Services API Documentation

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z3cka's picture

I had a very tough time finding what arguments were required by I finally guessed that a new node needed a "created" timestamp argument. Where should I post the following?

For new node creation be sure to set the creation time of the node:

var my_date:Date = new Date();
nodeObject.created = my_date.getTime();

and for editing existing nodes, be sure to set the changed time of the node:
var my_date:Date = new Date();
nodeObject.changed = my_date.getTime()

drupal 6 will complain if these arguments are not supplied. I used a simple if statement to handle both:
          public function nodeSave():void{

              var nodeObject:Object = new Object();
              var my_date:Date = new Date();
             nodeObject.type = "page";
                nodeObject.nid = nid.text; // set to zero to create new node
               nodeObject.title = title.text;
             nodeObject.body = body.text;           
               if (nodeObject.nid == 0) {
                 nodeObject.created = my_date.getTime();
                } else {
                   nodeObject.changed = my_date.getTime();


If the NID is 0, then a new node will be created. Hope this helps, I didn't know where else to post this. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.




Your post is greatly

Fixdit's picture

Your post is greatly appreciated over here :)

I cant get it to work

jomesili's picture

I am having a hard time saving a node because of nodeObject.created field, i am using D6 and Flex 3 AMFPHP
public function saveNode():void{

var my_date:Date = new Date();
    var nodeObject:Object = new Object();
nodeObject.type = "offencesheet";
    nodeObject.nid = 0; // set to zero to create new node
    if (nodeObject.nid == 0) {
     nodeObject.created = my_date.getTime();
    } else {
       nodeObject.changed = my_date.getTime();
    nodeObject.title = field_formnumber.text;
    nodeObject.body = field_formnumber.text;
    nodeObject.field_address= [{value:field_address.text}];;

when is used the node.submit there was an error message saying node.submit does not exist

How do we rattle this?