cck nodereference

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Nothing4ever's picture

Hỏi về widget settings module nodereference

Chảo cả nhà, mình có một vấn đề như thế này, cả nhà xem ai đụng phải thì bảo mình phát nhé

Mình tạo một CCK là author kiểu là nodereference trong phần Story, setting cho nó :Autocomplete matching: Starts with.
Save ok, chạy ngon.

Trong kiểu Media mình add Existing field và chọn cái field author bên kiểu Story, setting Autocomplete matching: Constrain.
Save ok, load lại vẫn nhận Constrain.

Nhưng khi tạo node trong phần Media thì cái field lại nhận Starts with chứ không phải là Constrain, mình đổi lại trong Story là Constrain và Media là Starts with nó lại nhận Constrain

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tgriswold's picture

Help with a Node Reference problem

I have been working on a problem that has me stumped. Let me give you the structure so you can understand what I am trying to do. I am talking about a-thons, so once an a-thon is created an individual must “join” that a-thon in order to participate. I do that with a Node Reference link on the a-thon page. Clicking on the “Join this a-thon” link creates a “join” record which is linked to a-thon and to the participant as the author. No problem here, that is working fine.

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garthurk's picture

Ayuda: Recargar Nodo, Node Reference

Hola saludos a la comunidad Drupal
estoy desarrollando un sitio en drupal y el usuario final a pedido como requisito q cuando se haga clic a un menú este cargue el contenido en la misma pagina sin recargar el sitio, q puedo hacer en este caso?, técnicamente el sitio anterior estaba hecho en base de frames y el usuario nunca salia del sitio, como lo hago en drupal??, hay un método para cargar un nodo y mostrarlo en content sin actualizar la pagina?

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HnLn's picture

displays all childs of a noderference parent parent child relation, is it possible with relationships ?

Hi there,

I have a set-up of a parent parent child relation where each item is a different content type: parent content type A, child content type B has a nodereference link to content type A, child content type C has a nodereference link to content type B.


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Is it possible to display all content type C children of content type A using relationships ?

I created a custom argument handler for now, but want to know if I can do this from the views UI.



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sjf's picture

Copy taxonomy terms from nodes to CCK-nodereferenced node.

With Rules, is it possible to copy taxonomy terms from nodes X, Y and Z to node N? Nodes X, Y and Z would contain a CCK nodereference field to reference node N.

Read more's picture

CCK Node Reference w/ 2 nodes


I have a problem where I have 2 node types, "Our Products" and "Competitors Products" which share a node reference with both content types selected on the reference. Currently I'm trying to get a view to work for displaying the the other types when adding or editing a specific node.

For example I have a node Titled "Our Product 1" I want to have a checkbox list with all "Competitors Products" on the add/edit action so I can choose which product is most identical to ours and the same for "Competitors Products" with a list of our products to reference.

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asanchez75's picture

Modificar vista de nodereference por default

Tengo una consulta. Necesito cambiar el link que por defecto me genera el nodereference en la vista de texto completo de un nodo. Siempre me muestra el node title del nodo enlazado.
Alguien tiene una idea de cómo hacerlo?

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