Getting Started with NGINX and Drupal 7

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Getting Started with Nginx & Drupal 7

This started as a discussion, but I figured we could add to it and collaborate a bit on it as a wiki instead.

So you want to use Nginx with Drupal. And you have no idea how to get started. Hopefully this’ll help.

Our lofty goal is to get Perusio’s Nginx config up and running. Hopefully in the process we'll understand more about how nginx works and how we can debug things.

Unfortunately I don’t understand all of it, so there’s going to be a few understanding holes here and there, but we’ll still be able to get it running.

There are plenty other ways to set-up Nginx, PHP and Drupal, this is just how I’ve done it.

I’d love to have people add to this. Comment things I’ve missed or got wrong and I’ll update and add them in.

What skill level is this guide for?

Someone with very little experience in nginx. (i.e. me).

I’ll try and explain as much as possible, but if you’re completely unfamiliar with the Linux server administration then you might need to brush up a little. A good starting point? Check out the linode library. Work through theirLEMP guides to get comfortable then come back and switch out their nginx (which isn't secure) for the one we'll go through here.

What this doesn’t cover?

  • PHP-FPM debugging. I’m not very good at this. If anyone more experienced would like to write a guide with me on this, I’d be super happy to do this because it’d be really useful for me and anyone else just starting out.
  • Microcaching. I haven’t tried it so the chances of me getting it right without using it are minimal.
  • Boost. Again I haven’t used it, although it’s probably easier to set-up than microcaching.
  • UNIX sockets. Same again, I’ve not used them.

Why Nginx?

There’s a great thread here on Drupal answers which there’s no point re-creating.

Because I had virtually no experience in either, I decided to pick Nginx mainly because it allows you to do more with less and I have a poor mans VPS with low RAM to run my sites.

Let’s Get Started: Installing Nginx


We could use the following command to install it:

sudo apt-get install nginx

But the version in the Ubuntu repository is going to be old (probably 1.1.19) and we want brand new Nginx.

Useful Command: sudo nginx –V

This will show tell you what version of nginx you’re currently running and all the modules that you've installed with it.

So instead let’s use the official repositories. We can use either the stable, or the main-line repository. Either is fine.

Warning: I’ve had problems getting mixed mode SSL set-up, the redirects caused a number of problems. This problem was solved (thanks to some consulting from Perusio) and I know the solution I’ll use works for the mainline version (1.5.7 as of this time).

It may also work for the stable version 1.4.7 but I haven’t tested it.

Instructions for getting the repositories can be found here. I’ve given an example below:

First we add a public key to authenticate the repository, this means we know (and Linux knows) it’s genuine. Download the key from here to your server and then run the following command:

sudo apt-key add nginx_signing.key

Then open:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

And add the following two lines to the bottom:

You can get the codename for your Ubuntu distribution from here.

Then you’ll need to update your distributions and then you can install nginx. Finally you check you’ve got the right version.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nginx
sudo nginx –V

Now going to your IP or servers web address should give an Nginx Welcome page.

If you’ve already got a version of nginx on your server you’ll be asked a bunch of questions about whether or not you want to keep your config files. It doesn’t matter as we’ll be deleting it all anyway.


NGINX maintains an RPM repository where you can get the latest version of NGINX.

Depdending on whether you have RHEL or CentOS, you'll need to add this to /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo:


name=nginx repo


name=nginx repo

Upgrading Nginx

If you’ve already got an old version of nginx, then we’ll simply upgrade by un-installing and installing it.

sudo apt-get remove nginx
sudo apt-get autoremove
(this will remove any packages you’re no longer using not just nginx)

Then follow the same steps above and you’ll get the same questions about whether you’d like to keep your config files.

I want to use an extra module, how can I add it to Nginx?

Unfortunately the only way to add modules is to add them when you build from source. I haven’t tried this so can’t help I’m afraid. There are however instructions here over on Linode.


If you’ve installed an old version of nginx you probably forgot to update your repository. Uninstall it, run the command below and install it again.

sudo apt-get update

If you get warnings about PGP keys when installing, then you probably forgot to add the key:

Download it here – Then run:

sudo apt-key add nginx_signing.key

Installing (downloading) Perusio’s Config

Before we get to some understanding let’s put the config in place. Then we’ll use that to work through and hopefully get a handle on how Nginx, PHP and Drupal can all work happily together.

Perusio’s config is here. Perusio himself has a set of instructions on installing it and that might be enough. If you’re not quite up the task then don’t worry we’ll run through it all here and the next few sections.

Once you’ve followed this guide go back and re-read all of Perusio’s documentation. It’s extensive and really useful.

First rename your current nginx config and remake the directory:

sudo mv /etc/nginx  /etc/nginx_old,
sudo mkdir /etc/nginx

Into that we place the Drupal 7 branch of Perusio’s config. You can use git, or if you’re unsure about that select the Drupal 7 branch at the top of the page, download it as a zip and extract it into the new directory you just made.

If you’ve done it right the following path should exist:


Now we’ve got the config, we now need to set it up for us.

How to think about Nginx Configs

There are a lot of files in Perusio’s config and it’s a little scary. Especially at my skill level (and probably yours if you’re reading this) debugging is very hard, mostly because we have no idea what is going on.

We’re so un-confident in our knowledge of nginx, we don’t know where to turn or what’s broken when it doesn’t work and our attempts to fix it often can make more problems down the line.

Nginx reads one config file we’ll care about.


Everything else comes from this, it will call all the other config files we care about. Nginx might read other files (e.g. koi-win), but for 90% of the time, this file and two other config files which nginx.conf calls are what we'll focus on. If we need to look at one of the other files, one of these three will tell us.

The other two files which nginx.conf calls are:

(feel free to rename) is called by the final line of /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;

And drupal.conf is called from

There are a lot of other config files called by these three files, however we’ll rarely, if ever, touch them, except usually to comment out the line and stop it from being included.

One Config Fits All

This would be lovely, unfortunately it’s not really an option, so what Perusio has done is provided us many options and different versions of files for any possible config we could have.

Remember we downloaded the Drupal 7 branch? Well that’s because he has an entire version of this config for Drupal 6.

So what we’ll do is work through his config and pick the parts that fit our set-up.

In this guide we’ll be installing the standard Drupal 7 version. If you have special characters in your URL’s, like ? or + then you’ll have to use the drupal_escaped versions of all the standard config files I include. You'll see them as we work our way through the config files.

So let’s start at the top of


This is how we’ll do it. We’ll go through the config line by line. I’ll clarify anything I struggled to understand or that is particularly important.

Perusio’s config is very well documented and if there are instructions which apply to you and I don’t mention go ahead and do them. I probably haven’t mentioned them because he explained it fine.

Access_log path
Error_log path

Note these paths. If things go badly, we’ll be visiting these guys. Mostly the error log. We'll define more error logs in They're usually the first stop. But if you can't find any records in there, head to this one.

How could that happen? Perhaps the config in is never hit, in that case this log will tell you why it's being missed. (Perhaps you forgot to symlink sites-enabled for example).

Client_max_body_size 10m;

This sets the maximum upload size. Set as you need. If you have post_max_size in your config (it’s not in Perusio’s by default) then that’ll need to be equal or bigger.

Gzip on;

A lot of gzip related stats. We don’t really need to touch these, but nice to know where they are.

ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:30m;
ssl_session_timeout 1d;

The first part says whether or not SSL session can be cached (it can), and how large that cache should be at maximum (30m). The second part says how long someone should be able to use that cache for.

So if I log on as a user over SSL, I’ll be able to re-use that connection for a day, unless something else shuts it down.

#Map_hash_bucket_size 192;

We usually need to touch this to deal with a particular error when trying to start:

nginx: [emerg]: could not build the map_hash, you should increase map_hash_bucket_size

I’ve solved this error, not by un-commenting the line above but by adding the following line:

variables_hash_max_size 1024;

I think the error is something to do with variable names being too long when hashed and so we increase the maximum size for hashed variables.

upload_progress uploads 1m;

If we want to see upload progress this needs to be un-commented. I’m unsure if the size reserved for tracking uploads has to be as large as the maximum upload.

add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;

This line blocks click-jacking attacks. The top is used if you’re using frames, the bottom if you’re not. Although I don’t have frames, I’ve found using the bottom line blocks my ability to upload files with Drupal, so I’m using the top one.

include upstream_phpcgi_tcp.conf;
include upstream_phpcgi_unix.conf;

Time for an aside.

PHP with Nginx

Nginx doesn’t run PHP itself like Apache does.

It’ll take the visitors and connections coming in, direct them to the right place and then be completely unable to process the PHP Drupal needs to run.

We need something to process that PHP.

That something is PHP-FastCGI, it takes all the PHP requests, captures any inputs, runs the scripts and sends the output back to the server. Wonderful.

On top of that we’ll use PHP-FPM. This is something that sits in front of PHP-FastCGI, splits it into “pools” and decides how to allocate the PHP requests.

We’ll use PHP-FPM because it scales up and down well and because I arbitrarily picked it when I was getting started because I thought I knew what I was doing.

You’ll need to install it:

sudo apt-get install php5-cli php5-cgi php5-fpm

And back to our config:

include upstream_phpcgi_tcp.conf;
#include upstream_phpcgi_unix.conf;

So Nginx has to talk to PHP-FPM (remember they're separate) and to do that it uses sockets, either TCP or UNIX.

We’ll be going with TCP because I managed to get that one working first… although I’m not sure it makes much difference.

So comment out the unix.conf and un-comment the tcp.conf

include php_fpm_status_allowed_hosts.conf;

Un-comment this, it’ll give us a good way to check on PHP-FPM.

include apps/drupal/cron_allowed_hosts.conf;

Perusio’s config is very secure, because it blocks all execution of PHP unless it’s happening from index.php. This means you can’t run cron using drupals inbuilt cron or a crontab.

If you’re using Drush for cron (which is great) then this is no problem, if you’re not un-comment this and in cron_allowed_hosts.conf choose the IP’s you’d like to be able to run cron.

You need the ngx_http_geo_module for this which isn’t installed with the standard install. You’ll need to remove nginx and install nginx-extras with sudo apt-get install nginx-extras unless you compile if from source.

include map_cache.conf;

Because I’m using Varnish rather than micro-caching (see below), I leave this un-commented. I’m not sure if this is necessary though.

include fastcgi_microcache_zone.conf;
include proxy_microcache_zone.conf;

I commented out these lines because I’m not using micro-caching I’m actually using Varnish.

I’m pretty sure microcaching with Nginx is a very similar concept and has similar results. I was already slightly comfortable with Varnish and I didn’t use it because I was already having trouble getting nginx to work.

Hopefully after reading this nginx is working for you however and so I would definitely give it a go, the less pieces you have, the less can go wrong.

Great we’re done with nginx.conf. Time to move on:

Remember as a webserver nginx’s primary job is make sure requests go where they’re supposed to.

To do that it defines blocks of certain levels. So pretty much everything goes through the HTTP block.

The Server block is then slightly more specific, only effecting certain addresses (usually a website). It doesn’t as the name might imply effect the whole server, you could have multiple server blocks (for multiple websites) on a single server. The location blocks, only effect a certain location in a website.

There’s an excellent post on the basic workings of nginx I’d recommend reading now: Understanding the nginx configuration inheritance model.

Up until now we’ve been working inside an HTTP block (go take a look) so dealing with pretty much every request our server gets. Now we’re going to define some server blocks, i.e. our website.

We'll start at the top:

Return (no rewrite) server block.
      server {

We’ll come back to this. Skip the whole server chunk for the moment.

server {
        Listen 80;
        listen [fe80::202:b3ff:fe1e:8330]:80 ipv6only=on;

This is the port that this server block will listen on. If your server supports IPv6 then fill in the IPv6 line otherwise leave it out.

server name;

This defines a web address for this server. So a request through port 80 to address will come into this server block.

access_log path
error_log path

Note these paths. When things go wrong we’ll be coming back to these. These are the more specific log files I mentioned earlier.

root /var/www/mysite
index index.php

This is probably the most important. Root is the location of the root of your drupal website.
Index is the first file to run. For Drupal it’ll always be index.php.

include apps/drupal/drupal.conf;

This is the inclusion of the last important config file we’ll examine.

include apps/drupal/drupal_cron_update.conf;

If you use update.php externally (i.e. you go to the address in the browser bar rather than using drush, then uncomment this). Perusio's config blocks pretty much all php execution which isn't through index.php.

include apps/drupal/drupal_install.conf;

If you’re going to install Drupal onto this server (i.e. not migrate it) then you’ll need to un-comment this.

include php_fpm_status_vhost.conf;

We’re using php-fpm so let’s uncomment this so we can get some more diagnostic information on it later.

Return (no rewrite) server block.
server {

Again skip this whole server chunk for the moment. We’ll come back to it.

Server {
        #listen 443 ssl
        listen 443 ssl spdy;

So we set up port 80. But if you want HTTPS you’re going to need to define a port for it and that means creating a whole new server block. That’s what we’re doing here.

We’re also enabling spdy, Googles protocol for speeding up HTTPS. This module comes bundled with later versions of Nginx we’ve installed.

ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/…
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/…

Fairly self-explanatory. Here we put the paths for our ssl certificate and key. Nginx will tell us if we have these wrong.

Everything else is identical to the other server block.

Return (no rewrite) server block

These blocks are for re-directing sub-domains to the correct address. The two crucial lines are:

server name

Here we’re taking all requests to and re-directing them to, because www is a subdomain. Having both will create duplicate content, which Google is not a fan of.

Return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;

This is the line that does the re-directs. 301 is the re-direct code and then we’re providing the correct URL.

$request_uri means that if we go to we’ll be redirected to not just

I’ve had problems getting these blocks to work on local sites i.e. my virtual box. I think this is because I’m forced to put an IP address in the above line and this creates a re-direct loop. But it works great on my actual site. So if you’re on a local server comment these two blocks out.


Time for the last large config file:

location / {

This block will catch everything hitting the server block, although it’s directives will be run after the server blocks ones. If you scroll down to the end of this block you’ll spot two lines:

location ~* ^(?:.+.(?:htaccess|make|txt|engine|inc|info|install|module|profile|po|pot|sh|.sql|test|theme|tpl(?:.php)?|xtmpl)||/Entries.|/Repository|/Root|/Tag|/Template)$
        return 404;


try_files $uri @drupal;

The first replicates the standard Drupal .htaccess file (we don’t need it).

The second is what allows Drupal to use clean urls.

I’m not quite sure why, here’s my guess: all URL’s hit this directive. I’m presuming they find nothing if you have clean URL’s enabled and in that case the URI is passed to @drupal and that doesn’t contain the “?q=” which then returns a file.

Anyway back to the top of the location / { block.

Location ^~ /private {

This section says that any folder named private, will only be accessible by the server. I.e. it’s what we use to define our private files folder in Drupal.

Location ^~ /sites/default/files/advagg_css/ {
location ^~ /sites/default/files/advagg_js/ {

I mention these two blocks because they caused me a lot of pain. These location blocks are to integrate with the AdvAgg module. You’ll need to change them I think if you’re running AdvAgg 7.x 2.2 or later (if it hasn’t been updated in Perusio’s config yet) to the following:

location ^~ /sites/default/files/advagg_css/ {
        expires max;
        add_header ETag '';
        add_header Last-Modified 'Wed, 20 Jan 1988 04:20:42 GMT';
        add_header Accept-Ranges '';
        location ~* /sites/default/files/advagg_css/css[[:alnum:]]+.css$ {
            access_log off;   
            try_files $uri @drupal;

location ^~ /sites/default/files/advagg_js/ {
        expires max;         
        add_header ETag '';
        add_header Accept-Ranges '';
        location ~* /sites/default/files/advagg_js/js[
[:alnum:]]+.js$ {
            access_log off;
             try_files $uri @drupal;

We’re changing the regex for selecting the files and moving the headers so they apply to everything.

The next few chunks cover various audio streaming options. I haven’t used them so I can’t comment. I commented them all out except for powerpoint and pdf’s.

I also commented out the advanced help module support because I’m not using it.

include apps/drupal/admin_basic_auth.conf;

If you want to add an extra layer of protection un-commented this line will enable basic authorisation for the admin URL using .htpasswd-users file in /etc/nginx.

Something you may have spotted in this config is the lack of a block which looks like:

location ~ .php$ {
       include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
       fastcgi_index index.php;
       fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /srv/www/$fastcgi_script_name;

This chunk has security exploits (see this thread), and the section labelled security it what allows us to run PHP and avoid the securite flaws:

location @drupal {
    include apps/drupal/fastcgi_drupal.conf;
    fastcgi_pass phpcgi;

It means that the location @drupal (if you remember we pass all requests through here with the try_files directive above), has permission to execute PHP. But it limits it only to requests passing through index.php.

If you’re using any of the modules or options it describes you’ll need to un-comment various files.

And that’s pretty much the end of the three most important config files we need to touch.

Now the sharp eyed amongst you (or anyone who used nginx before) might notice we’ve only changed /etc/nginx/sites-available/

And nginx.conf calls from the path:

include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;

So we need to create sites-enabled and symlink our config from sites-available.

sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
sn –s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

Excellent so we’re done?

Nope. PHP-FPM has not yet been set-up so that’s our next task:


Again Perusio has a default config for this so we’ll do the following:

sudo mv /etc/php5/fpm /etc/php5/fpm_old

We’ll then copy in Perusio’s default config for FPM.

Then we need to create the sym-link so PHP pulls in all the various config files:

sudo ln –s /etc/php5/conf.d /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d

Unfortunately my understanding of PHP-FPM is not great, so this section is going to be little light on explanations or debugging skill.

Basically what we’ve done, is we’ve said to PHP-FPM, we’re going to define three pools that you can send PHP requests from Drupal to.

When a request arrives a child is spawned which deals with it (like some sort of miniature slave labour camp). When the process is finished the child stays alive and is ready to take another request.

Php-fpm.conf defines some basic rules for your pools, the most important thing to note is:

error_log = /var/log/php5-fpm.log

There’s a high chance we’ll be needing this log.

It includes the pool config files with the following command:


php.ini is the rules that PHP-FPM will run php with. (I.e. it’s not the rules effecting the pools but the rules effecting the actual php code itself. The pool configs are extra rules atop that.)

We then need to configure our pools. By default 0 and 1 are normal. 2 is a backup.

So let’s open /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www0.conf and look at the important parts:

listen =

Remember the whole TCP UNIX thing? Well this is defining a TCP socket to listen on.

user = www-data
group = www-data

This sets which user and group will run the PHP processes.

The next set of options are the most important ones and the ones which will cause PHP-FPM to fail or not. When I say fail, it don’t mean all the time. It’s unlikely to break completely. But you might start getting 502’s or other weird errors.

pm.max_children = 6
pm.start_servers = 3
pm.min_spare_servers = 3
pm.max_requests = 500
(and a bit further down)
request_terminate_timeout = 120s

Unfortunately getting these numbers right depends completely on your own environment. On Perusio’s page he has an estimation on how you should set them up but the best way to get this right is using the debug logs to sort out your problems and tune them.

Another unfortunately. I’m not really sure how to do this. I would love to know, I would love to write a guide about it, please message or comment if you do and lets put something together for the community.

Finally we need to start our PHP in the correct place, i.e. our Drupal root:

chdir = /srv/www/mysite

Two important other lines I left out were:

request_slowlog_timeout = 5s
slowlog = /var/log/$pool.log.slow

Again really useful for debugging. The first decides how long a PHP process has to run to be logged and backtraced. The second is the location of this log.

We’ll need to do this config for each pool, and note that the TCP port will be different each time (9001, 9002, 9003). This is how nginx sends the processes to different pools.

Now we set-up our main nginx config files. But we also need to delve into one or two more to get PHP working:

Open up /etc/nginx/upstream_phpcgi_tcp.conf.

Nginx 1.5.7 doesn’t have fair load balancing so instead we’ll use least_conn:


Then we can note that our two php streams are named phpcgi and phpcgi_backup.

Open up /etc/nginx/php_fpm_status_vhost.conf.

In order to get the config to work I had to change

fastcgi_pass www0 to fastcgi_pass phpcgi, comment out the chunks involving www1 and change phpcgi to phpcgi_backup in the final chunk.

I.e. we’re naming our upstreams as opposed to the pools.

I’m not sure if I’ve done this correctly, but if you’re running into errors in php_fpm_status_vhost.conf then this is what it is.

Now we can test our config using:

sudo nginx –t
sudo php5-fpm -t

And hopefully we get no errors. We can then restart and head to our webpage. Congratulations you’ve successfully got nginx up and running! Hopefully quickly as well. If you have errors then head to the debugging section:


I’ve run into loads of errors trying to set-up Nginx. So many errors. I’ll list them and the various things I’ve found caused them, they’re in no particular order:

Remember after changing a lot of these you’ll need to restart nginx and or php-fpm:

sudo service nginx restart
sudo service php5-fpm restart

Fatal error: Class 'PDO' not found in ...includes/database/ on line 184


GD and PDO missing when you try to install Drupal, even though you’ve installed them.

It usually means you’ve created the /etc/php5/fpm folder but have forgotten to create the symlink to include all the other php config files that php needs.

Head to etc/php5/fpm then create it:

sudo ln –s ../conf.d conf.d

Images Broken

Can you only see small crosses where your pictures should be even though you’re website is running?

I got this error because my PHP FastCGI was misconfigured.

Open /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params and make sure the SCRIPT_FILENAME line looks like below:

fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

Then go to your PHP pools,/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www0.conf (or 1, 2 etc.)

And check

  • You’ve commented out the line beginning chroot
  • Your chdir line is set to your drupal root.

File Downloads Blocked

I got this because of the following lines in my config:

#add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
## For sites not using frames uncomment the line below.
add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;

Comment out DENY and uncomment SAMEORIGIN.

add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
## For sites not using frames uncomment the line below.
#add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;

I’m not entirely satisfied with this, because I didn’t think Drupal uploads used frames so it shouldn’t affect anything. But perhaps the upload window counts a frame? Could it be something to do with the headers varnish adds? I’m not really sure.

[emerg]: could not build the map_hash, you should increase map_hash_bucket_size

Add the following line to your nginx.conf file. To keep it neat put it near the other hash line which is commented out. I talk about this earlier.

variables_hash_max_size 1024;

nginx: [emerg] no port in upstream "www0" in etc/nginx/php_fpm_status_vhost.conf:16

I got this error because I’d not changed the www0 , www1 and phpcgi in /etc/nginx/php_fpm_status_vhost.conf.

What I had:

location = /fpm-status {
    if ($dont_show_fpm_status) {
        return 404;
    fastcgi_pass www0;

What I should’ve had:
location = /fpm-status {
    if ($dont_show_fpm_status) {
        return 404;
    fastcgi_pass phpcgi;

I also commented out the chunks with www1 in and changed phpcgi to phpcgi_backup. So the fastcgi_pass #values# corresponded with the upstreams defined in: /etc/nginx/upstream_phpcgi_tcp.conf.

File not found

Not a 404 error. But file not found in small words in the top left of the browser. This error means that PHP FastCGI is running correctly but it’s paths are wrong.

I managed this because I’d set the chroot in my php pool and PHP FastCGI was navigating to the root, once nginx had already sent it to the root,. This mean the full path to my page that php was searching for looked something like : /var/www/mysite/var/www/mysite/mypage.

Looking into your nginx and PHP logs, you should be able to find some evidence of this.

Run through the section on setting up PHP-FPM above, make sure you’ve got all the variables set as I go through.


Since trying to re-create my dev environment on a new server I ran into a new cause of this error:

If you're migrating a drupal installation then something in settings.php may break this. I'm not entirely sure what though. Re-creating settings.php solved this problem for me.

Re-direct loops

Two possible causes:

  • You’ve left the server re-write blocks enabled on a localhost environment like a Virtual Box.

Head to your vhost config, /etc/nginx/sites-available/ and comment out the two small server blocks that appear above each of the main ones for HTTP and HTTPS.

Each is labelled: ## Return (no rewrite) server block.

  • You’re using mixed mode SSL and secure pages.

Remember the mixed mode SSL problems I mentioned above?

Nginx Mixed Mode SSL

Here’s the solution to getting mixed mode SSL working. (Courtesy of Perusio). Create a new file in your nginx config:

sudo nano /etc/nginx/map_auth_ssl.conf

Paste in the following:

# -- mode: nginx; mode: flyspell-prog; mode: autopair; ispell-local-dictionary: "american" --

### Map directives for SSL redirect of authenticated users.
map $scheme$http_cookie $is_secure {
    default 0;
    ~^http.SESS 1;

Then save it, head to

/etc/nginx/nginx.conf<code> and add  a new line in the http block:

include map_auth_ssl.conf;

It should now be fixed.

404 file not found

Perusio’s config is a very secure config. It is very secure because it doesn’t let you do pretty much anything.

Odds are you’ve tried to do something it doesn’t want you to do e.g. run cron externally, run update.php etc.

The solution to most of this is to learn to do the task with drush. It’s almost certainly going to be quicker and you’ll feel all impressive for doing things the Drupal way.

Nginx Welcome Screen instead of your website

Two possible causes:

  • You’ve forgotten to add a symlink to sites-enabled, or the symlink you’ve added is broken.

Delete the broken one (if you have one) then run:

sudo ln -s  /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/



  • You’ve commented out badly in the
    sites-available/</conf> file. Perhaps you left an empty server block  when you tried to comment out the rewrite server block. (I managed this…)</li></ul>

    Fix that terrible commenting  and feel bad.

    <strong>Weird behaviour where identical actions work sometimes and fail other times?</strong>

    It’s possible you’ve accidentally configured your php pools differently. Head to  <code>/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d
    and check they’re configured identically.
  • Nginx 502 Server Not Found

    Bleh. This is my least favourite error, because it’s probably a PHP-FPM problem. If you refresh the page it should go away? Does it? Then it’s probably PHP-FPM.

    First check the logs. The php-fpm log is kept in /var/log/php5-fpm.log by default.

    For example: I’m getting a lot of errors like this at the moment which are causing the 502:

    [10-Dec-2013 00:39:07] WARNING: [pool www1] child 4884, script '/srv/www/mysite/public/index.php' (request: "GET /index.php") execution timed out (480.785400 sec), terminating
    [10-Dec-2013 00:39:07] WARNING: [pool www1] child 4884 exited on signal 15 (SIGTERM) after 2292.335370 seconds from start

    You can find more information by checking /var/log/pool name.log.slow.This is the log I mentioned earlier which will backtrace anything over a certain length.

    I’m still getting these errors so I’m probably not the best person to go to for help with this, but here is a little of what I have managed.

    Possible Solutions

    Upping pm.max_children in the pool config files has helped a little (bumped 6 to 20), but I’m still getting them.

    Upping request_terminate_timeout also in the pool config, increases how long php scripts can run for before the execution times out. As far as I can tell having this filled in overrides the max_execution_time value in /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini.

    Unfortunately for me increasing the request_terminate_timeout, just means the processes run for longer and then get killed. But that might help.

    I also get logs like this:

    [06-Dec-2013 17:47:21] WARNING: [pool www1] child 1161, script '/srv/www/eslsearch.net2/public/index.php' (request: "GET /index.php") execution timed out (16599.545486 sec), terminating
    [06-Dec-2013 17:47:21] WARNING: [pool www1] child 1161 exited on signal 15 (SIGTERM) after 19679.733372 seconds from start

    Which makes no sense, as my termination time is 400 seconds and 16599 seconds is four hours. No answers from me yet. But maybe that helped a little.

    There are a lot of other errors nginx can throw, however most of them have messages which should make it immediately explanatory what has gone wrong. E.g. Your SSL keys aren’t working, or you’re missing a bracket etc.

    But either way that’s pretty much it. Hopefully this has helped you get up and running with nginx and have a better idea of what everything is doing. Any questions or corrections throw them below.

    As I mentioned at the top. I’m having problems with PHP-FPM, I also don’t really understand it (so I have problems, go figure). I’d love to write a guide about how to go about debugging PHP-FPM, what sort of problems are common, what process you should use to debug it etc. (teach a man to fish and he won’t fill up the nginx group with trouble shooting).

    So if you’ve got experience in this contact me or leave a comment, it’d be great to write up a resource for people just starting.


    This is super helpful. I keep

    Ony's picture

    This is super helpful. I keep trying to use Perusio's config but it's so hit or miss for me because of all the errors, will follow your guide, see how it goes.

    Great guide! Have you ever

    filmoreha's picture

    Great guide! Have you ever experienced a 502 error that says "upstream sent unexpected FastCGI record: 3 while reading response header from upstream" ???

    I get this a lot and the error shows up in vhost error log, not in php error logs.

    What do you thinK?

    Great Guide but I still lost

    darol100's picture

    I was able to install Nginx without the Perusio’s Nginx config. And I will like to have the Perusio's Nginx config.

    Anyone have a video tutorial or a video traning on how to do the Perusio's config?

    Kristina Katalinic's picture

    anyone here figured out how to get rid of
    nginx: [emerg] unknown "not_allowed_cron" variable

    it happens after I uncomment:

    ### Configuration for updating the site via update.php and running
    ### cron externally. If you don't use drush for running cron use
    ### the configuration below.
    include apps/drupal/drupal_cron_update.conf;

    apparently if this line is not commented out modules can only be installed via drush. funny enough I can run updates just fine so the comments on this directive make no sense to me at all.

    Drupal web developer and Search Engine Optimisation consultant at Webmar Design & Development Brisbane, Australia

    Kristina Katalinic's picture

    anyone here figured out how to get rid of
    nginx: [emerg] unknown "not_allowed_cron" variable

    it happens after I uncomment:

    ### Configuration for updating the site via update.php and running
    ### cron externally. If you don't use drush for running cron use
    ### the configuration below.
    include apps/drupal/drupal_cron_update.conf;

    apparently if this line is not commented out modules can only be installed via drush. funny enough I can run updates just fine so the comments on this directive make no sense to me at all.

    Drupal web developer and Search Engine Optimisation consultant at Webmar Design & Development Brisbane, Australia

    You have to uncomment too the

    flocondetoile's picture

    You have to uncomment too the line (in nginx.conf)

    ## If you want to run cron using Drupal cron.php. i.e., you're not
    ## using drush then uncomment the line below. Specify in
    ## cron_allowed_hosts.conf which hosts can invole cron.
    include cron_allowed_hosts.conf;

    Which provide this variable.
    And set the IPs allowed to run the cron.php

    Thanks so much for such a

    Kristina Katalinic's picture

    Thanks so much for such a quick response but I am a total newbie to this configuration

    What i have in that file right now is:

    Configuration file for specifying which hosts can invoke Drupal's

    cron. This only applies if you're not using drush to run cron.

    geo $not_allowed_cron {
    default 1;
    ## Add your set of hosts. 0; # allow the localhost 0; # allow on an internal network

    Can you please post an example of how it should look to run cron? Thanks

    Drupal web developer and Search Engine Optimisation consultant at Webmar Design & Development Brisbane, Australia

    For example if you want to

    flocondetoile's picture

    For example if you want to run the cron.php from a server with an IP your file look like this

    geo $not_allowed_cron {
    default 1;
    ## Add your set of hosts. 0; # allow server XYZ

    And then you can configure the crontab on the server to run the cron.php periodically.

    That worked :) Thank You

    Kristina Katalinic's picture

    That worked :) Thank You @flocondetoile

    Drupal web developer and Search Engine Optimisation consultant at Webmar Design & Development Brisbane, Australia

    roni5's picture

    Hi I'm using the openresty source, and was using basically perusio conf , but without include apps/drupal/drupal.conf; enabled and was using location @rewrite's instead. When I use drupal.conf (@drupal) , I can not access my twilio php file which is just a bit of html, js, php api to twilio. It sits in a directory /var/www/mysite/twilio/hello-monkey.php ... everything else works G8 , until I try to access the hello-monekey.php I get a 404 I put this file in another site same conf but without the include apps/drupal/drupal.conf; and by changing chmod 755 can see hello-monkey.php in another directory (site) made the library path absolute, still no joy ?
    The only other thing I have done is install Memcache and drupal module. I'm actually getting a xml message from my database saying leave a message. I also tried to disable the last section pps/drupal/drupal.conf; to allow php access . that just let me download the file so I put it back.

    Any ideas , would be most appreciated .

    For extra security

    mesch's picture

    For extra security drupal.conf excludes all php files but index.php. See line 343 here:

    You can try adding a new location block that matches the url exactly, either in your vhost configuration or drupal.conf (if you're serving only the one site):

    location = /twilio/hello-monkey.php {
        [pass to whatever is handling php]