Highest number of nodes in a Drupal site you've worked on?

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ryan_courtnage's picture
less than 100
5% (3 votes)
100 to 1,000
11% (6 votes)
1,001 to 10,000
20% (11 votes)
10,001 to 100,000
23% (13 votes)
100,001 to 500,000
4% (2 votes)
500,001 to 1,000,000
13% (7 votes)
more than 1,000,000
25% (14 votes)
Total votes: 56



dipen chaudhary's picture

hmm worked on a site with more than 20 million nodes, node access really kills you there!!
we need to separate out node access from lot of stuff, forum is one option and generally it would be best if you had ability to decide which cck type will go through node access, but also that is lot of change in the node system.

Dipen Chaudhary

Dipen Chaudhary
Founder, QED42 http://www.qed42.com Drupal development


ryan_courtnage's picture

Twenty million!!! Wow, is the site still operational? Overall, was the site a success?

Lots over a million!

ryan_courtnage's picture

There are quite a few votes for over a million nodes. I'm curious to know where you ran into problems and what you did to overcome them (ie: Were you able to use drupal's internal search? Were certain operations painfully slow?)


mikejoconnor's picture

the view content page can be very slow with 600,000 nodes. I've also noticed it slows greatly with lots(10's of thousands) taxonomy terms.

Another issue I ran across is using node reference with that many nodes.

Internal search is really

geerlingguy's picture

Internal search is really only scalable to maybe a few thousand nodes on a typical server setup (in my experience). ApacheSolr is a great alternative.

Working Fine With 3135521 Nodes As Of Now

srikanta.biswas@gmail.com's picture

I am working in a project which contains 3135521 nodes as of now. The site is working fine.

Thanks and Regards,