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LudvigAldrin's picture

Custom XMLRPC module - How to retrieve information about user?

Hi all!
I have now search the internet for about day to try to solve my questions.

I have Drupal 7, Service 3, Services Basic Authentication and have developed my own custom XMLRPC module (hook_xmlrpc). In this module I want to first see that the current users is authenticated. Then I want to retrieve some specific information from the user to be combined in with other information.

I know that the rest of this is working for user.retrieve over xmlrpc with basic authentication works like a charm.

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mykmallett's picture

Passing arguments as array into xmlrpc

Is it possible to pass a key => value paired array into the xmlrpc request? As I am trying to make a request function that is usable by method requests with differing variable numbers and types

$xmlrpc_result = xmlrpc($server, $method, $hash, $domain, $timestamp, $nonce, $sid, $args, array());

Where $args contains
'variable1' => '1',
'variable2' => '2' etc,

Obviously implode doesn't work to separate the variables in a comma separated list, because the entire list is just string...I can seperate the list into the variable name being the index name like

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itarato's picture

Services key authentication with Flash - how to store keys?


I would like to hear about your opinion. I'm using Services 6.2, XML-RPC and key authentication. I'm calling it from an embedded Flash object. The communication works perfectly. My problem is with the api key and where to store it.
I need the api key in the Flash object when sending the XML-RPC request. I shouldn't hardcode the key in Actionscript, it should stay customizable. I think it's also not a good practice (moreover is a security hole) to provide the key as a flashvar.

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mbarretta's picture

groovy xml-rpc + Services

I'm trying to do some node creation via groovy. Via the XML-RPC groovy module and the Drupal Services module, my groovy code looks like, and results in, this:

groovy:000> def server = new XMLRPCServerProxy("http://localhost/drupal/?q=services/xmlrpc")
ERROR groovy.net.xmlrpc.XMLRPCCallFailureException:
XML-RPC call Failure: fault string = "Empty response from server", fault code = 0
at java_lang_Runnable$run.call (Unknown Source)

'tis a little frustrating not being able to get past the first line of code, but haven't gotten much help from the intertubes.

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stri_berry's picture

What did heyrocker say about the servers in services 3

I was listening to the presentation by heyrocker. He said that there's a plan to update or re-write the REST server and move it into services core.

1) Can we expect the same thing for the amfphp server by the amfphp module, and other servers as well?

2) Does that mean we won't need to download each server individually and add it into the servers folder with the xmlrpc folder? because that would be awesome.

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anAgent's picture

MolineSoftware.DrupalXmlRpc.NET - Version 2.0 (Released)

Hi Everyone,

After some major code changes and added items, Version 2.0 is ready for download. To read more about it and examples, please visit: MolineSoftware.com</a href>. This node will have a zip of the two binaries needed and a quick example.

With only a few lines of code, you can get a c# solution up and running and talking to Drupal.

You can download the source code at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/drupalxmlrpc/</a href>

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leoburd's picture

What's the difference between Drupal XML-RPC and Services XML-RPC?

Hello there,

I'm building a framework to facilitate the integration between Drupal sites and internet telephony servers (VoIP, Asterisk, FreeSwitch).

My first prototype was built using Drupal's XML-RPC functionality. What would be the pros and cons of moving to a Services-based API? How hard would it be to do the transition?

Thanks for your help!


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mssjsg's picture

Connecting android with Drupal?

Dear all,

I am writing an android app currently and I am a newbie in web app.
I need to connect the android app that I write to a drupal site and get some data or submit data to it with the app.

I tried just using the xml-rpc server and try to connect to it with the android app but no luck yet.
For some reason, the app keep getting the output "invalid api key" which is actually not true. I know it must be some coding problem in my android app but I don't know what it is.

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anAgent's picture

Drupal Interface Writer for C Sharp

Hi Everyone,

I created a console application that connects to a specified site and creates an interface based on the available services methods.

To read more about it and download the example, please visit: http://www.molinesoftware.com/?q=content/moline-software-drupal-interfac...

To download the lastest package of my framework, please visit: https://sourceforge.net/projects/drupalxmlrpc/



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voidberg's picture

Remote authentication system

Hello everyone,

For a while I've been developing a system which allows a Drupal website to act as an authentication server and allow client websites to be connected to it. Once you register an account on one of the websites in the network you can use those credentials to gain access to any other website there.

I am writing this post because:
- We (Adulmec) are going to open source it so it makes sense to see if what we've done is of interest to you.
- I am not sure that some of our decisions are right and there might be better approaches which I did not see.

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