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mradomar's picture

Tutorial para creacion de modulos

Hola a todos, tengo una duda..

Hace un tiempo atrás he escrito un modulo, con la ayuda de un tutorial que había acá lamentablemente no me pude llevar el modulo, ya que no me correspondía, sino a la empresa para la cual se lo desarrolle.

Ahora necesito desarrollar un modulo, y no encuentro ese tutorial, ni un ejemplo.

Alguien de ustedes tendrá el link del tutorial... ?

Saludos y muchas gracias!

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Kristen Pol's picture

New Featured Content Module

I have just released the Featured Content Module and am getting some good reviews so far.

In order to get into the "top modules" at, I need to have at least 5 reviews. If you have time to install, test out the module, and leave a review, that would be great:

More details about the module and screenshots are here:

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greg.harvey's picture

Theme uploads via the admin UI


I found this group post which petered out seemingly without any resolution:

One of my clients is interested in the idea of being able to upload themes via the admin UI so they can build their own themes and deploy them, safely, without the need for FTP/SSH access to the server (and the burden of knowledge such access requires).

Is there anything like this already? I'm thinking such a module could be Drupal 6.x contrib and simply provide:

  • a permission for theme uploads
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greg.harvey's picture

File Field Archive module

Hi all,

This is to fulfill a fairly urgent client need, so if I don't get feedback in the next 12 hours or so I'm going to build this anyway, but whether I release it or not depends on feedback here. I can't find anything like it, but if anyone can think of a smarter way to achieve this with existing contrib, let me know. Here's what my client needs:

  1. "Archived" in this context means moved to another physical location to free disk space
  2. We want the ability to specify either a date or a time period after which files in a specific file field should be archived
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pedrorocha's picture

Criando campos de CCK customizados

Todo mundo se empolga ao conhecer o módulo CCK(Content Construction Kit), que dá uma enorme flexibilidade na criação de tipos de conteúdo para atender as mais diversas situações, mas o que faltava era "como eu faço o MEU CCK"?

Nesse ótimo artigo, temos o passo a passo de como criar um tipo de CCK, do zero.

Leitura obrigatória para quem quer desenvolver com Drupal!!

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mgparisi's picture

Theme Image Optimization and Module Image Optimization

I have a current upgrade to Advanced Forums that has optimized images in it, the ticket is However I post this here because there seems to be very little resources for people who need and/or optimize images for Drupal Themes and Modules. Last I knew Panels 3 needed some icons for various functions, and the developer (like me) is not a person to develop images.

Maybe Im missing a resource, or maybe this group should deal with such topics!

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bflora's picture

Optimizing iowait with tmpdir and tmpfs or ramfs for Drupal 5 site

A note from the developer who oversees one of my Drupal sites. We could use your help.


I have a rather burly Drupal based site that seems to be causing some
problems, today we had a major outage. There are many slow queries
and also mysql related iowait that causes server processes to hang, at
least that is the theory.

Here you can examine some of the stats on the server:

You can see my iowait stats here, which are pretty high:

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SMDesign's picture

Drupal for a School Boards Association? Need to set access levels.

I've been given the task of re-doing a state school board association website entirely. Right now it's on Typo3, which has proven too difficult of a learning curve for those involved, and it's too difficult to make it "pretty." For a slew of other reasons, I'm trying to sell the switch to Drupal.

I'm 90% sure I want Drupal. Especially over Joomla because of SEO and the ability to control what different viewers can access.

I have different types of viewers:
*The average School Board Member
*Members who have paid to have access to Policy information

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emptyvoid's picture

Drupal Security Module Packages

Finally after several weeks of preparation the Drupal Security Module Packages are available.

About the Security Package:

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Bevan's picture

Internet Blackout NZ

Only local images are allowed.Over the last week Twitter and Facebook users across New Zealand and the world, have been blacking out their avatars in protest of S92A, a change in New Zealand's copyright law that will require ISPs to disconnect any user accused of copyright infringement. No proof or evidence is required, just accusation. This is a terrible law for many reasons, which are well documented on, and elsewhere.

Only local images are allowed.The online protest stimulated and supported a physical protest in Wellington outside the Beehive ( is a Drupal website) (NZ's parliamentary buildings) last Thursday. It inspired others to follow-up with a website blackout event today, Monday 23 February. I already partially blacked out my blog last week, however this blackout will be more thorough than my website-decolouration or 'grey-out'.

I have created a Drupal module to help any Drupal websites owners quickly blackout their website, if they want to participate. Currently it's only a Drupal 6 module, however if anyone really wants it for their Drupal 5 website and doesn't have the technical skills to backport it, I may help out with this.

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