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Alexander Ufimtsev's picture

CCK MAC address field module

Hi! I've developed a CCK MAC address field module on the basis of CCK IP Address. Just wondering whether anyone has any interest in it, and if so, what do I do next?

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anthonyoliver's picture

Pivots Module

I found this and thought it was interesting to hear. Last summer there was a DUG meeting and the pivots module was presented then( It is about a year later and is in full production live on the website (

I e-mailed Daniel and asked if he would come present the module again at the group. Maybe everyone else should give him a nudge and let him know we may be interested in hearing about it again (daniel lives in the A2 area).

Read more's picture

Bridge modules: writing versus distributing, and incompatible licences

I am not a lawyer. Item #10 of the licensing FAQ asks a particular question (my emphasis throughout):

10: Can I write a "bridge module" to interface between Drupal and another system or library?

but then goes on to answer a slightly different one (with specific regard to incompatible licences):

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mepcotterell's picture

Pear Module Development Snapshots Available

Nightly development snapshot from CVS branch: HEAD
Download: pear-6.x-0.x-dev.tar.gz
Size: 20.41 KB
md5_file hash: 78379b3c03b6b45211f84fdc50de4efe

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nicknickoli's picture

module permissions for query?

Hi, can I add any custom functions to a module or, do they need to be registered in the menu system? I have some lookup routines that work fine for admin but are not called for anonymous users. I tried using the _underscore naming and that didn't allow them. template.php is in a different scope or something, nothing from there... Should they get added as menu_tasks? Thanks for any help

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nicknickoli's picture

Two questions about my custom module

Hi, I've written a simple module to page tabular query results but I get different results depending on login. The main callback from the menu works great but some other functions don't fire for anonymous users. Do I need to register all these in the menu? Or use a different system?

Also, can any item be added to the Drupal 5 menu with drupal_goto as a callback? We'd like to add some dynamic menu items for admins. Is there a wildcard for paths?

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oskar_calvo's picture

Problens with og galleries, and an idea to the use of modules

Hello I'm trying to work with og galleries, but It seems that if have a lot of bugs without clouse.

The idea is that maybe the modules that can no be supported should be no in "Recommended" status. Maybe when a module have 5 o 7 bug open it should not be in another status.

I understand that people maybe do not have time to work in this, the idea is only a way to advice people to use the module.



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flickerfly's picture

Request For Comment(RFC): User Reports Module

I'm excited about building a module that, if designed properly, would useful to others. I see how it might be useful for the development of a human resources department for personnel reviews and really any place where reports or static documents pass from one party to another.

I am building a community site based around an organization. We produce custom reports for many of the community members and provide them through a very simple and custom php app on our website. I want to move this to drupal to take advantage of the other powers to build community, as well as flexibility to improve access to these reports for archive purposes.

This has been floating around in my head for several months, but I've not developed a drupal module before so I crave review, comment and even participation.

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mav14's picture

Graduation project about integration of social networking sites in Drupal + new module

Hello Drupal community,

Who am I?
I'm a 24 year old Belgian student communication multimedia design. I'm a webdesigner, with more graphical skills than technical.
This (scholar) year I combine a 4/5 job with my graduation project.

Graduation project + investigation

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zet's picture

Aşteptăm cât mai mulţi români înscrişi în acest grup...


Foloseşti Drupal ?
Nu mai sta pe gânduri şi intră si tu în acest grup creat pentru toţi utilizatorii de drupal car vor să schimbe păreri şi idei, să ceară ajutorul şi să împărtăşească diferite experienţe întâmpinate pe parcursul utilizarii acestui minunat sistem de management al conţinutului, numit DRUPAL, şi poate chiar să se implice in nişte proiecte împreună.
Only local images are allowed.

Nu foloseşti Drupal încă? Dacă lucrezi in web design, în orice stagiu de experienţă ai fi, ar fi mare păcat să nu îl încerci pt. a vedea ce mult îţi poate simplifica munca ta şi ce poţi realiza cu acesta.

Cu mare parere de rău, chiar foarte mare părere de rău, vreau să remarc faptul că domeniul şi site-ul găzduit pe acesta sunt de mult lăsate uitării de către proprietarul acestuia, cine o mai fi şi acesta... , spre ruşinea comunităţii drupal şi chiar open-source din România.
Unii poate realizează acest lucru, alţii poate nu încă, dar sper să o facă şi să demonstreze întregii lumi ca şi România are un cuvânt de spus. Toţi avem de câştigat când ne unim forţele si experienţa. Asta sună mai ales pentru cei care au pierdut (nu foarte bine zis pierdut, mai degrabă investit) timp în implementarea Drupalului pe mai multe site-uri pe care probabil le-au creat, au câştigat experienţa, dar se gândesc, in modul infantil în care gândesc încâ mulţi români, să nu împartă din experienţa şi problemele pe care le-au întâmpinat, sau chiar mai rău crează ceva inovativ (module şi patch-uri) , dar le ţin doar pentru ei. Dacă ar fi făcut acest lucru toti contributorii din întreaga lume, multe din sistemele Open Source din întreaga lume nu ar fi existat acum.

Ok. Să nu o mai lungim. Aţi înţeles ideea. Toate cele bune şi sper să văd cât mai mulţi utilizatori şi contributori români, dornici să colaboreze, înscrişi aici.

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