Austin Summit: Creating System for Documenting Shared Needs

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-Establish a "product owner" to wrangle people together and ensure each station submits agreed upon documentation (e.g. needs assessment) at agreed upon times.
-Each station needs to establish their point person and compile their own needs assessment
-Establish listserv of PEG stakeholders
-Establish online communication platform - 1) - Community Media Group, 2) - issues queue, 3) Google Group

-2 models for Product Owner: 1-Product Owner integrates role into regular routine; 2-role is externalized (funded from outside)/hire a consultant to serve this role

-Focus on Reservations API as manageable starting point
-Reservations API to be described in enough detail to improve understanding among all PEG stations
-Establish process through which documentation can be created
-Gather information from each station, such as collecting policies and practices from each organization

-Identification of shared needs
-Ongoing communication mechanism
-Priorities assessment methodology

-lack of structure; no mechanism through which to identify, discuss, and assess shared needs

-Possible deliverable: conduct a national needs assessment
-What are the elements of the "proposal"
-Feasibility may be an issue; alternative is to have individual stations share their own needs assessment
-Defining the scope; who's in who's out?
-There needs to be a communication mechanism. is a common platform

-Begin by communicating about Reservations module specifically. This module has been identified as fulfilling a common need. Rather than larger-scale, general needs assessment, begin by assessing needs of the Reservations module.

-4 stations in workshop gave brief needs assessments to demonstrate differences in development stages.

Other notes
-Does implementing some of these online tools disenfranchise some community members? Partnering with other orgs that provide computer literacy skills can address this risk.
-How to rank priorities from each station