What do you want in a fileAPI? What are your use cases? What level of abstraction do you want.

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dopry's picture

I was hoping to have some of these questions answered in the poll, but most people have chosen to just cast a vote and not comment.

What dopry wants...
-- specific processing based on rulesets(mimetype, extension, nodetype, userroles, etc).
-- queued processing for long time functions (ex. transcoding media files)...
-- finegrained access control.
-- themable rendering.

I have other stuff kicking the back of my head, but its mostly architectrual stuff to make it more accessible.


faster private files and webdav

moshe weitzman's picture

all your stuff is really important. also see http://www.tejasa.com/node/113. webdav and better doc mgmt are somewhat related.

rough api...

dopry's picture

This is a rough API I'm planning...

-- file.inc-------------------------------------------------------------------

file_save($key, $dest) - save a file from $_FILES
file_get() - grab file from elsewhere...


filesystem_manage($file) - make a file managed through db
filesystem_unmanage($file) - remove a file from db
filesystem_privatize($file) - make file private (enable file access restrictions).
filesystem_publicize($file) - remove file access and place back in a public spot.
filesystem_copy($srcfile, $dstfile)
filesystem_move($srcfile, $dstfile)
filesystem_derive($srcfile, $dstfile, $derivecallback) - makes a copy, the runs derive callback on copy

To handle private downloads I was thinking of some sort of key system, where a key is written to the filesystem
like $path/dlkeys/$hash_of_sessionid+fid+salt. So all we really need to do is ...
if (file_exists($path/dlkeys/$hash_of_sessionid+fid+salt)) {
//send the file


Still publically accessible?

samik's picture

The method of storing a private file with a unique path seems okay, until you think about logs or sniffing... If you knew the URL you could get to the file, which sort of defeats the purpose in my eyes... What you would technically want with a private file is to deny access to anyone who doesn't have perms to access the file... So I guess that would mean that there were public private files, meaning a unique URL that possibly makes the file expire after it has been accessed at that url once... and then a private private file, meaning a file that belongs to a user and you must have a session open in order to get to the file...

Basically you would want to put the file in a private directory not accessible by HTTP, then use some sort of function to stream it out that determines the access rights that the user has in order to get to the file. Drupal already does the private file handling, there just needs to be something put in its way to control who can download what and how often... Download keys are cool, as long as they expire, but path based is a bad idea... the keys need to be stored in the db to limit access, and then possibly expired the file is accessed from them, or deleted via a cron after a certain amount of time.

no urls to files...

dopry's picture

private files will not be stored in a publicly accessible location. The keys are just identifiers holding a path.. If someone sniffs your filekey and uses the url to it, they will get the download, but the keyfile is erased after the transfer. That is my current plan...

MIME types

tema's picture

Hi Darrel!

How about filetypes? It's important not only for restriction on upload but for correct theming.

how about??

dopry's picture


-- file.inc-------------------------------------------------------------------

file_save($key, $dst) - save a file from $_FILES
file_get() - grab file from elsewhere...


filesystem_manage($file) - make a file managed through db
filesystem_unmanage($file) - remove a file from db
filesystem_privatize($file) - make file private (enable file access restrictions).
filesystem_publicize($file) - remove file access and place back in a public spot.
filesystem_copy($srcfile, $dstfile)
filesystem_move($srcfile, $dstfile)
filesystem_derive($srcfile, $dstfile, $derivecallback) - makes a copy, the runs derive callback on copy
-- derived files have a parent fid, and a relationship field which describes their relationship to the parent...


so webdav.module could
if ($file = file_save('mykey'), or file_get('file://path/to/file')) {


To handle private downloads I was thinking of some sort of key system, where a key is written to the filesystem
like $path/dlkeys/$hash_of_sessionid+fid+salt. So all we really need to do is ...

if (file_exists($path/dlkeys/$hash_of_sessionid+fid+salt)) {
  //send the file

Files as Nodes

sun's picture

Already mentioned here.

Daniel F. Kudwien
unleashed mind

Daniel F. Kudwien

User-based paths

Crell's picture

The ability to define the fixed path for a file based on owner/user, related og, mimetype, date, etc. So for instance define a rule that says that files are saved to files/$user/$mime/$filename

This isn't actually a hypothetical. My company just landed a client who wants files broken out by user, so that they can symlink the directories and use their existing disk/user quota system. :-)

Doable in 4.7

mfredrickson's picture

Here's code I'm writing as we speak to do what you want. You'll want to add in some user stuff, but it is basically the same idea:

function mymodule_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser) {
  if (
$op == 'submit') {

      if (
$node->files) {
$node->files as $key => $file) {

$node->files[$key]['filename'] = mymodule_file_path_munge($file['filename'], $file['filemime']);


mymodule_file_path_munge($filename, $mime = 'misc') {
$fpath = check_plain($mime);
$fpath = file_create_path($fpath);
$parts = explode('/', $fpath);
$trail = '';
  foreach (
$parts as $place => $component) {
$trail .= $component;
$trail .= '/';
    if (!
file_check_directory($trail, true)) {
$filename; // bail if an error occurs
$trail .= '/'; // stupid pass by reference!
// all good, return our mime based file name
return  $fpath . '/' . $filename;


This code comes with no warranty. ;-)

Another idea...

webchick's picture

This was brought up in a phone conference with the folks from Advantage Labs... Mark Fredrickson suggested a driver to allow filesystem to save to a revision control system such as SVN/CVS -- this would all multiple revisions of files and also the ability to easily access the files from outside of Drupal.

Angie beat me to it...

mfredrickson's picture

I was just on my way to add a comment to this thread with the SVN/CVS idea. ;-)

From my brief investigation it looks like this functionality can be achieved using the .driver system in the fileapi. Ie. a svn.driver

Some initial thoughts:

  • Every registered user (or users in a given role, perhaps) will need SVN credentials. I would leave the management of those creds to another source. Potentially, these creds could be looked up by Drupal or created during user creation, but let's leave that for later.
  • I think there should probably only be one repo per site. Managing multiple repos might prove very difficult.
  • For anonymous users, we would probably want a local copy on the webserver , with an "svn update" run during cron. This is roughly equivalent to the caching system in Drupal.
  • We may want local copies for authenticated users as well. Eg- I visit the site and check out the site logo on my first page view. Do I really need to check it out on every subsequent page view? I hope not! Or perhaps everyone works from the same local copy, which is updated on checkins.
  • There's a PECL module with SVN bindings. I wonder what it buys us vs. just having SVN on the system and running the commands via a shell. http://pecl.php.net/package/svn
  • It would be nice if the driver modules could return meta-data on files - perhaps as a structured array. That way the SVN Module could return versioning numbers, etc.

Some other nice advantages of an SVN backend would be the user access controls (think private downloads), the ability to check out the files repo and make changes outside of drupal (which could also be painful for data integrity reasons), and the ability to rollback changes and make other versioning decisions on a live site (though again, I would probably leave this management to another app).


Scalable file storage

mr700's picture

Currently all files are stored in a single directory, which is not a scalable approach at all. To see what I mean put 100 000 or more files in a directory and try working with (accessing programmatically) them (especially in the windows case). I think squid like approach would be better - $dir1/$dir2/$dir3/$file_name where:

= ($fid / 0x10000) % 0x100;
$dir2 = ($fid / 0x100) % 0x100;
$dir3 = $fid % 0x100;
... for example. I currently use similar approach to speed up my site.


geek-merlin's picture



geek-merlin's picture



geek-merlin's picture


File API

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