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Bojhan's picture

Reinventing Drupal’s User Experience process

yoroy webchick Gabor

The Drupal core product needs to become more engaging and useful right out of the box. Usability testing has shown why. Here, we want to look at how we can change our process to be more efficient and effective.

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zfactor's picture

Experiences performing user tests with Drupal prototypes

I have been working on a project recently where we have been performing user tests against Drupal prototypes. The audience is a mix of people from regular users of Drupal to marketers who have never seen the platform.

We are seeing a trend where people are regularly distracted and/or confused by things within Drupal core's interface. One example is we designed a test where users would edit a node and change the workflow state. Users found it challenging to even find where to go to edit the node.

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brylie's picture

Easy authentication for children and adults?

Hi all,

I am trying to think of ways that users of all ages can register and authenticate on a site without the traditional username/password. Examples like clicking on a series of images, dragging colored blocks into a sequence, or other 'brain friendly' methods would be great.

What are your thoughts on and experiences with 'passwordless' authentication? What are some solutions that have become popular? What are some innovative ideas that need testing?


--Brylie Christopher Oxley

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dcmistry's picture

Comparative Multilingual Content Edit Experience Usability Study Findings

Comparative Multilingual Content Edit Experience Study

Focus of the study: To get answers to the following high-level questions:

  • How do users current translate content on Drupal?
  • How do users translate content on current Drupal 8 and current Spark translation feature?
  • Which version do the users prefer? Why?

Number of participants: 3 (Acquia Internal), 3 (Partners/ Customers)
Participant profile:

  • Participants who create/ translate multilingual content or have a need to do so in the near future
  • Participants have not used the current Drupal 8 and Spark translation feature

Study Date: June 25-26, 2013

Recruitment: Participants were recruited through internal e-mail and Acquia Sales contacts

Compensation: No compensation was provided to the users

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dcmistry's picture

Spark Focus Group Findings

Focus of the study

To understand the following:

  • Current Pain Points with Drupal
  • Feedback on Spark
  • End to end process of content creation process
  • Applications used in conjunction with Drupal

Participant profile



  • 8 Drupal admins/ webmasters/ site builders/ themers who have professional experience (or interest) in user experience, user interface design, or web design at Stanford
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    jstoller's picture

    Tracking published date in Core

    Have you ever wished core would track the date/time a node was published, instead of just when it was created and modified? Well, now is your chance! There is a patch in the issue queue, but it needs review and time is running out before feature freeze. Please get involved.

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    tsvenson's picture

    Drupal SBUI Collaboration Platform now open

    Hi Everyone,

    I know, its been rather quiet from us since the announcement of the Drupal SiteBuilding Usability Initiative some two+ weeks ago. Well, BADCamp got in the way and Michael and Doug was busy mingling with all the amazing Drupalers there for starters. While they where doing that, I spent my time learning and configuring Open Atrium as we have chosen it as our collaboration platform for Drupal SBUI.

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    dcmistry's picture

    Toolbar Usability Study Findings

    Bojhan and Dharmesh recently conducted a 6-participant moderated usability study on the new toolbar. The design was tested on desktop and mobile (and on the iPad in some cases).

    Summary of findings
    Overall, the toolbar prototype tested well on desktop and iPhones.

    “This is a big improvement from where we are at [right now]” (P4)

    Most of the participants (4 out of 6) had positive reaction. The rest of the participants (2) had a neutral response to the change. The mobile version was significantly better received than the desktop experience.

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    C13L0's picture

    Drupal and the Small Business

    This past week, I was in a google+ hangout with a group of very tech savvy individuals. To my surprise they were having a discussion concerning Drupal.

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    dcmistry's picture

    D8 Toolbar Usability Study Plan (Mobile + Desktop)

    We are planning on doing some usability testing of the mobile prototype, below we have outlined the test plan. Since we haven't tested this prototype much, we are focusing our initial test plan primarily on finding out how they experience the navigation - not necessarily how they experience the admin theme.

    Only local images are allowed.

    Name of the project: Toolbar testing
    Type of study: Moderated
    Focus of the study: To get answers to the following high-level questions:

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