how to pass arguments to views.getview?

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vannen-gdo's picture


I've successfuly got flash as3 and Drupal talking, but I need to pass arguments to views.getview so that I can cut down on the amount of data transfered.

I'm using the following to connect, modified from the AMFPHP "hello world" example:

package {

   public class ConnectToDrupal extends EventDispatcher{
       private var gateway:String = "http:// mywebsitename /drupal/services/amfphp";
        private var connection:NetConnection;
      private var responder:Responder;
       public function downLoad(viewName:String) {        
           // Responder to handle data returned from AMFPHP.
          responder = new Responder(onResult, onFault);
          connection = new NetConnection;
            // Gateway.php url for NetConnection
 "views.getView", responder, viewName);
       // Handle a successful AMF call.
       public function onResult(result:Object) {
                        MenuGlobal.PAGES["temp"] = result;
                        // tell page to start populating itself
         this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));         
       // Handle an unsuccessfull AMF call.
       public function onFault(fault:Object) {
            // return fault;

Which, when I call the downLoad method, is connecting fine, and making available to Flash a result object containing the view in question. What I need to do is cut down the result object using an argument that I pass to views.getView.

Presumably I need to add the argument to:"views.getView", responder, viewName);

but I've tried:"views.getView", responder, viewName, arg);

with no success. How do I do this?!



Calling views.getview and passing arguments

ajeancharles's picture

I used RemoteObject in Flex and was sucessful. Below is my commented code. Maybe you can adapt it

public var pictures:Array ; // view loaded is a bunch of images
public var all_view_arr:Array ;// list of views
public var view_to_load:String ; // will use to pass name of view to load
public var views:RemoteObject ; // to load a specific view i.e. "views" service to call "views.getView"
public var allviews:RemoteObject ; // my own service to get all views, the name of service: "allviews"

public function init_allviews():void
allviews = new RemoteObject("amfphp") ;
allviews.source = "allviews" ;// my own drupal service
allviews.setRemoteCredentials("","") ;
allviews.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT,onAllViewsResult) ;
allviews.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, onFault) ;
allviews.addEventListener(InvokeEvent.INVOKE, onInvoke) ;
public function init_views():void
view_to_load = "sspchillingout" ; // name of the view that I want to load
views = new RemoteObject("amfphp") ;
views.source = "views"; // the drupal views service name for loading views
views.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT,onViewsResult) ;
views.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, onFault) ;
views.addEventListener(InvokeEvent.INVOKE, onInvoke) ;

public function init():void
//"Calling init()", "Info") ;
getPictures() ;
getAllViews() ;

public function onViewsSelectionChanged(event:Event):void
//,"Views Selection Changed to") ;
view_to_load = ; // drop down combobox with other view names

public function onInvoke(event:InvokeEvent):void
//"Invoking Remote Object", event.toString() ) ;

public function selectionChange(event:Event):void
pictID.source = dgID.selectedItem.images.preview ; // this is a Drupal Image

public function onFault(event:FaultEvent):void
{,"Error") ;

public function onViewsResult(event:ResultEvent):void
//"Picture list loaded from Drupal", "Info") ;
pictures = ArrayUtil.toArray(event.result) ; // return data(images) from drupal


public function onAllViewsResult(event:ResultEvent):void
//"All view gotten from Drupal", "Info") ;
all_view_arr = ArrayUtil.toArray(event.result) ; // list of all views returned from Drupal
public function getAllViews():void
{ allviews.view();}

// below I call "views.getView" Drupal Service and passing parameters
public function getPictures():void
//"calling views.getView for "+ view_to_load, "Info") ;
views.getView(view_to_load, ['nid','title','images']); // view_to_load contains name of view to load

That helped! Simply, I'd not

vannen-gdo's picture

That helped!

Simply, I'd not been passing the arguments in the correct format. Looking at your code:

views.getView(view_to_load, ['nid','title','images']); // view_to_load contains name of view to load

I then tried editing my code to read:

var arrayOfArgs:Array = new Array('title','images');"views.getView", responder, viewName, arrayOfArgs)

Passing arguments speeds up the data transfer by an incredible amount. I've gone from 2-4 seconds to load my images into a flash movie on the web down to almost instantaneous.

Thanks, DV

No problem!

ajeancharles's picture

I am glad that was helpful. I am still learning this stuff. I started at the begining of the year

a question please

serguitus's picture

what if I would want to pass an argument to the view that is inside of some other variable (i mean on something like dinamic_text.text). I´ve tried many things but nothing works

Get View Name

willsmith308's picture

I have a problem where there are three exposed filters each for a particular content type ,I want to make into one exposed filter which searches for all content types, I have started with the view-exposed-form.tpl.php is it correct or what is the best way to do this


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