i18n Internationalization localization l10n

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marcelolaia's picture

Change Language break openscholar

If I change Language from English to Portuguese, I got WYSIWYG break! The menu bar desapear and the edit area isnt there. If you want, I could send a screenshot.

How I could translate Openscholar!

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rogerpfaff's picture

Translation of field labels and taxonomy terms: interface or content?

This is a problem I described in the entity translation issue queue too: http://drupal.org/node/1342132

Field labels and Taxonomy Terms are seen as interface by drupal and entity translation. That is ok if you create content but brings up errors in some constellation as I described in the issue above.

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Hadi Farnoud's picture

Approve all

Approving translations are really time consuming. I know for a fact that some translators in my group know what they're doing. It would be great if I could approve all suggestions from a particular user.

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mrmillion's picture

How to set front page so new users lands on a specific language (change default language not working)?

How do I change the default front page to land on a specific language? Do I need to change the default site language or can I just change the default front page?

I've built a multilingual site in English, French, German and Spanish. I have set English as the default language and built the site in this. However, my client has now told me that new users must land on the Spanish home page first.

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lightnin's picture

Set site language based on parent site's cookie

I'm creating a Drupal (6) site that is on a sub-domain of a parent site (made in cake php) that already has functionality for choosing the language in which the site will be displayed. It writes a cookie that indicates this choice. Since my attached drupal site is on a subdomain, it should be possible to read that cookie. I'd like to configure Drupal to always display pages in this language, if available, and in the default language (English) if not.

I'm told this should be possible. Can anyone recommend how best to go about doing this? I'm rather new to Drupal and PHP.

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Sheedz-gdo's picture

When i18n goes a little extra

Hello Drupal folk,

I've been looking to build a multilingual (and localized) site for a client. (Please tell me if I'm in the wrong area to be asking/discussing this stuff).

I've been researching all the options and starting to confuse myself as the best method to use.

Country Set-up

The site I want to create has a few countries (i'll try keep out specifics so others can relate to it):

  • Country A
  • Country B
  • Country C
  • Country D
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