Drupal.org team week notes #20

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Drupal.org improvements

Last week we deployed a major improvement for issue page workflow: https://drupal.org/node/2159813. The issue edit form is back on the issue page, instead of the standard comment form. Huge thanks to webchick, Mark Carver, sanchiz, Bojhan, joachim and everyone else who worked on the issue.

That's not the only news for the past 2 weeks however.
amateescu helped fix the trouble with Project name autocomplete on issues (https://drupal.org/node/2148129).

jthorson fixed an issue with the change records.

Thanks to xjm change records on Drupal.org now have “draft” status, this change will support the new workflow around Drupal core change records.

As I mentioned in the previous week notes, the trouble with missing Git commits on Drupal.org is fixed, and we were able to close a few related issues such as missing git tags.

SebCorbin fixed the outstanding issue with localize.drupal.org sync of project data with Drupal.org. Now everything is properly synced and new project releases are available for translation.

BDD tests

Git7site is now being properly rebuilt every day, and behaviour driven development (BDD) tests are running with each deployment. We recognize that a few recent deployments caused some follow up bug reports. To have less of those in the future, we incorporated BDD tests in our deployment process.

Each time a patch gets committed to our internal repository and deployed on staging site, it also gets deployed on git7site, which is set up with Git integration. After every deployment on git7site, sub-set of BDD tests, so called “smoke” tests, then more-broad “ci” tests, runs automatically. If the tests fail, Jenkins will let us know in IRC.

We hope this will help us notice problems sooner, however most of the recent problems would not have been caught by BDD tests. We do have some work to do to increase test coverage at http://drupal.org/project/doobie.

Drupal.org changes tool

Basic version of the Drupal.org changes tool is done, and right now we are working on making it more usable, before inviting the community to try it. We want to make sure email notifications work, landing pages have relevant information for different audiences, etc. We hope to be done in a few weeks.

Setting up OpenStack cluster

OpenStack server configuration continues. The final network configuration has been planned and a request to the Open Source Lab to configure the different vlan tags has been sent. While we wait for the network configuration to be completed, we have been working on planning and architecture for the new Drupal.org development environments https://drupal.org/node/2146967.

Moving db4 to the new server

DB4 has been migrated to the new server and was put in production last week. We have been using the nightly Drupal.org snapshots to benchmark performance, and adjusting the MySQL configuration as needed for its workload. The Drupal.org sanitization job has gone from taking 18 hours of time with our default configuration to taking 13 hours after tuning https://drupal.org/node/2180435.

Drupal Job Board

Submissions are now closed and we have begun reviewing submitted proposals.

Drupal.org metrics

As I mentioned in the previous post, until we automate tracking of various metrics for Drupal.org later in the year, we are pulling the numbers manually every month, just to ensure we have them. Here you can see January numbers. Our end goal is to automatically present all of these numbers on a public dashboard, including all the data for previous years we’ll be able to get.