Potential survey for Drupal use on Windows hosts

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sepeck's picture

Drupal is used on Windows far more then most people suspect. In part this is due to a large segment of our user base being Open Source advocates which tends to inadvertently suppress discussion when a response is often 'use a linux host'. However, there is a large portion of our user base that just wants to use or deploy Drupal already are familier with the OS they currently use and don't want to learn yet another operating system. As a result I plan to start blogging again with a renewed focus on Drupal on Windows and IIS.

I am considering firing up a survey monkey survey request off my blog to get an idea of it's use to have somewhat of a start at real numbers to play with. Here are some random questions I thought of while at lunch I am tossing them out here without over thinking to see if we could come up with some refinements on. Input and refinement desired. I would like to post this next week and then promote it everywhere.

What web server are you using on Windows?
Apache 2
IIS 7.5

What database are you using?

Do you plan to move to MS SQL or MS SQL Express in Drupal 7?

If you have enabled clean ULS's what rewrite method are you using?
3rd party : enter name
Microsoft URL Rewrite

What PHP version are you using?
* I need to go look this up for choices (CGI, FastCGI, that other method)

Do you use any caching?

What would help with using Drupal on Windows?
Acquia web installer?
Generic distribution of Drupal on the Web installer?

Are there modules that you wish would work on Windows / IIS hosts?


Great idea

markjbrown's picture

This would be geat to see what data there is for anyone running Drupal on Windows, even if just developing Drupal sites on Windows.

I'd love to know if the community knows of modules that would be helpful if they worked on Windows and IIS.



sepeck's picture

so... added question then would be ?
Do you run your Drupal site on windows for
x Development
x Production
x Both

I intend to post the results as well. At this point I will either pay for a month of Survey Monkey or build something with the webform module. Depends on my free time. If webform is easy enough I will save the $20 for a month. If not. enh.

additional question

markjbrown's picture

yeah that looks good. thanks Steve.

I have an account

chicagomom's picture

Hi Steve,

Yes! I've been wanting to do this for a while now. I have a SurveyMonkey account and would be happy to help set this up.

Your questions are good. Here are some I would add:

  • What are the biggest challenges you have running Drupal on Windows?
  • What are the things you like best about running Drupal on Windows?

For your current and past sites please indicate:
- Do you use drush? use regularly, use it sometimes, never used it but I'd like to, what's that?
- Do you use PowerShell? use regularly, use it sometimes, never used it but I'd like to, what's that?
- Do you use Windows scheduler? use regularly, use it sometimes, never used it but I'd like to, what's that?
- Do you use any other scripting or automation tools? Please specify (______________________________)

  • How do you run cron jobs? Poor Man's cron, Windows scheduler, Acquia subscription, manually, other (_____________)

IIS users, how would you rate the ease/quality of the following:
- documentation and tutorials (1-5)
- finding support
- overall security
- performance

Have you done a multi-site Drupal installation on Windows? (Y/N/not yet but planning to)

If you use an authentication module to integrate with Active Directory, which one do you use?
ldap integration

Why do you use Drupal on Windows?
- client/organization requirement
- preference
- other (__________________)

Do you currently use Drupal on Windows for
- prototyping and development
- production site(s)

What is the one thing that could be done to improve using Drupal on Windows?

Steve I think this is a great idea and would love to collaborate on this and cross-promote. Would you care to team up on this?

chicagomom on Twitter and d.o.


sepeck's picture

Sure. Collaboration is the point of the post :)
The free and the $20 survey monkey have limitations I was trying to work with.

Some of these I had considered for a follow up but an uber-survey would also work and hopefully generate some buzz we can use to smoke out more windows/iis based Drupal admins.

Would you like to see a PowerShellv2 based drush plug in?
- yes
- no

Let's hope others chime in on questions, etc and then we can post a final list Monday/Tuesday?

Tuesday sounds good! Adding

chicagomom's picture

Tuesday sounds good!

Adding responses to this question:
If you use an authentication module or method to integrate with Active Directory, which one do you use?
- ldap integration
- Webserver authentication
- third party add-on (_____________)
- custom code
- something else (______________)

chicagomom on Twitter and d.o.


sepeck's picture

Do you help test patches for Drupal core for D7 on IIS?

Anyone else?

We can do a full re-write on the questions here and then shake it and get the links so we can start blogging/promoting. How long should we leave the poll open? a week?

Other things I can thing of;
We should definitely encourage people to join Drupal-IIS.
We are not collecting email addresses for the survey are we?
Should we start a thread on 'experiences with IIS' here and encourage people to post their successes and irritations?

Steven Peck

yay open source timelines

sepeck's picture

Ok, so work and home ambushed me and I can't estimate time :)
What type of survey monkey account do you have? Unlimited or limited to 1000 + $/response over? If it's unlimited we could run it for a week and in addition to our blogs maybe post an announcement on the front page of Drupal.org?

I will try and get a unified question set posted today/tomorrow for final review(unless someone beats me to it).

survey posted

ashayc's picture

curious if the survey got posted, i can help spread the word if it's already live.

open source advocacy

adixon's picture

Yes, there's a definite bias against Microsoft/IIS amongst Drupal users, and of course for some good reasons, and often some not so good reasons.

It's good to see Mark active here trying to support those who are using Drupal on Microsoft platforms.

I recently had an experience of trying to help a Microsoft-attached organization adopt Drupal and they eventually gave up. And likely for both good and not so good reasons.

My learning experience from that is that the OS technology differences are just part of the story - a much bigger barrier to entry is cultural. An IT department that is used to Microsoft technology has a big cultural shift when switching to Drupal that is more than just php, or even open source - it's also about web development process. In particular, this shop was used to the old 'waterfall' process - trying to nail down all the requirements before any work was done and then just pushing those requirements down, wasting opportunities and spending too much time implementing pointless changes. Obviously, this kind of problem is not directly a Microsoft issue, but is one of the issues that will arise when trying to adopt Drupal in a Microsoft environment.

survey looking good

granola's picture

i think the survey is coming together nicely. Like Mark am super interested in the data too to help make the Drupal story on Windows or Azure a great one. There is Drush work being done to make it compatible on Windows which there's a talk proposed for at drupalcon:

Session title: Drush on Windows , by Martin Kelov and Moshe Weitzman
URL: http://london2011.drupal.org/conference/sessions/drush-windows

Interesting feedback on waterfall process. Perhaps it would be useful to add a question in there about the process the organization uses?

I'm also interested - are they using/planning to use Aegir?
What version control is being used?

Thanks for putting this together!

Grace Francisco
Sr. Biz Dev - open source communities

aegir on windows

johnbarclay's picture

We are migrating away from windows for our drupal installs simply because aegir does not run on windows with IIS. I haven't heard of any efforts to make it work on windows.

We host a lot of drupal sites on windows on our campus. We love it because it supports process isolation and throttling easily out of the box which is critical for php and hosted services. But we haven't found a good way to manage the sites. We have accumulated a lot of scripts, but aegir is a much better option for us.

re:aegir on windows

granola's picture

Hi John
Aegir has a dependency on drush so I enlisted the help of some community members to make drush work on windows first. Hoping also to understand from the survey how many people are interested in using aegir on windows. Thanks for the feedback here.
