Web site development : サイト製作 : starting at the top section : メニューから:

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xbro's picture

This is a brainstorm thread where we can express our ideas on how to start with regards to the TDUG site.
Usually I go about designing a site starting at the main menus. And figuring out what layouts to use.

I will start with the top section of the home page to be specific. Does anyone disagree with the layout of top section of http://acquia.com and http://runningschoolq.jp home page? Let me know if you feel I came out from no where.

If you agree with the top section layout noted above, there will be a logo on the left, a secondary menu on the top right, and the main menu below the secondary menu, and a button or search box on furthest top right.

Next, what should be in the secondary menu, and main menu? Should the site be 100% width? (I think most Japanese sites are like 80% width)

If you have anything else to say please mention.






Hi! May I suggest planning

frognation's picture

Hi! May I suggest planning exactly what the content of the site will be before deciding the layout? It may help for more informed decisions on the design :) Of course Acquia's style of navigation is much more flexible to change than Running School's.

I noticed there was some discussion on what should be on the site in this comment in another thread: http://groups.drupal.org/node/153139#comment-515629

I'm not 100% sure what the goal of the website will be but I think it would be prudent to focus on one thing that we can release quickly and we can iterate and add off that :).

Masa Nishio's picture

1. Names

First of all, thanks Scott, for your efforts regarding domain registration and also for spending so much time for writing/translating! :) Yes, the information on copyright is very important, and we'd better keep it in mind.

As to the group name and the domain name we'd better decide the former first and then the latter. I guess, however, that at least those who had decided the name initially should be involved in the discussion.

As soon as the names are decided we'd be able to begin designing the logo and choosing the basic color for the website.

2. Workflow

As Scott has said (http://groups.drupal.org/node/153139#comment-515714), we'd need to talk about site specification. It would be great for me, too, if professionals among us could "let us in" on how they usually get a site designed and developed.;) I also agree frognation (http://groups.drupal.org/node/154939#comment-517529) to plan what the content of the site will be before deciding the layout.

Maybe creating a spec list for the site and a rough schedule (priority list of tasks) would be a good idea to reach/keep a certain consensus? It's a matter of not only building a website, but also of creating contents, organizing and of working together. Concerning this, it would be great, too, if those pros among us who work in larger teams could tell us a little bit how their workflows usually would be organized.

3. Contents

I agree with filmoreha (http://groups.drupal.org/node/153139#comment-515629) that we should prioritize what we can get out in the short term. In order to decide the genres/categories of "the startup contents" we'd need to listen to more voices. We also need to discuss who writes what, since without content we'd end up with a skeleton site. 8)

As for me, for example, I wouldn't blog, but I'd be ready to write or to put together an online booklet like "Getting started with Drupal" (using the Book module and maybe as a PDF as well). It could, also only as an example, contain information just as much as necessary to build a basic website, maybe on a local machine. The point, I think, is not to stuff with knowledge as much as possible, but not to put in unnecessary information.

I said (http://groups.drupal.org/node/153139#comment-515314) there are already enough pieces of information on Drupal in English on the Web. But of course I didn't mean it to discourage English speakers among us at all. On the contrary. We need to show people our presence on the Web and say "Look, we have a good community in Japan as well! We work together and help each other. So why not join us!" Besides that, English contents surely would dramatically increase access from abroad, which automatically would mean more inquiries and business chances than if we had only Japanese contents. So, English contents are vital. :)

Have a nice Sunday!

1. 名前



名前が両方とも決まり次第、ロゴをデザインしたり、Web サイトの基調カラーを選んだりといった作業も始められるでしょう。

2. ワークフロー

藤川さんのおっしゃった (http://groups.drupal.org/node/153139#comment-515714) ようにサイトの仕様について話し合う必要があると思います。また同じく、グループ内のプロのみなさんがサイトのデザインや開発をふだんはどういう手順で進めていらっしゃるのか、こっそり(?)教えていただけたら幸いです(^-^;)。また frognation さんのおっしゃる (http://groups.drupal.org/node/154939#comment-517529) ように、まずコンテンツのプランを立ててからレイアウトを決めるのがいいと思います。

一定の合意に達する/合意を保つためにサイトのスペック リストとラフなスケジュール(やるべきことを優先順に並べたリスト)を作るというのはどうでしょうか?Web サイトを構築するだけでなく、コンテンツを作ること、オーガナイズすること、共同で作業をすることがポイントなので。この点も、大きめのチームで働くプロの皆さんがふだん、どういう風にワークフローをオーガナイズされているのか少しでも伺えたら幸いです。

3. コンテンツ

filmoreha さんのおっしゃる (http://groups.drupal.org/node/153139#comment-515629) ように、短期間でまとめられるものを優先するという方針に賛成です。「始動コンテンツ」のジャンル/カテゴリーを決めるには、もっとほかのみなさんのご意見も伺う必要があるでしょう。誰が何を書くかについても話し合う必要があります。コンテンツがなかったらガイコツ サイトだけで終わっちゃいますからね(oo)。

たとえば、わたしの場合、ブログはやらないと思いますが、「Drupal を始めてみよう」といったようなオンライン冊子を作るなりまとめるなりすることはできます(Book モジュールを使用。PDF を作るのもいいかも)。その冊子には、これも単なる例ですが、ローカル マシン上にでもいいので、基本的な Web サイトを作るのに必要なだけの情報をまとめておけばいいでしょう。ポイントは、できるだけ多くの知識を詰め込むことではなく、不必要な情報を入れないことだと思います。

英語では Drupal に関してすでに Web 上に十分な情報があると以前の記事 (http://groups.drupal.org/node/153139#comment-515314) に書きましたが、もちろん、英語を話す皆さんのやる気をそぐつもりは全くありません。むしろ逆です。Web 上でわたしたちの存在を示し、「ほら、日本にもいいコミュニティーがあるんです!一緒に活動したり助け合ったりしているんです。だから、あなたも入りませんか?」と言う必要があります。また、英語のコンテンツがあるのとないのとでは海外からのアクセス数が大きく変わるでしょう。日本語コンテンツだけの場合より、おのずから問い合わせやビジネス チャンスも増えることになります。そういうわけで、英語のコンテンツは欠かせません(^-^)。


xbro's picture

I was suggesting maybe we could start at identifying what's gonna be at the main menu (and maybe secondary menu), assuming that would pretty much define the content. The menu's as development progresses, new ideas etc.. is subject to change even during development, but I believe it's a good place to start (I usually identify the footer links together as well). I view it as something like a "table of contents" of a site.

The layout and colors of a site, the only reason I included that was because it gives people their first impression of the site. I agree that is a process after the contents have been identified, but I sure want the site to look like a neat Japanese site.

I will continue on with brainstorming to come up with main menu, secondary menu and footer link lists. And agree we should figure out what content to publish.




xbro's picture


I thought discussing what features and Drupal modules to add to the site would definitely be part of identifying a Drupal site content. So I'll start this thread so that we can discuss what features and Drupal modules we think might be cool to have. Eventually I'm assuming a module list would be constructed at a wiki.


Okay, so it clearly slipped

Garrett Albright's picture

Okay, so it clearly slipped my mind over the weekend to set up the server for you guys. Ack, sorry. I put in some work on it tonight, but it's still not quite ready. The user permissions on the server are going to be a little tricky due to how things are configured…

Anyway, the IP address for my server is (doesn't support IPv6 yet), so go ahead and point the domain name over there. Until then, a bare-bones site is accessible at http://tokyo.raygunrobot.com/ . If everyone who is going to be accessing the server via SSH could send me their public keys, please?

Sorry for the delay. I'll try to finish up tomorrow.

Thanks, Garrett.

xbro's picture

Thanks for the update Garrett!

I'll point the domain to IP when I find time. In the mean time, I suggest those who are interested send their SSH public keys to Garrett.

Thanks again, look forward to hearing from you again soon.


TokyoDrupal.org domain is on !!!!!!!!!!!

xbro's picture

The TokyoDrupal.org domain is pointing to Garrett's server!!!
It took a bit of time since I domain registered but my hands were a little full.

TokyoDrupal.orgのドメイン設定が完了し、Garrett君のサーバIPに設定されました!!! 登録から少々時間が掛かりましたが忙しかったのでご了承下さい。

Frognation, Filmore if you guys are interested in root access, now might be the time to send Garrett your public keys.

As far as the basic design of the site goes, I'm still very unsure. If it was all up to me, though I can't do much in Drupal but I'm sure I would come up with a basic design in no time though. One question I have is will video be part of the site or not? probably not for now but maybe in the near future.


One thing I am sure is that the site will be about Drupal promotion, community building and training. So at this point I'm thinking about starting off with 3 sections and see how it goes.


Another thing I'm thinking is creating some main roles for the site, which we can volunteer on, such as a promotion director, community development director, training director, technical director etc.. And we can each work towards these goals while decision making and communications are interlaced. If this happens, I'd be happy to volunteer for promotion (marketing) director.


Please send us your feedbacks if you have anything to add to these discussions.

Best regards,
