GCI 2013 Student Task Page for GCI 2014 Task Ideas

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Slurpee's picture

Students will utilize this page to share ideas for 2014 gci task ideas.


Firs 5 tasks

RAZVOR12's picture

First 5 task for GCI 2014/2015

1 Create your own Drupal 8 admin panel theme

Time: 120 Hours

Difficulty: Medium

Category: Code

Mentor: DRIES

Description: Create your own Drupal 8 theme for admin panel. Utilize documentation on drupal.org on how to create a theme for admin panel. You theme need be functional functional and convenient. Setup a Drupal site on line and apply your custom theme to the site. Create user for this site and place here login and password.  Upload theme code here for code review.  Make sure to document code and create a README file in the theme with documentation on how you to use the theme.  Comment here on how you did research and discovered how to build your own theme for admin panel.

Deliverables: Follow drupal.org coding standards to create a theme. Upload theme, and request mentor to review

Resources: Research other base/starter themes such as Seven. Don't forget to review the Drupal 8 documentation about themes.

2 Create screencast of adapt Drupal theme for mobile devices

Time: 120 Hours

Difficulty: Medium

Category: Documentation/Training

Mentor: DRIES

Description: Create screencast of adapt Drupal theme for mobile devices. Find on drupal.org and on other websites, how to create mobile websites. Learn source-code in popular themes with mobile devices support and talk in you screencast about html/css changes in example theme. You can use your own theme or another theme, without mobile version.

Deliverables:Create a screencast, upload to a video streaming service, and comment link here for mentor to review.

Resources: Review other videos accomplishing the same task on http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/

3 Write research of Drupal using on types of websites

Time: 250 Hours

Difficulty: Medium

Category: Code

Mentor: DRIES

Description: Research Drupal using of worldwide and find, what types of Drupal based websites popular and what not pupular. Websites can be: Blogs, Promo sites, Organization sites and more. Write a few of reasons. Upload you research here in «txt» text format for mentor review.

Deliverables: Upload you research here in «txt» text format for mentor review.

Resources: In Drupal.org have polls of site types. You can use them, or another, but please write source.

4 Test review 5 Drupal 8 contrib modules

Time: 48 Hours

Difficulty: Easy

Category: Code, Documentation/Training

Mentor: DRIES

Description: Find 5 modules on https://drupal.org/project/project_module in the "download/extend" section in "modules" and filter by version 8. Link: https://drupal.org/project/project_module?f%5B0%5D=&f%5B1%5D=&f%5B2%5D=&... . Setup newest version of Drupal 8. Install module, that you find. Write review, for all aspects of the module from documentation, comments in the code, paths and another. Document any feedback positive or negative on the module page at drupal.org. If you see a bug, please take a screenshot and upload it to your review. Provide the module page URLs here with your comments for mentors review

Deliverables: Provide the module page URLs here with your comments for mentors review.

Resources: Find new modules on: https://drupal.org/project/project_module?f%5B0%5D=&f%5B1%5D=&f%5B2%5D=&... .

5 Review user interface in 5 Drupal 8 modules

Time: 72 Hours

Difficulty: Medium

Category: User intrface

Mentor: DRIES

Description: ind 5 modules on https://drupal.org/project/project_module in the "download/extend" section in "modules" and filter by version 8. Link: https://drupal.org/project/project_module?f%5B0%5D=&f%5B1%5D=&f%5B2%5D=&... . Setup newest version of Drupal 8. Install module, that you find. Write a review to module page about them User Interface. Write you negative and positive about UI.
What is comfortably and uncomfortably. Provide modules URLs here for mentors review.

Deliverables: Provide the module page URLs here with your comments for mentors review.

Resources: Find new modules on: https://drupal.org/project/project_module?f%5B0%5D=&f%5B1%5D=&f%5B2%5D=&... .