Example android application

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Anonymous's picture

Next to my previous post, I've also created a small application for the Android platform.

It is called Drupal Power and with this app. users are able to post blog posts to their drupal site.



Nice. Curious - why XMLRPC?

johnstorey's picture


This is a nice proof of concept. I am curious though -- why the heavyweight XMLRPC instead of JSON? Were you accepting the heavier protocol to avoid the using the modified JSON server? I'm going down the JSON path, and rewrote the Drupal integration class I use in Flash to JavaScript. It's got some nice error handling features, but more importantly, JSON is a bit more lightweight.

John S.

I choose the xmlrpc indeed

Rudy van der Blom's picture

I choose the xmlrpc indeed because of the modified json server. I just wanted a stable application without the modification / installing a custom service module. I agree that the xmlrpc is maybe not the right way, but it was the easiest for me

dmarkcox's picture

JSON data is readily accesssible as JSON objects in your javascript. This compares to XML which must be parsed and assigned to variables using DOM API. But a bird in hand! Should be an easy conversion as time permits.


Titanium Javascript source code?

rnagy's picture

Hi Rudy,

Could you please upload the Titanium Javascript source code for this project?

It would really help those of us who are still struggling with getting our first app up and running.

Thank you!!!


Here you go

Nice one, Thanks Rudy!

avdp's picture

Nice one, Thanks Rudy!

Thanks Rudy!

rnagy's picture

This is great!!! Thank you :)

Vous etes impressionnant,

jaypark's picture

Vous etes impressionnant, Rudy!

Rudy did you figure out how

jaypark's picture

Rudy did you figure out how to get android to work with key authentication?


No not yet really, haven't

Rudy van der Blom's picture

No not yet really, haven't tried it yet. Although, if you come up with a solution, or to change from xmlrpc to json service, that would be great.

i got it to the point where i

jaypark's picture

i got it to the point where i wasn't getting any errors, but the view doesn't load either...

Drupal + JSON Server + HMAC Authentication + Titanium

rnagy's picture

I've consolidated a number of examples and tutorials to get this working. I hope it works for others out there too... (note my development/production enviroment below)

Major props to Rudy van der Blom, Sumit Kataria at CivicActions, Chris Callender at soniccode and Jingsheng Wang aka skyredwang (love the BeerCloud app!!!). Thanks also to @jaypark for the link to soniccode.

This is the Javascript that does the heavy lifting:
file: node_get_with_key_validation.js

// include the .js library for the HMAC-SHA256 message authentication code
// see: http://point-at-infinity.org/jssha256/ and dowload the library from the Download section on the page

// include your functions
// e.g. the randomString() function at: http://www.xinotes.org/notes/note/515/ (Method 2)

// provide the link to your JSON server
var JSONServer = 'http://www.yoursite.com/services/json'; // change 'www.yoursite.com' to your domain

// provide the API Key from your Drupal Services module
// you can create the key at /admin/build/services/keys
// use the www.yoursite.com format i.e. without http:// or /services/json
var apikey = 'b25217651ca131de655e0ef3963005fe'; // not my real key but yours will look similar to this

var win = Titanium.UI.currentWindow;
win.backgroundColor = '#656565';

var data = [];

var date = new Date();
var domain = 'www.yoursite.com'; // change this to your site's url. use the same format that you used when setting up the API Key at /admin/build/services/keys
var obj = {
  method: 'node.get', // make sure that node.get is enabled for your API Key (navigate to /admin/build/services/keys and click the edit operation for your API key)
  nid: 1, // set the node id (nid) here
  domain_name: domain,
  domain_time_stamp: String(date.getTime()), // need to convert the date/time to a string
  nonce: randomString(10) // generate a random string, see: functions.js
// create the hash value
obj.hash = HMAC_SHA256_MAC(apikey, obj.domain_time_stamp+";"+obj.domain_name+";"+obj.nonce+";"+obj.method);

Ti.API.info(JSON.stringify(obj)); // displays the JSON object in the Titanium Developer console

// prepare Titanium to send the request via a HTTP Post method
var xhr = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();
xhr.open("POST", JSONServer);
xhr.send({data: JSON.stringify(obj)}); // send the JSON object to the JSON server

xhr.onload = function(){
  Ti.API.info(this.responseText); // display the response from the JSON server in the Titanium console
  var data = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
  Ti.API.info(data); // display the node data

  var label = Titanium.UI.createLabel({
    text:data['title']+data['body'], // i've yet to format the output :)
  font:{fontSize:20,fontFamily:'Helvetica Neue'},

Here's my modified app.js file:

var tabGroup = Titanium.UI.createTabGroup();

// the first tab containing a node from your site
var win1 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({ 
    title:'Node for First Tab',
    url: 'node_get_with_key_validation.js'
var tab1 = Titanium.UI.createTab({ 
    title:'A Node',

// the second tab...
var win2 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({ 
    title:'Node for Second Tab',
    url: 'node_get_with_key_validation.js' // change as desired
var tab2 = Titanium.UI.createTab({ 
    title:'Another One',


...and the contents of the functions.js file:

// Generate a random string
// Source: http://www.xinotes.org/notes/note/515/ (Method 2)
function randomString(length) {
    var chars = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('');
    if (! length) {
        length = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
    var str = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        str += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
    return str;

Note: Pay particular attention to the versions of Services Module and JSON Server module as there are some incompatabilities across the versions and also check that your PHP is prior to 5.2.8 (Refer to skyredwang's comments at http://groups.drupal.org/node/57378)

My own technical setup is as follows...

Webserver: Linux, Apache 2.2.16, PHP 5.2.14, MySQL 5.0.91-community-log

Drupal: 6.19
Services module: 6.x-2.2
JSON Server module: Sumit's modified version at: http://civicactions.com/blog/2010/may/02/drupalcon_developing_apps_iphon... (refer to the file called json_server_modified.zip_.txt in the Attachment section)

Titanium SDK: 1.4.0
Titanium Developer: 1.2.1

Android SDK: APIs 1.6 with a WVGA854 screen

Any questions, feel free to ask...

Peace out,

Image upload

by3000's picture

Thanks Rudy.

Could you please show us how you did for images uploading from mobile to Drupal .

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