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Z2222's picture

Drupal Path module SEO problem

If using the Path Module (which is standard for SEO), the URLs become case insensitive even on *nix servers. That means you can get duplicate content if people accidentally link to versions of your URLs with different cases.



Just something to watch out for until it's fixed.

I added an issue here:

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chrisschaub's picture

Taxonomy and splitting votes

I've been doing quite a lot of seo tweaking to various Drupal sites over the past few years. I've run into an issue that I would like to throw out for discussion. On the one hand, taxonomy is great for categorizing your site, getting crawled and helping engines understand your clusters of content. On the other hand, all of those taxonomy links in posts are internal site "votes" for taxonomy listing pages which might or might not be the key search engine target pages for those concepts.

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greggles's picture

SEO Tips for Newspaper Websites

Generally speaking I find that SEO articles are light on details and heavy on the same old simple ideas, so I was quite happily surprised by Newspaper SEO by Joost de Valk.

Of course, all of these things are easy to achieve with Drupal (if not already standard) :)

Some interesting tips:


blockquote>Make sure the article title is in the tag too, and include the category. - - works best in my experience.

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design_dog's picture

Getting More Exposure through Group SU

I am new to the group...

But I wanted to submit my idea about getting more exposure / SEO / "Word Out" about the local L.A. Drupal Group.
[which, is great, by the way. Thanks for those who have made it possible and informed me.]

Here's my idea. It's simple.

Get everyone Inside and even Outside the group to 'tag' and/or 'do a write up' on their Stumble account!

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thehong's picture

Tối ưu Drupal sites cho các máy tìm kiếm

Tối ưu Drupal sites và các máy tìm kiếm, tiếng Anh người ta thường gọi là SEO, Search Engines Optimization, là vấn đề cực kỳ quan trọng đối với mọi site. Tôi xin giới thiệu các module hỗ trợ SEO:

  1. pathauto: tự động tạo alias cho các trang node, taxonomy term, user, blog, ... Vì các search engine ngoài việc tìm nội dung ở trong trang web, thì cũng tìm kiếm ở URL của trang web nữa, và độ ưu tiên này rất cao.
  2. nodewords: hỗ trợ tạo thẻ meta keyword, description cho từng node.
  3. xmlsitemap: tạo chỉ mục nội dung để các SE có thể truy cập, đồng thời, module này cũng thường xuyên submit sitemap đến SE để chúng khỏi quên.
  4. ping (core module): thông báo đến một số site quan trọng để biết rằng, site bạn đang sống.

Có nhóm chuyên về SEO ở đây:

Thế Hồng

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PRFB's picture

Our 2c on SEO...

I work on a cruise information site built in Drupal 5. In addition to a handy guide explaining the essentials of a 1st cruise, we lets users browse and share cruise ship pictures and cruise stories. We've given some thought to SEO, so I thought I'd share a few things we've learned....

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Itangalo's picture

Få sökmotorer att älska din Drupal-webbplats

Tänkte bara skriva ett inlägg för att markera hur (jäkla) bra Drupal är för att bli hittad genom Google.

Om du är intresserad av att bli hittad av Google är följande moduler starkt rekommenderade:
* Pathauto - skapar url:er utifrån exempelvis titlar på noder. För att undvika missförstånd när url-alias ändras är det smart att också installera Global Redirect och Search 404.
* XML sitemap - sätter i ordning XML-filer för att visa för sökmotorer vilka sidor som är mer eller mindre viktiga.

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elvis2's picture

SEO & Traffic from other CMS'

If we are going to generate more traffic for Drupal 6 I think we need to focus on current non Drupal CMS users - since they are familiar with what their CMS can / can't do. Drupal 6 is more elegant than Drupal 4/5 and deserves some attention from them. The site is way more organized (one thing that turns new Drupal users off) than it was a year ago and there is talks of a new UI for Now is the time to really dig in with marketing efforts.

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shunshifu's picture

Nofollow Module

I think something that is badly needed for drupal SEO is a way to add nofollow tags selectively to a menu link.

The noindex idea is good but it doesn't really solve the intended problem. Even if a page is set to noindex and there is a link to it (which of course there is) link juice will be sent it's way. So in a way its actually worse. Your sending link juice to a page and then telling the SE's not to index it. Essentially sending your link juice to oblivian.

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Anonymous's picture

... and what we may have...

Hi, I recently got access to the CVS contributions repository because I have developed several modules for a few projects that would like to share.
One of this, not yet in the CVS, is called "toplist" and lets webmasters create automated toplists based on referrals tracking.
Any user can submit their application to a given toplist, and once approved by the webmaster their referrals to the website will be counted. The module publishes a block and a page that can be integrated in your site structure.

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