N-Gram indexing?

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Scott Reynolds's picture

So I have been tasked with solving the issue of stemming, mispellings, multilingual and partial matching for a site. I decided to create a quick prototype for n-gram indexing. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-gram among other resources) . It is a relatively proven technique for these issues, but creates a larger index. So of course not sure if it is the best route in terms of performance, but I plan on running tests. I also plan on using this indexing technique to draw in similar items, using weighted cosine similarity against the search index would generate a 0 - 1 similarity score based on n-gram matching. So would work with say "Dog" and "Dogs".

Has large advantage over stemming as it isn't language dependent (see stemming issue in Drupal project issue queue). I am thinking about releasing it to the community at large as it is awfully neat. Just not sure if it is the best route. I know fuzzy search has explored this, but without using the standard Drupal indexing system. My module, unlike fuzzy search, builds its n-grams in the search index. Is that a bad thing? Why?

What answers have you all found? What makes Solr/Lucrene so special. Can we make Solr respect node_access?


Talk is cheep code is

Scott Reynolds's picture

Talk is cheep code is golden: here is the module. Its D6 but just change the form alter and form validation routines and your done.

// search_gram.module

implementation hook_form_alter
add in the setting to the search admin settings
search_gram_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  if (
$form_id == 'search_admin_settings') {
$form['indexing_settings']['search_gram_size'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Size of N-Gram'),
'#description' => t('Adjusts the size of the gram that is indexed. If it is set to 3 it will break down a word into 3 character strings'),
'#size' => 3,
'#default_value' => variable_get('search_gram_size', 3),
$form['#validate'][] = 'search_gram_settings_validate';

validate the search settings form. Make sure the min word size is <= n-gram
search_gram_settings_validate($form, &$form_state) { 
  if (
$form_state['minimum_word_size'] < $form_state['search_gram_size']) {
form_set_error('search_gram_size', t('N-Gram size must be less then or equal to the minimum word size'));

* Return
the grams
* @
param $text
* The text to split. This is a single piece
* of plain-text that was extracted
* from between two HTML tags.
Will not contain any HTML entities.
search_gram_search_preprocess($text) {
// get the n-gram
$gram_size = variable_get('search_gram_size', 3);
// elminate stop words
  // elminate all spaces
$text = _stop_words($text);
// step through each of the text
  // and add it modified text as space deliminated
$words = array();
$start = 0; $start + $gram_size <= strlen($text); $start++) {
$words[] = substr($text, $start, $gram_size);
// implode the text so its 'words'
return implode(" ", $words);

filter out the stop words from the $text and eliminate spaces
* @
param $text
* the search text to remove the stop words from
_stop_words($text) {
$stop_words = array(
// remove apostrophes and split  into words
$terms = preg_split('/([^a-zA-Z]+)/', str_replace("'", '', $text), -1PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY  );
// check for stop words
for($i = 0; $i < count($terms); $i++) {
    if (
in_array(trim($terms[$i]), $stop_words)) {
// combine and remove the spaces
return implode('', $terms);

I have forgotten where i got

Scott Reynolds's picture

I have forgotten where i got the stop words. But its pretty decent