Drupal 7 Field Type Definitions

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opegasus noted that there wasn't a readily-available list of all the core (and contributed?) field types for Drupal 7. Let's make one.

What are they for? i.e. why chose one over the other? How come I have field types like term-reference that aren't listed here?

Core Field Types

Module Label machine-readable name php type Widget
File File file file_generic
Image Image image image_image
List List (integer) list_integer options_select, options_buttons
List List (float) list_float options_select, options_buttons
List List (text) list_text options_select, options_buttons
List Boolean list_boolean options_buttons, options_onoff
Number Integer number_integer int number
Number Decimal number_decimal numeric number
Number Float number_float float number
Taxonomy Taxonomy term reference taxonomy_term_reference options_select, option_buttons, taxonomy_autocomplete
Text Text text text_textfield
Text Long text text_long text_textarea
Text Long text and summary text_with_summary text_textarea_with_summary

The initial list above has been gathered from http://drupal.org/node/774742

Contributed Field Types

Name of Field Type machine-readable name Module link Widgets
Address Field addressfield http://drupal.org/project/addressfield addressfield_standard
Coin Tools http://drupal.org/project/cointools
Date date, datestamp, datetime http://drupal.org/project/date date_select, date_text
Dimension dimension http://drupal.org/project/dimension dimension
Email Address email http://drupal.org/project/email email
Entity Reference entityreference http://drupal.org/project/entityreference options_buttons, options_select, entityreference_autocomplete, entityreference_autocomplete_tags
Link link_field http://drupal.org/project/link link_field
Location location http://drupal.org/project/location location
Media http://drupal.org/project/media
Paragraphs paragraphs http://drupal.org/project/paragraphs
Phone phone http://drupal.org/project/phone phone
Serial http://drupal.org/project/serial
Time http://drupal.org/project/cck_time
Workflow http://drupal.org/project/workflow sid

See http://drupalcode.org/project/drupal.git/tree/dce3c77a61d9510dbac6927b60... for where core fields are defined. Look in each .module file.

isn't http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/developer%21topics%21forms_api_referenc... what your looking for?

Western Montana

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