Notes from Drupalcon 2014 Community Summit

We encourage users to post events happening in the community to the community events group on
karolus's picture

Breaking down the Barriers Between Developers and the Rest of the Community


  • Ian Finlay, Systems Analyst Coty
  • Jeffrey Esquivel,
  • Karl Kaufmann, @karolus
  • Johnny Martin, Encore Multimedia @johnny5th
  • Pierre Vilette, Montreal QC
  • Chadisten Lowery, Front-End Developer @chadsten
  • Pierre, Montreal QC
  • Hari Prasad Nidik, India
  • James, Austin, TX (State Government) Designer, HTML+CSS
  • Mark Etter, Urban Insight, LA

No Time for Documentation

Developers are pressed for time--not to add...

  • Challenges of moving past sandbox. Needs to be a barrier to entry. Issues with getting word out--IRC.
  • Integrating designers into the process--getting creatives to learn HTML and CSS. Getting designers into the coding process--having them see what to be done. Saving time and frustration by working together to solve issues.
  • Using non-Photoshop tools: Typekit, use of Smart Objects in Photoshop, code examples. Component-level design.
  • Getting into a good starting point--needing more documenters and organizers, not more developers.

Starting Point

Reassure new users--get them to post, offer to help with cleaning up/editing/reviewing. Breaking the barriers for new users being apprehensive...

  • Duplication of Module Functionality--Plethora of solutions--for similar problems.
  • Budget issues--how to factor into their own time. Add sponsorship information to boost company recognition.
  • Large community working for people--helping push projects out of sandbox.
  • Taking a few steps making things usable. Licensing--making things GPL by default. Taking from the community and not giving back.
  • Spending time in IRC--hard to stay on it all the time.
  • Educate the client early on the concept of FOSS. By supporting this on your project: we can promote you, as well...

Patches--easier to contribute to

Low barrier to entry. Contribute a patch in a few steps.

Next Steps

  1. Intro to Drupal--detailed instructions for users and developers.
  2. Learning Git, have a check-in workflow, getting people into a good workflow. Getting designers into commits.
  3. Breaking down barriers.
  4. Set groundwork for two tracks:
    • Programmers going to Drupal
    • Designers going to Drupal (learning along the way)
  1. Common practice for CSS
  2. Getting people together in common goals.
  3. Working with multiple developers--merging and synching. Drupal doesn't work well with remote databases.
  4. Getting Drupal 8--working with sites.
  5. Pictures, breakpoint, context, Views in code.
  6. Come up with document--getting people to sandbox stuff.
  7. Sandbox documentation--how to get people to use this.
  8. Combating the negative perception of Drupal in the design community.

Documentation for Getting Started Sucks!

Nodes (don't have structure)

Content Types ()

Drupal is a CMF, not a CMS (You can build a CMS with it)

Co-Working events--meeting at a local library. Ian Finlay--

How to get newbies started with the community, to understand the ecosystem...

Adding documentation--how do we do it? More Wikipedia like--improve the UX, and make people feel less intimidated toward entering...

I did not feel a part of the community for years...

Views in Drupal--need to explain the importance (aside from a brochure site)

Different entry points for different team members/uses

MySQL for Dummies, et. al.--

Use case examples--what to follow for different project types...

Persuade companies that it's in their own best interest to contribute to FOSS projects. Good example is Heartbleed.

How to make the case to a senior VP of marketing, for example.

Show benefits for contributing--building the business for outreach. Educating C-Level on the broadening of communities.

Stories to give your boss--Drupalcon gave some What to Show your Boss. Looking to have European locations in less touristy locations.

Hook to get people to contribute--being active in the community makes you that much more employable.

Building a Website isn't magic--it's all about process...

Migrating sites to Drupal. Using Migrate module--

Client education--and maintainer, documenter, business leader. For every role on the team...

Information that is easy to digest for people. ROI. Serious documentation...

Getting word out in the business community.

Regrouping--Building on Entry Points

Roadmap for new users...

Drupal community is not as friendly as it says it is...

Ladder--looks like it was made by developers--developers usually don't make good designers...

Difference between core values in WP and Drupal community. Decisions (WP) vs. Options (Drupal)

Issue queue isn't the magic bullet people expect it to be...

Whatever is done needs to be accessible from D.O. homepage.

Get local user groups to train members in group--and use the local user group to test things. Start of Adopt-A-Module:

People could be going from 6-8, but only with proper modules.

Whitney Hess--working with a new persona-driven D.O. Or perhaps a marketing-based site and a coding-based site...

Backdrop CMS--Fork or Drupal (Jenn Lampton)

Not having Drupal compete with WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace, or perhaps create install profiles for smaller projects like this.

Should be possible to build a decent site without a lot of help. As a developer, should be able to do this with a more complex site.

E.G.--five pages and a contact form vs. many more pages, blog, media players, multiple forms.

E-commerce--complex, not really a Drupal solution. Basic selling, or based on a brick-and-mortar business (like Drupal Commerce).

Adding gamification for ladder accomplishments...

Drupal IRC--Karma System

Goal/Work Statement

Three Tangibles:

  1. Nice dropdown--I am a developer, manager, designer (people who are contributing) Portal--really clear walkthroughs. Give visual documentation. Less TL-DR
  2. Outreach to New Users--Give a few site options, and downloadable install profiles
  3. Gamification--how to integrate a goal-based system to work.

IRC--have more of a how-to. Be part of getting involved instructions. What about Stack Exchange? Link to it?

Developer: PHP, Joomla, ColdFusion, ASP,

Other audiences: Project Managers, Programmers, Designers, Technophiles

I have X website (on other or no CMS), and need to update/modify

Also show that Drupal may not be the best choice for it. Use cases--how long should it take, per skill level.

What makes a shop qualified, a list of questions you should be asked?

If you are a Drupal developer, how do you make your use case?

How to quit worrying and love Drupal...


Contributing: It's Not as Hard as It Looks


Outreach to break down the entry barriers for new entrants to join and contribute to the Drupal community.

Group Type:

Working Group

Mission Statement:

Drupal's complexity often creates a major barrier to entry, and contributes to widespread misinformation about the platform. To add to this, finding usable information can be daunting. To solve this, we should be reaching out to new users who come to with use cases, quick starts, and gamification of achievements in order to make the community more approachable and to encourage more participation.

I want to do what I emotionally have to do...


People who have experience building communities need to be consulted in implementing this...

Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic motiviation...

Intrinsic motivation is stronger--if you feel better about yourself, or accomplish more. E.g. Dan Pink--Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose. Maslow, et. al--basic psychology. Marketers know and use it.

Selling Drupal to Non-Drupalers

CEOs, Marketers, Other platform users

Show to CEOs of the benefits of contributing back to If they don't see the intrinsic value in doing this,

Next Steps

Further work on design, design documents.


Suggested New User Flow on Homepage-PDF22.92 KB
Suggested New User Flow on Homepage-PNG195.58 KB


Great Stuff