Extract media filename

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wftl's picture

Hello everyone,

Newbie question and first post to the local group!

For reasons I can't quite understand, I'm trying to teach myself a little Drupal module development. Apparently just setting things up and keeping them running isn't enough. Anyhow, I've built a little module that takes bits of information, artist name, title of work, etc, and lets you select a cover file. The whole thing gets passed to an external script which is already working (Linux command line I can deal with).

What I want to do, which I can't wrap my head around, is a way to extract just the image_file name from what gets selected.

$form['image_file'] = array(
    '#type' => 'media',
    '#title' => t('Select Artwork:'),
    '#description' => t('

The media selector will let you choose from a selection of cover art available on this system. Just click the Select media button below and find something you like.'), );

The image itself gets stored in


and for the sake of my script, I want just the "blue_cover" part of that returned to a variable in my subroutine.

That's where I'm stuck. How do I return the file name, all by its lonesome? I've tried several variations but nothing works out quite right.

Ideas? Suggestions?

Marcel Gagné
Note: This massagee wos nat speel or gramer-checkered.



hbalagtas's picture

Hi, when I needed to extract bits and pieces from a file path before I use the pathinfo function.


php > $fileinfo = pathinfo('~/www/sites/default/files/blue_cover.png');
php > var_dump($fileinfo);
array(4) {
  string(25) "~/www/sites/default/files"
  string(14) "blue_cover.png"
  string(3) "png"
  string(10) "blue_cover"

For this, check the API

kbahey's picture

For this, check the Drupal API. It is your friend.

You can find it here: http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal

Specifically, what you want will depend on how your images are implemented.

It will be either:


Or the more complex:


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