Installation Instructions

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DFG's picture

1) Download the DruTeX module from the Drupal website and unpack it to the modules directory. You now have a directory modules/drutex.

2) Go to the module admin section and enable "drutex".

3) Go to the input-filters admin section and create a new input format. You can choose an arbitrary name, but "DruTeX" would make sense. When you create a new format, you can select an input filter from a list: Just choose DruTeX.

4) Go again to the input-filters admin section, and select "configure" for the newly added input format. Click on the "configure" tab, and you are able to adjust many settings of DruTeX.

5) Go and test DruTeX: Create a new node, select your new input format, and try to render something, e.g. just try $x^$.


Getting a Warning

volantis's picture

I installed the Drutex module according to the instructions, but I'm getting this error:

warning: exec() has been disabled for security reasons in /home2/mysite/public_html/drupal/sites/all/modules/drutex/ on line 267.

What do I need to do to fix my installation?