Patch Spotlight!

We encourage users to post events happening in the community to the community events group on
add1sun's picture

Check out the current Patch Spotlight here
patch spotlight druplicon

This is a great project for everyone to get involved in - you will be a part of the team working on core drupal, you'll learn about the goodies coming in the next version of drupal and gain instant karma - without needing to know any code! We are highlighting specific core patches that need to be tested before they can be accepted into core. This is a crucial step for actually moving the development of Drupal forward since much code has been written but it isn't going anywhere if it hasn't been tested.

There are a number of links to resources available on the Patch Spotlight page. Feel free to ask questions either in the Drupal Dojo or Reviewers group pages or in the #drupal-dojo IRC channel.

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