Call for Linux experts for debugging/tuning and server donations

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boombatower's picture

The test bot from has fundamentally changed the way that core development happens in Drupal 7. By automatically testing every single patch, and ensuring that Drupal continues to install properly and pass all automated tests, we can ensure that Drupal 7 remains the most stable development release to date, and can save our patch reviewers tons of time that would otherwise be spent manually verifying that patches do not break existing functionality.

However, the test bot urgently needs your help!

The test bot relies on donated servers that have been set up with the installation script. These servers are then added to the network and used to run tests on patches.

However, we have issues with various servers periodically "crapping out," for lack of a better description. Sometimes they just need a reboot, or a re-install of Drupal. With a bit of debugging, it seems some issues may be related to filesystem settings and other low level things. But we need help from those who are comfortable with Linux in debugging those issues, as well as tuning the test servers for maximum efficiency (MySQL in memory, PHP caching, etc: the usual).

In addition, we are also trying to deploy the next generation of the testing system and require help debugging issues with new test clients and setting up the clients themselves.

Also, since the second generation testing framework will require more bandwidth in order to test contributed modules, more servers will be needed to handle the load. Any donations of "decent" servers would be great.

So, to summarize:

  • If you fancy yourself comfortable with Linux, please help lend your debugging and performance tuning skills.
  • If you have a spare server that can run an entire battery of tests in a reasonable period of time, please donate it to the cause.

If you can help, please use the contact form or comment here, and we'll get you hooked up.


I am ready to fix linux related isues

vivekkhurana's picture


I am pretty much comfortable with tuning linux, mysql, php and apache. Let me know how can I help. I can also help in setting up the testing framework using selenium and/or buildbot.


I am wondering what you mean

gordon's picture

I am wondering what you mean by decent servers? I have a couple of dual P3-500/600 servers which a very stable and have lots of memory that I want to dedicate to this.

They may not be the fastest servers but they are solid servers and should tick though the tests quite well.

Gordon Heydon

Gordon Heydon

Join us in #drupal-infrastructure

Amazon's picture

Please join us in #drupal-infrastructure if you want to help.


Drupal community adventure guide, Acquia Inc.
Drupal events, redesign

Debian Lenny setup (draft)

andypost's picture


aptitude install mysql-server sudo curl patch cvs gawk php5-cli php5-common php5-curl php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-mysql php5-pgsql php5-sqlite php5-xcache php5-xmlrpc apache2-mpm libapache2-mod-php5

Testing script

tar xzf testing_server_setup-6.x-2.x-dev.tar.gz
cp testing_server_setup/ .
rm -R testing_server_setup

Checking out the testing server setup files from the Drupal contributions reposi
Setup beginning...
Copying testing_server.conf to /etc and setting root-only permissions.
Please edit /etc/testing_server.conf to suit your server setup, then re-run the

vi /etc/testing_server.conf

PHP configuration

PHP short_open_tag should be disabled and memory_limit is more.

short_open_tag = Off
memory_limit = 256M


update users set pass=md5('drupaltesting1'), name='testingadmin' where uid=1;


cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
ln -s ../mods-available/rewrite.load .
ln -s ../mods-available/expires.load .

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart


user - testingadmin:drupaltesting1

$db_url['pifr_checkout'] = 'mysql://drupal:drupaltesting1@localhost/drupal_checkout';

and run cron.


aptitude install build-essential php5-dev bzip2
tar xvfj eaccelerator-
cd eaccelerator-
make install

mysql drupal_checkout

SELECT * FROM simpletest WHERE STATUS != 'pass'

Fedora instance Info

andypost's picture

fedora 10 - success!

yum install cvs php-xml curl php-cli

Postgresql setup on Debian

andypost's picture

This just installs postgresql-server and change passwords

apt-get update
apt-get install postgresql-8.3

pg_createcluster 8.3 drupal

su - postgres
createuser -DRS root
createuser -DRS drupal
createdb -O drupal drupal -E UTF8
createdb -O drupal drupal_checkout -E UTF8

psql template1

ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'drupaltesting1';
ALTER USER root PASSWORD 'drupaltesting1';
ALTER USER drupal PASSWORD 'drupaltesting1';

Testing and Quality Assurance

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