Behavior Driven Development with Drupal – Behat module released

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Hi there Testing group!

I'm happy to announce the release of the Behat integration module which allows developers to write tests for a Drupal site (or module) in "BDD"-style. BDD is a methodology for writing software features "outside in", i.e. using plain language to describe a feature's behavior first and the actual test code second. Find more information on BDD at

Behat ( is a BDD framework written in PHP and is very similar to Cucumber, a popular BDD framework used in the Ruby community. The Behat module integrates the - externally maintained - Behat library to work within a Drupal environment and allows for usage of SimpleTest API functions and assertions in step definitions. More features are being planned (

The current integration is by no means perfect, but it's a start. That's why I'm hoping for feedback on potential setup issues and help on tasks outlined in the issue queue.
