COD Sprint Issues

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Are you a developer looking to help out with COD? Not sure what's high priority? Below are a list of suggested issues that help advance the COD Roadmap

Note, these directions are out of date. See for Jan. 2012 update or for most recent developments consult the COD and COD Support issue queues.

Meta information regarding porting COD to Drupal 7

Basic Steps for porting:

1. Install D6 COD
2. Install separate instance of D7 core
3. Grab a feature and start recreating it in D7
4. Once recreated, export it as a feature of the same name into a git checkout of cod_support, overwriting the feature of the same name
5. Find the appropriate upgrade issue in the cod_support issue queue
6. Post a patch to this issue

Installing COD-6.x on your localhost machine:

Prerequisites: git 1.7, drush 4.4 or 4.5, drush_make 2.2+

1. Install Drush:
    $ git clone --branch 7.x-4.x
2. Install the Drush Make extension: within ~/.drush/commands/, type:
    $ cd .drush
    $ git clone --branch 6.x-1.x
    $ cd drush_make
    $ git checkout tags/6.x-2.2
3. Setup your folder structure: (Note: this is to store the D6 and D7 versions of COD)
    $ cd ~/Sites/ (or wherever you usually setup your localhost sites)
    $ mkdir cod
4. Get the COD Profile:
    $ cd ~/cod/
    $ git clone --branch 6.x-1.x cod6
        Note: last param defines the new subdir to create for this dev install of cod
5. Switch into your cod6 directory and run the cod-dev.make
    $ cd ~/cod/cod6
    $ drush make cod-dev.make (requires two "y" confirmations)
        Note: this should download Drupal core as well as all of the modules you need to install COD
6. Go to your actual Drupal install in your browser and at /install.php you should be able to choose the Conference Organization Distribution

Basic things you need for getting started with COD-7.x on your localhost machine:

Please use the up-to-date instructions at

1. Install core Drupal-7.x-1.x
    $ cd <webroot>
    $ git clone --branch 7.x cod7
        Note: at the time of writing nothing has been committed to the 7.x version, it is currently inline with the 6.x version
2. Install the following:
  * Ctools (suggest ctools-7.x-1.x-dev)
  * Views (suggest views-7.x-3.x-dev, dev version aligns with ctools dev)
  * Strongarm (suggest strongarm-7.x-2.0-beta2)
  * Features (suggest features-7.x-1.0-beta2)
  * Signup
  * Admin
  * Commerce
3. Check the various cod_support upgrade issues for any patches to apply to the cod_support modules that have already been upgraded

COD Sprint suggested priority issues:

[Your itch here]

Main initiative: Port COD Support features to Drupal 7
Most of the magic of COD is encapsulated within a series of features bundled in the cod_support package. The low hanging fruit for getting things ported is to make sure all the same features exist and have all the same items in them as the Drupal 6 version. Features are pretty easy to port, so we're making it the main objective of our sprints to port these features first.


General key features:

These Features-related issues cause diffs of COD Features to be full of junk:

  • Node timestamps cause nodes to appear overidden -
  • Line breaks cause objects to appear overridden - - Fixed by pifantastic

Stuff to contribute from DrupalCon Chicago site:

Make File stuff: