Directories in CVS that get NO LOVE

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greggles's picture

Here are some directories in CVS that do not get any love and by love I mean downloads.

It could be for lots of reasons why they are not downloaded, but the bottom line is that they are not popular and could be considered for removal from CVS and/or project pages. These are only the directories in contributions for modules/, themes/ theme-engines/ and translations/

EDIT: This is a post in Drupal for Evil, so it's a little on the negative slant as tongue-in-cheek, but the point is that these modules:

  1. Might be great and need more advertising
  2. Might be in need of adoption by a new maintainer
  3. Might be ready to get trashed

This is one measure of the quality/importance of the module. We have imperfect measures of quality, so we have to use things like Downloads as a proxy for the importance among a basket of other measures. Nobody is going to go out tomorrow and use this list to do an rm -rf on these puppies, so don't freak out if your favorite module that is TEH ROXXXORRZ is on this list, ok?

action Module
actionfeed Module
active_profiles Module
admnotify Module
affiliate Module
agents Module
aggregator_node Module
akismet Module
alternadmin Module
alternc_mail_auth Module
amazon_items Module
annotation Module
announcement Module
anyfilter Module
apacheauth Module
artist Module
asciimath Module
asterisk_dialer Module
at Module
attached_file Module
attached_image Module
auction Module
audio_tab Module
authentication Module
authorise Module
automail Module
automember Module
autopath Module
autosave Module
base_path_filter Module
basepathfilter Module
betterdate Module
betterupload Module
birthday Module
block_tags Module
blogclient Module
bloggerauth Module
boost Module
bot Module
bugbits Module
bunchsubmit Module
calculator Module
catalog Module
citizenspeak Module
collimator Module
comment_author Module
comment_subject Module
compose_tips Module
contact Module
contact_dir Module
convert Module
coolfilter Module
copyright Module
csvfilter Module
current_page_filter Module
customvote Module
daylight_reminder Module
debate Module
deleted Module
dict Module
direct_leap Module
distantparent Module
dkosfilter Module
donations Module
dontshout Module
download_counter Module
draft Module
drafts Module
eatlocal Module
ec_live_subproducts Module
edit_template Module
editasnew Module
ejournal_shortly Module
email_list Module
emailfilter Module
encrypted_text Module
endorsements Module
epublication Module
evaluation Module
eventfinder_filter Module
export Module
externalpage Module
faqsuggest Module
fasttoggle Module
favorites Module
feedbuttons Module
figlet Module
filestore Module
filesystem Module
filesystem-4-7 Module
fileutils Module
filtercache Module
firefox_counter Module
fixentities Module
fontsize Module
fotonotes Module
friendlist Module
gdata Module
gdtext Module
gk_tracker Module
google_earth Module
group_listing Module
guestpass Module
helpedit Module
highlight Module
history Module
homesite Module
hotlist Module
howto Module
httpauth Module
identity_hash Module
image_context Module
image_tab Module
image_thread Module
image_url_filter Module
imagenotes Module
imgfilter Module
import Module
import_typepad Module
importfiles Module
importpage Module
input_format_restrictions Module
inset_paragraph Module
interview Module
jsnippets Module
lanparty Module
latex Module
letters Module
lightbox Module
lightboxV2 Module
linkattach Module
localegettext Module
macrotags Module
mapthing Module
massdelete Module
Metrics Module
microfiction Module
mime_registry Module
moduleweight Module
monument Module
mt_import Module
mysql_auth Module
naggregator Module
nat Module
nav_table Module
navigation Module
navtable Module
netnews Module
node_aggregator Module
node_footnotes Module
node_type_list Module
notevote Module
ntlm Module
og_minutes Module
og_store Module
onthisday Module
opml_import Module
optimize Module
optin Module
opusfilter Module
org_informations Module
over_text Module
path Module
path_image Module
payment_ach Module
peoplesemailnetwork Module
picture Module
planet Module
portfolio Module
postcard Module
postcount_rank Module
printpage Module
profile_privacy_buddylist Module
project2 Module
protect_critical_uids Module
protx Module
provisionator Module
publication Module
query_export Module
question Module
quickpost Module
quotation Module
rating Module
redirect Module
referertools Module
regex_filter Module
related_nodes Module
rellinkfilter Module
role_to_file Module
sanity Module
scouting Module
security Module
seotools Module
shootevents Module
shortcuts Module
shoutbook Module
shoutcast Module
site-map Module
sitemap Module
skypesupport Module
smtp_checker Module
snippets Module
spam_mtblacklist Module
spreadshirt Module
sql_auth Module
sqtags Module
staffbio Module
static Module
staticHTML Module
statistics Module
statistics_trends Module
stats_plot Module
status Module
stock_portfolio Module
style Module
styleswitcher Module
sympal_scripts Module
Syndicate2 Module
tag Module
taggame Module
tagmark Module
tailor Module
task Module
tasks_advanced Module
taxnav Module
taxolist_filter Module
taxonomy Module
taxonomy_assoc Module
taxonomy_explorer Module
taxonomy_hide Module
taxonomy_html Module
taxonomy_jsmenu Module
taxonomy_list Module
taxonomy_multi_edit Module
taxonomy_nodetitle Module
taxonomy_on-the-fly Module
taxonomy_otf Module
taxonomy_search Module
taxonomy_similar Module
tb Module
teaser_images Module
tec Module
tellafriend Module
templates Module
term_access Module
term_statistics Module
texfilter Module
texturize Module
throttle Module
thumbnail Module
tipit Module
title Module
toggle_www Module
tokenauth Module
topic Module
topmenu Module
tournament Module
track Module
trackerlite Module
transformer Module
translation Module
trip_currency Module
trip_forum Module
trip_image Module
trip_link Module
typecat Module
urlaliasfilter Module
user_aggregator Module
user_autorole Module
user_register_notify Module
user_related_content Module
user_tags Module
userlists Module
userpath Module
userpoints_levels Module
userposts Module
userswitcher Module
validation Module
view_tags Module
viewcount Module
vocabulary_list Module
watchdog_feed Module
waypath Module
wghtml Module
whatsrelated Module
wmfilter Module
xbox_gamertag Module
xloadtree Module
xssfilter Module
xstatic Module
xstory Module
youtube Module
ystock Module
zadministration Module
andreas1_tal Theme
base_theme Theme
blueberryboat Theme
bluerobot Theme
bluerobot2 Theme
cleanslate Theme
greenthing Theme
hopestation Theme
internet_music Theme
internetservices Theme
Kyrgyzstan Theme
lichtgestalt Theme
light_and_simple_blues Theme
marvin_2k_phptemplate Theme
mediarevolution Theme
mt Theme
multiflex21 Theme
nothing Theme
pushbutton Theme
pushbutton_phptemplate Theme
seanr_xhtml Theme
sketchit Theme
smooth_blue Theme
softwhite Theme
somethingspecial Theme
stylebox Theme
styleswitcher Theme
tableless Theme
tal_grey Theme
teh Theme
themetastic Theme
trip Theme
whatsinitsname Theme
whatsyoursolution Theme
XTemplate_Tableless Theme
wgsmarty Theme Engine
bg Translation
bn Translation
bs Translation
dz Translation
eo Translation
es-la Translation
gl Translation
gu Translation
he Translation
hi Translation
id Translation
is Translation
km Translation
kn Translation
ko Translation
kr Translation
mk Translation
my Translation
nno Translation
pa Translation
po Translation
sk Translation
sr Translation
tl-ph Translation
uk Translation


Where's Drupal's removal policy?

drewish's picture

I own at least one module (review) on that page and I'd love to get it wiped so someone else could use the project name.


greggles's picture

Good question - I think you just delete the project node and remove any files from the CVS folder and/or the CVS folder itself.

You could post a warning "I'm killing this module in January 2007" so that people have fair warning.

Knaddison Family | mmm Beta Burritos

Many of these projects are

bonobo's picture

Many of these projects are abandoned, but at least one of the modules on that list (provisionator) is new -- less than 48 hours old --

Maybe a combination of 0 downloads and no commits/issues within the last X months would provide a more nuanced view of projects that could get the axe.



Flawed analysis

Chris Johnson's picture

While the suggestion that some of these could be removed probably has some merit, the analysis is flawed.

First, it only counts downloads. I rarely download modules, nor does my employer. We almost always get them by using CVS. I would imagine many active drupal implementors and developers do likewise, but don't really know.

Second, as was pointed out, some modules are actually very new. taxonomy_explorer is on this list. It's new in the past month. It will get rolled out to around 50 sites where I work as we migrate from 4.6 to 4.7. We won't download it a single time.

Incidentally, why wasn't the list ordered in some useful fashion, like alphabetically and/or by type? It's hard to search it this way.

I too have checked out a

dalin's picture

I too have checked out a couple of these in the last month.

dave hansen-lange


Dave Hansen-Lange
Director of Technical Strategy,
Pronouns: he/him/his


greggles's picture

Thanks for the constructive criticism. I have resorted the list by type and then directory name.

It's a nuanced thing for sure, but the problem is that while you may be comfortable doing a CVS checkout and looking at the code, how does "my mom" judge the quality of a module? She has to look at externally visible characteristics like the number of downloads, last commit, etc. This is one part of that puzzle.

We have easy access to only certain pieces of information: the number of downloads is available across all modules. So here is some analysis based on that.

It would be better to combine this data with an analysis of

  • last commit
  • time of last issue to get marked as "fixed"
  • time of last cvs commit
  • whether or not they are reported by the "site registry" statistics gathering code as being in use
  • what the results of the code checker are
  • what the results of the are

And there are issues in project module to do all (or most of) these things. But in the mean time, this is a quick indicator that I could do in a couple hours.

I also made them link off to their projects - if that doesn't work right...well that's another potential quality indicator...


Knaddison Family | mmm Beta Burritos


Max Bell's picture

I've got to figure at least a couple might be kept around for posterity's sake -- Ber's node aggregator, for example. In a crazy way, it makes me wonder about the proliferation of 5.0 modules and what direction that will lead -- I have no complaints, but it seems that a lot of modules in general are released as stand-alone add-ons that are better merged into libraries or something.

Suddenly visualizes a module for "not quite stand-alone-module-add-ins" and slinks away

How did you get your download data?

dwees's picture

I'd love to have information about how often my projects are downloaded, it would definitely help me decide which I should focus on.


nice timing

greggles's picture

I just posted a wiki page about numbers for marketing. It has links to the sources for this data -

Knaddisons Denver Life | mmm Chipotle Log | The Big Spanish Tour