Afegir nous administradors

We encourage users to post events happening in the community to the community events group on
ckrina's picture

Des de (Comunitat Catalana del Drupal) ens agradaria poder ajudar a administrar aquest grup per poder promocionar la resta d’activitats que es fan tant a nivell català com barceloní. Estem veient que a Barcelona passen moltes coses dins del món Drupal (moltes d'elles les organitzem nosaltres entre d'altres) i creiem que aquest grup ara mateix no reflexa aquesta realitat en la seva descripció.
Seria possible afegir algun altre usuari com a administrador?

From (Catalan Drupal community) we would like to help managing this group to promote other activities in a Catalan and Barcelona level. There are many things happening in Barcelona in the Drupal world and we believe that now this group does not reflect this reality in its description.
Would it be possible to add another user as administrator?


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