how to display Node Terms in block with tree structure in Drupal?

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gobinathm.php's picture

Hey guys,

I just enabled multiple terms for node creation and i just wanna display those mulitple terms as a tree sturctured in a block i tried with the following code

 if ( arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1)) ) {
 $node = node_load(arg(1));
 if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
 $terms = taxonomy_link('taxonomy terms', $node);
 print theme('links', $terms, array('class' => 'node-terms'));
} else {
  print 'No associated categories.';

But no luck its just displaying all terms, But i have to display like below

 - parent term1 
    - sub term 1.1
 - parent term 2
    - sub term 2.1
      -- sub sub term 2.1.3

Based on the user selected will display accordingly as a tree in a block on that corresponding node page.

Anyone please help,


jquery tree

lakshminp's picture

did you try the jquery tree menu module?

jquery tree for administer menu

gobinathm.php's picture

will it support for node terms?


naushunaushad's picture

You can create block views

can you guide me a step

gobinathm.php's picture

How it will display like a tree structure terms for that particular node, can you guid e with simple steps

Try this..

rajarju's picture

Try this approach..

function mymodule_theme() {
    return array(
'taxonomy_nested_tree' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'tree' => NULL,
'cat_base_url' => 'taxonomy'

//$tree =  taxonomy_get_nested_tree($cat_id); load this and send the $tree to the theme function
//$cat_base_url is the menu base path that you want for the menu items
function theme_taxonomy_nested_tree($tree , $cat_base_url = 'taxonomy') {
    if (
count($tree)) {
$output = '<ul class="catalog taxonomy-tree ">';       
        foreach (
$tree as $term) {
$class = 'taxonomy-term ';
            if (
$class .= 'hasChild';
$output .= '<li class="' . $class . '">';           
count($term->children) > 0)
$args = $term->tid . "+" . implode("+", array_keys((array) $term->children));
$args = $term->tid;
//You will have to change this part to what ever path you want
$output .=  l($term->name, "$base_url/$cat_base_url/$args");
            if (
$term->children) {
$output .= theme('taxonomy_nested_tree', $term->children$cat_base_url);
$output .= '</li>';
$output .= '</ul>';


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