how can i add group by

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gopagoni's picture

I am new to drupal.I have an issue with views.
How can i add group by clause to views.
when i used "function add_groupby" ,it is adding group by by grouping all fields in the query.

SELECT state_downtimes.down_id AS down_id, state_downtimes.reason AS state_downtimes_reason, state_downtimes.startdate_planned AS state_downtimes_startdate_planned, group_concat(title separator ' ,') AS title
FROM state_downtimes state_downtimes

LEFT JOIN service_downtimes service_downtimes ON state_downtimes.down_id = service_downtimes.downtime_id

LEFT JOIN node node ON service_downtimes.service_id = node.nid

GROUP BY down_id, state_downtimes_reason, state_downtimes_startdate_planned, title;

I need the query should be group by only with down_Id


Have you looking into

dwees's picture

Have you looking into hook_query_alter? There's another post on here where I describe how to do this.


problem with hook_query_alter

gopagoni's picture

In my testmodule iam just creating a test view .
function testmodule_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) {
// add group by
When i used this function it is doing group by with all fields,but my requirement is to use group by only with one field.

And also iam facing other problem with the following function.
function testmodule_views_data_alter(&$data) {
// queue relationship
$data['node']['title'] = array(
'group' => t('Node'),
'title' => t('Title'),
'help' => t('Node title of downtimes.'),
'field' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_field_service',
class views_handler_field_service extends views_handler_field {
function query() {
$table = $this->query->ensure_table('node');
$sql = "group_concat(title separator ' ,')";
$this->query->add_field('', "$sql", 'title');
function render($values){
return $values->title;

When i used this function it is appending "group_concat" to all other views .
Is this correct way of doing?
If not please help me how can i use hook_data_alter,hook_query_alter.

with hook_query_alter

gopagoni's picture

In my testmodule iam just creating a test view .
function testmodule_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) {
// add group by
When i used this function it is doing group by with all fields,but my requirement is to use group by only with one field.

And also iam facing other problem with the following function.
function testmodule_views_data_alter(&$data) {
// queue relationship
$data['node']['title'] = array(
'group' => t('Node'),
'title' => t('Title'),
'help' => t('Node title of downtimes.'),
'field' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_field_service',
class views_handler_field_service extends views_handler_field {
function query() {
$table = $this->query->ensure_table('node');
$sql = "group_concat(title separator ' ,')";
$this->query->add_field('', "$sql", 'title');
function render($values){
return $values->title;

When i used this function it is appending "group_concat" to all other views .
Is this correct way of doing?
If not please help me how can i use hook_data_alter,hook_query_alter.

I did it like this

group by in Views 3

Luciuz's picture

what about views 3 on drupal 7?

we can use directly views

nareshbw's picture

we can use directly views extra handlers module .

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