 18:00 - 聚会:
  1. OpenScholar发行包功能演示
  2. SaasBEM简介
  3. 百度地图遇见Drupal:第一个稳定版
  4. 2013Drupal上海社区回顾
  19:00 美好的一天结束  



10:00 ~ 15:15 / 全天:培训


Drupal的一天(上) - 10:00 ~ 12:00
培训者:ycshen [初学者]
培训针对Drupal爱好者不论有无Drupal 开发/应用经验 (对PHP/HTML/CSS/JS知识不作规定)都可以参加。



Drupal的一天(下) - 13:00 ~ 15:00
培训者:zterry95 [初学者]


15:30 ~ 18:00: 聚会



  1. [演示/中级] Drupal有很多成熟的发行包, gaofengzzz将介绍和演示针对学院/研究性网站的创建管理工具OpenScholar发行包,并指出一些他所使用的中国化技巧, 或许对中国学院网站建设有所裨益。
  2. [前端/中级] w3cplus将介绍前端设计和开发最新趋势SaasBEM(Block, Element, Modifier)。继九月聚会响应式设计演讲上提出Saas概念之后,这次将分享更多Themers前端 开发者会关注的Saas和BEM实现、如何整合到Drupal前端开发(w3cplus原文
  3. [定位/中级] 上月百度地图 sandbox模块简单地露了个面,并且xiukun.zhou还分享了他的项目申请和审查经验,现该模块已完全通过审核并发布第一个稳定版(baidu_map-7.x-1.0)。如果你错过了上一次的聚会,这次可以了解模块完整的功能、文档、社区参与测试/报告、翻译、反馈等。
  4. [通用/初学者] 每年到这个时候,我们总是可以在报纸、电视和各大网站上看到各种排行榜年终回顾(体育圈、人物、电影、科技突破等)。我们也不能免俗。DYdave将根据他所经历的2013年,评一评上海社区Drupal 2013,用各种数据和图片回顾这极其 活跃的一年中的聚会培训、热门话题、模块贡献、讨论等,总结进步之处、不足之处,同时和大家讨论下一年计划————培训课程的改进、DrupalCamp China 2014、团结中文翻译力量等。

招聘 / 项目合作

10:00 ~ 19:00 / 全天:协作 - 带上电脑



一般来说,聚会结束后,将邀请参加者们共进晚餐或参加After Party,使大家能够在私下轻松交流、交友





日期 周六,2013年12月21日
地点 中山北路900号(近普善路)加禾商务中心2号楼311室
时间 10:00 - 19:00 地图 谷歌 /百度 地图
线上 IRC: #drupal-china
地铁 1号线:中山北路站
出站后路线:谷歌/ 百度 地图
语言 中文,英文 花费 无。请自备电脑。
用餐 请自行解决。 联系人 jackniu / DYdave

下一场聚会:周六,2014年01月18日,10:00 - 19:00。

加入 groups.drupal.org立即报名参加此活动

Only local images are allowed.
Hi guys,

We're all glad to be able to get together for another session of the Drupal Workshop in December.

The Drupal contribute workshop is a full day, monthly event, free of charge, to be held on Saturdays (2nd or 3rd of the month) during which Drupalers are invited to meet and get closer (online as well) to work in driven groups on various types of Drupal contributions.

Overview of the Workshop plan:

Training Meetup Co-working
10:00 ~ 12:00 - Part 1:
Drupal in a Day
12:00 ~ 13:00 - Lunch Time

All Day:
Bug fixing,
code review,
testing, patches,
modules discussions,
mentoring and much more.
13:00 ~ 15:00 - Part 2:
Drupal in a Day
15:00 ~ 15:30 - Coffee Break
  15:30 ~ 18:00 - Meetup:
  1. Demo and Features of the OpenScholar distribution.
  2. Introduction to Saas basics and the BEM methodology.
  3. Baidu Maps meet Drupal: the first stable release.
  4. Review of the year 2013 in the Drupal Shanghai community.
  19:00 End of the day  


As usual, we'll be starting in the morning at 10am with the training sessions:

10:00 to 15:15 / Full day: Training

Two featured training sessions provided by professional trainers. This is a dedicated training session with a structured and defined training curriculum.
It is recommended to attend the training sessions on time.

Drupal in a Day - Part 1 - 10:00 to 12:00 by ycshen [For beginners]
This is a standard Introduction to Drupal very similar to what could be done for Global Training Days.
The training is designed for anyone who would be interested in Drupal, with or without Drupal development/application experience (PHP/HTML/CSS/JS knowledge is not required).

Our main objective would be to provide enough information and transfer enough knowledge to participants about Drupal capabilities and perhaps try finding a potential direct/immediate field of application in their professional areas.

For a more complete outline of the training's contents, feel free to check Drupal Training Day in China - Intro to Drupal.

Drupal in a Day - Part 2 - 13:00 to 15:00 by zterry95 [For beginners]
Second part of the Introduction to Drupal Training, with more examples, tips, tools, best practices, advice and if time allows it, further discussion topics.

Followed by a 20 to 30 minutes General Q&A and coffee break in the afternoon, before the meetup:

15:30 to 18:00: Meetup

Presented by DYdave, get your monthly feed of updates and insight on the Drupal community:
News, Upcoming Events, Job Offers, Initiatives, and much more to be discussed.
Getting Involved and how to support our community.
Introduction to the topics and speakers.

Featured Presentations:

  1. [Demos/Intermediate] Among some of the most developed and mature Drupal distributions, gaofengzzz will give us an overview and demonstration of the great OpenScholar project, primarily aimed at providing a powerful tool to create and maintain personal academic and research web sites. Additionally, several key aspects will be explored to try understanding how OpenScholar could be adapted to better match the expectations and requirements of the Academic world in China, perhaps leading one day to a wider adoption by Chinese Schools and Universities.
  2. [Front-end/Intermediate] Introduction to Saas basics and the BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) methodology by w3cplus, as part of the most recent web design and front-end development practices. Following up with his first presentation on Responsive design at the Drupal Workshop in September, where the concepts of Saas were vaguely approached, this time, the presentation will be focused on a more detailed overview of what could be achieved with Saas, BEM and how they could be integrated in the front-end development process of a Drupal project, for the greatest interest of Themers and Front-end developers (more information in the comments below).
  3. [Geolocation/Intermediate] After giving us a quick sneak peek at the freshly released Baidu Map sandbox module last month and sharing his experience going through the project application process, this time, xiukun.zhou will fully unveil module's features with its official publication as a full project and the release of the first stable version (baidu_map-7.x-1.0). For those who missed the presentation last month, this is a great opportunity to catch up and learn more about this very complete module's features, its documentation, and how the community could get involved with Testing/Reporting, Translations, Feedback and more Documentation/Tutorials.
  4. [General/Beginners] Usually, at this time of the year, we have most likely all seen Newspapers, TV Stations and Websites abound with various rankings and retrospective reviews of the most significant events of the year (sports, people, movies, scientific breakthroughs, etc...). Sticking with this end of the year tradition, DYdave will do a comprehensive Review of the year 2013 in the Drupal Shanghai community, taking a look back at a tremendously active year filled with Workshops, Trainings, Topics, Module contributions, Discussions, and much more, with numbers and pictures. We will be looking at what has happened this year, what we've done well and what could be improved, opening up a discussion on next year's plans with community's wishlist for Training curriculums, DrupalCamp China 2014, Federating our Translation efforts and many more exciting initiatives that we would like to discuss all together.

Lightning rounds: Share your experiences [Still open and room for participants]
Job Offers / Marketplace
Wrap up and conclusion.
Follow-up after dark and discussions.

10:00 to 19:00 / Full day: Co-Working - Make sure you bring your laptops

We will be providing drinks/coffee/tea, the space and connection to work all together with other confirmed local Drupalers.
This would match the needs of intermediate to advanced Drupal developers who would like to have the possibility of working on their own projects and be able to get some help, assistance or ask direct questions to other developers present at the session.

Typical case: Developers who already have enough Drupal foundation knowledge to learn by themselves, use modules and build sites, but would encounter obstacles or issues along the way during the construction of a project. Co-working with other Drupalers would allow quick, easy, direct and immediate response on any of the questions or issues encountered.

After dark:
In general, after the event, participants would be invited to join together for a diner or an after party to be able to better socialize, discuss and blend in the local community, in an informal and relaxing environment.

As always speakers are highly welcome.

We would greatly appreciate any of your questions, comments, feedbacks, objections, ideas, recommendations or concerns on any aspects of this event or its organization and would surely be glad to provide more information.

Thanks again to everyone for your great feedback, support and signing-up.
We're certainly all looking very much forward to getting together for another rich Workshop and busy day.

Thanks for getting involved!

Event's details:

Date Saturday, December 21, 2013. (Freely join. Training would be recommend to be on time.) Location Room 311, Building 2, Number 900, North Zhongshan road
Time 10:00 - 19:00 Maps Map on Google / Baidu
Online IRC: #drupal-china (setup and chat with the Drupal Community) Subway Line 1, station: North Zhong Shan Road / 中山北路.
Directions on Google / Baidu
Language Chinese and English Cost None other than your own material/laptop
Food At the expense of participants. Contacts jackniu / DYdave

Next session: Saturday, January 18 2014, from 10:00 to 19:00.

Please register an account on groups.drupal.org and sign up for this event.



jackniu's picture



Drupal中国 http://drupalchina.cn Drupal China

i love drupal

radioheader's picture

i love drupal


w3cplus's picture



谢艳's picture


I will go !

ocharles's picture

Looking forward to meet you!

Yvonne Chen's picture

Hi @ocharles,




Thanks a lot for your comment and we're surely very happy to hear you will be joining the Workshop on Saturday.

To improve our organization, it would greatly help us if you could please take a few seconds of your time to sign-up for the event.

Thanks again for your support, interest and we're all very much looking forward to seeing on you on Saturday.

Drupalers 在上海
listen to your heart


ocharles's picture

I sign-up already!


w3cplus's picture

周六将与大家分享Sass和BEM的一些知识。Sass是CSS预处理器当中的一种,目前有强大的Compass框架做支撑。而BEM是一种强大的CSS的命名方式,可以通过BEM更好的管理您的模块,组件。由于BEM命名的长方式造成很多前端人员的反感,但如果将BEM和Sass结合起来,将会给您带来意想不到的效果。如果您对此话题感兴趣,那么我们期待周六下午的相会。Thank you!

Great topic

Levin's picture

Sounds interesting, Look forward to it.


jackniu's picture


Drupal中国 http://drupalchina.cn Drupal China


garyguo's picture


聚会安排更新啦 / Workshop's Meetup program updated

DYdave's picture




  1. [演示/中级] 介绍和演示Drupal众多成熟发行包之一OpenScholar——针对学院/研究性网站的创建管理工具
  2. [前端/中级] 前端设计和开发最新趋势SaasBEM(Block, Element, Modifier)介绍,以及与Drupal前端开发的整合应用。
  3. [定位/中级] 百度地图模块正式发布:如果你错过了上一次百度地图分享,这次可以了解模块完整的功能、文档、社区参与等。
  4. [通用/初学者] 上海社区Drupal 2013回顾:活动、培训、热门话题、模块贡献、讨论等,总结进步之处、不足之处,讨论下一年计划。





最后,正如jackniu提到的,欢迎各位上海的Drupaler加入Drupal 上海QQ群:154077824,告诉我们你关于聚会的想法。


2013年最后一次Drupal 聚会等你来哟~

Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for your great support, comments and signing-up to the event, it's really greatly appreciated.

To end up this busy year of Drupal Workshops and contributions, several great topics and speakers have been lined up for the last Meetup in 2013 (plan updated in initial event post at the top of the page), with an interesting variety of subjects, trying to accomodate a larger audience range:

  1. [Demos/Beginners] Among some of the most mature Drupal distributions, overview and demonstration of the great OpenScholar project, aimed at providing a powerful tool to create and maintain personal academic and research web sites.
  2. [Front-end/Intermediate] Introduction to Saas basics and the BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) methodology, as part of the most recent front-end development practices and how they could be integrated in the front-end development process of a Drupal project.
  3. [Geolocation/Intermediate] Official release of the Baidu Map module: For those who missed last month's presentation on Baidu Map, this is a great opportunity to catch up and learn more about this very complete module's features, its documentation, and how the community could get involved.
  4. [General/Beginners] Review of the year 2013 in the Drupal Shanghai community, taking a look back at a tremendously active year filled with Events, Trainings, Topics, Module contributions, Discussions, and much more, with numbers and pictures. What has happened this year, what we've done well and what could be improved, opening up a discussion on next year's plans.

Looks like we've got packed with great topics to wrap up this year and fill up our tank with great new ideas for 2014.

For those who couldn't make it to last month's Global Training Day, make sure you don't miss this Workshop as it is the last opportunity this year to get started with Drupal with a kickstart Introduction to Drupal in a day.

As usual the Workshop should get started at 10am on Saturday with Training and we'll make particular attention that all sessions stick closely to the schedule (including starting on time, lunch and coffee breaks).
Unless you would like to attend morning's training, feel free to drop by at anytime before 15:30 to catch-up for the Meetup.

Although the floor is going to be pretty crowded, speakers, topics, ideas or suggestions for the meetup would certainly be greatly appreciated.
We would be very happy to hear about your experiences using Drupal, please share them with us!

Lastly, as Jack pointed out, we're inviting all of you to join us at anytime in the Drupal Shanghai QQ Group: 154077824 and let us know if you would have any questions, comments or particular topics you would like to discuss at the Workshop, we would be glad to hear your feedback and ideas.

Thanks again to everyone for your great feedback, support and signing-up.
We're all very much looking forward to getting together for the last Drupal Workshop in 2013.


w3cplus's picture



w3cplus's picture



robbin.zhao's picture



w3cplus's picture



speedlead's picture

The event is awesome. Fantastic speakers and Davyin's Supporting.

Curriculum and Training

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