Views 3

We encourage users to post events happening in the community to the community events group on's picture

Displaying group fields with a view embedded in a panel

Hi Folks,

Apologies if this is not the right place to post. Please let me know where to go.

I run an organization across university campuses with local groups on each campus and I'm developing a drupal site with organic groups to connect everybody together. Using D7, OG7, and Views 3.

Each campus is an OG group and has their own page. On each page, there will be a fixed header with information about the university, e.g. photo, motto, location, etc., and then group related content, e.g. articles, events, member list, etc.

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Passing filters to to a view from a block

Hi All

I am Hoping someone can point me in the right direction,

I'm using the D7 Views 3 and custom module,

I have created a view that takes 2 (contextual) filters.
And I have created custom module that creates block form that traverses a taxonomy tree a creating a parent-child drop-down using select lists similar to the way hierarchical_select works, what I’m not sure is the best method off passing the values from the select list to the views-page, (this will involve redirecting the user to that views-page with the arguments)

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ruess's picture

How to filter only one user contextually

Hi all,

Stuck on an issue - hopefully simple and I'm just missing the boat here:

I have a blog pane I'm using with organic groups. The contextual filter currently filters put all blog entries outside of the current OG - which is great. Yet now need to separate the OG managers' posts from the rest of the group's. I was able to create a separate pane and filter out all but the group managers' - success!

Now however I'm having trouble getting a pane which displays everyone's posts EXCEPT for the group manager's.

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simonwidjaja's picture

Passing Arguments for a filter to a view (views 3) in code scenario?

Hi Drupal Friends,
I am working on a Views 3 Project and I'm stuck with this issue:

So far:
A Service-Method that reads a view and returns the results:
$products_result = views_get_view_result($viewName);

Now I want to add a filter (default or contextual???) for setting the maximum price (e.g. "maximum price": field_price < max_price)


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pierrelu's picture

Views 3


Har någon provat på Views3. Jag tycker att det är ett jättesteg i rätt riktning. Men tyvärr så har jag stöt på "patrull". Eller så fattar jag inte vad jag ska göra.

Jag har satt upp en jätte enkel view med 2 fält, node.type och ett cck fält "antal" av typ integers. Tanken är att noder av en viss typ skall groupas och antalet summeras. Har fått allt att fungera med sql satsen grupperas med och jag kan inte fatta hur och eller var jag kan ändra detta till node.type.

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netlooker's picture

Views 3 na Drupalu 7

Wracając do rzeczywistości poświątecznej natknąłem się na fajny screencast dotyczący Viewsów 3 na Drupalu 7. Tym wszystkim, którzy nie mieli okazji korzystać z tego modułu polecam. Materiał przeznaczony raczej dla osób zaczynających przygodę z Drupalem.

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onslow77's picture

organic groups och views


Jag skulle behöva hjälp med att förstå hur jag ska sätt upp en vy i en grupp.

drupal 7
Views - 3.0 alpha1

Jag har skapat en innehållstyp "Group" används för att skapa en grupp.
Jag har skapat en innehållstyp "Group content" används för att göra inlägg i en grupp.

Vad jag vill åstadkomma:
När användaren klickar på en "Group" ska denne få se beskrivningen (informationen i body) och sedan under denna post ska alla "Group content" listas.

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Remon's picture

VARQL, a Views SPARQL Query Plugin

Hi, yesterday I've released VARQL (SPARQL Views Query Backend), the module is intended to help in generating SPARQL queries using our Views lovely and intuitive UI.
VARQL utilizes Drupal 7 built-in rdf mapping in building SPARQL queries; for example if you want to select a couple of recored from DBedia, namely, name and homepage, varql will map these fields to foaf:name and foaf:homepage respectively to build a query

Any reviews or feedback would be greatly appreciated (especially regarding RDF mapping and views query plugin).

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Itangalo's picture

NodeOne talks Drupal: Views 3 + YQL

En av del coolare upplevelserna jag testat i Drupal den senaste tiden är utan tvekan Views 3 kombinerat med YQL Views Query Backend. Kombinationen av moduler gör det möjligt att inuti Views visa data från en rad olika ställen – Twitter, Google,, eller varför inte New York Times.

Det hela blev kanske inte helt oväntat till en screencast, som finns att beskåda på

Kommentarer och önskemål om framtida screencasts är förstås välkomna!

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Bevan's picture

Views 3 UI, Review of Concepts

I spent some time reviewing UI design work on Views 3 (And Acquia Gardens "Data pages") UI concepts:

NOTE: I have not read all of (or even very much of) the related discussion, so am likely missing important developments.

There are some great "sky-high" ideas in most of these. However I think it's likely that all of them will run into issues as or more significant than the current UI, in that either;

  • They will be be too restrictive upon advanced functionality and features and make them difficult or hacky to include in the (in the case of Gardens, that is likely intentional, as advanced features are probably not supported);
  • They will have similar types of unforeseen issues to the current UI. Subtle and seemingly minor nuances or even features that actually make a big impact on the UX.
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