
We encourage users to post events happening in the community to the community events group on


Hópur fyrir þá sem nota Drupal og þá sem hafa áhuga á Drupal vefumsjónarkerfinu á Íslandi.

Málefni sem eru sameiginleg og áhugaverð

  • Íslensk þýðing fyrir Drupal. Drupal 6 eða Drupal 7?
  • Listi af íslenskum síðum sem nota Drupal
  • Verkefni sem Íslendingar eru að vinna að innan Drupal
  • Fundir eða verkefnavinna


For people in Iceland who are interested in Drupal and Drupal web design.

Possible subjects would include:

  • Icelandic translation of Drupal
  • List of Icelandic homepages using Drupal
  • Projects worked on by Icelanders for Drupal
  • Possible meet-ups or workshops
baddysonja's picture

Drupalcamp Iceland - the brightest Drupalcamp ever

2020-06-19 10:00 - 2020-06-21 16:00 Europe/Berlin
Event type: 
Drupalcamp or Regional Summit
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SirFiChi's picture

[DCMuc16] Can you smell the gingerbread and hot spiced wine? DrupalCamp Munich 2016 is coming

Hey Drupalistas!
We are just a few blinks away from the DrupalCamp Munich 2016 (31.11.-02.12.2016 CodeSprints @ Burda Media // 03.12.-04.12.2016 DrupalCamp @LMU Munich). As you know, this is our 2nd Camp after the great (and 1st) DrupalDevDays in 2010, and we think we will be great hosts again.

So, it's your part to submit your session prosposals until 14th of november and to be part of the special spirit of a camp with friends, Drupal, PHP, Symfony, beer, a lot of socializing, food, another beer, coffee, code sprints, very special welcome-bags, ...
We are thankful of our sponsors so we have a special prizing for students and WWCode. Please contact us for further information.
We look forward to seeing you at DrupalCamp Munich 2016 and to drinking a mug or two of "Gluhwein" or bavarian beer together.

Greetings from our Team

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Martin Mayer's picture

Drupal Camp Munich

Dear Iceland group

Back in 2010 the Drupal Munich team hosted the very first Drupal DevDays. After a gap of 6 years, we have decided it's time for us to host another event, and we are excited to invite you to DrupalCamp Munich 2016.

Call-for-sessions is now open, and we would be delighted to receive your session proposals on any of the listed topics. Speakers for accepted sessions will receive a free ticket.

We look forward to seeing you at DrupalCamp Munich 2016 and to drinking a mug or two of "Gluhwein" together.


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drupalviking's picture

Drupal 8 Release Party: Reykjavik/Iceland

2015-11-19 17:00 - 23:00 UTC
Event type: 
User group meeting

The Icelandic Drupal8 Release Party will be held at Bjórgarðurinn, Þórunnartúni 1, Reykjavik, on Nov. 19th 2015.

Join the crazy Icelanders as we celebrate the newest member of the Drupal family, the Icelandic way.

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drupalviking's picture

DrupalCamp Northern Lights 2017

2017-02-24 09:00 - 2017-02-26 12:00 UTC
Event type: 
Drupalcamp or Regional Summit

The first Icelandic DrupalCamp - Northen Lights DrupalCamp will be held 24th - 26th of February 2017. Site will be up soon and more details to follow.

Follow Drupal Iceland on Twitter for upcoming posts and announcements.

Visit the website

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drupalviking's picture

Spörkum'essu í gang

Velkomin í endurnærða grúppu, Iceland.

Við ætlum að vera virk í þessari grúppu núna, auglýsa viðburði, hugmyndir, störf og annað hérna, til að halda okkur við Drupal vettvanginn. Einnig eru nokkrir einstaklingar sem eru ekki á Facebook og því nauðsynlegt að auglýsa viðburðina okkar annars staðar en bara þar.

Við erum samfélag. Enginn er rétthærri eða lægri í samfélagi. Baunið á hvort annað spurningum. Búum til umræður, setjum inn pælingarnar okkar. Eina vitlausa spurningin er sú sem aldrei er spurð.

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baddysonja's picture


mig langaði að athuga hvort það sé ekki vilji fyrir að koma þessum hóp af stað enn og aftur. Ég rek Drupal fyrirtæki í Þýskalandi og hef verið að vinna nokkur verkefni á Íslandi, t.d.,,,, ....

Ég er í mjög virkum hópi hérna í Þýskalandi og það væri gaman að taka þátt í svipuðum íslenskum hóp.

Kv. frá Frankfurt,

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Einkahumor's picture



Ég hef sett af stað umræðu og pælingar á og vona að ég sjái sem flest ykkar þar.

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einarps's picture

Fundur um Drupal - Kaffitár Borgartúni

2011-04-29 14:00 UTC
Event type: 
User group meeting

Drupal fundur
Ákveðið hefur verið að halda "hitting" um Drupal vefsumsjónarkerfið fyrir þá sem hafa áhuga á Drupal á Íslandi.
Hittingurinn verður haldinn á kaffihúsinu Kaffitár í Borgartúni.

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einarps's picture

Group administrator - can we make changes

Hello all
Since there has been no movement of any kind in the group for years I think it would be a good idea to make changes. Especially since Drupal is growing in Iceland. I would be interested to take on the task of manging the group if that is acceptable.

Þar sem ekkert nýtt hefur gerst í þessum hópi í mörg ár væri það góð hugmynd að gera breytingar. Sérstaklega þar sem Drupal er vaxandi á Íslandi. Ég býðst hér með til að taka að mér að stýra þessum hópi.

Einar Páll

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robertDouglass's picture

City selection for DrupalCon 2010 still wide open

Please note that the list of cities from (as per the BoF in Paris) is just a list of possible suggestions. Please see the draft document that has been proposed for city selection guidelines:

The goal is to publish that document at the end of this week (after incorporating feedback from the community) and to start receiving city proposals immediately after that. Since we need to have recommendations to give to the Drupal Association by October 15 the proposal phase will have to be short. The proposal phase will probably end October 1. After that we will have the proposals reviewed by the events agency to gather their feedback in time for the October 15 deadline.

If you want DrupalCon in your city/country in 2010 please review the document and add your feedback!

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highermath's picture

Drupal Association: European communities summit (at Paris DrupalCon)

This Paris DrupalCon BoF is for representatives of national and regional Drupal communities in Europe.

Topics include:

  • Getting support from the Drupal Association

  • Future DrupalCons in Europe.

Please leave comments on the Paris site.

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imerlin's picture

Þýðing á Drupal 5

Þá er komið að því að þýða Drupal 5 yfir á íslensku en það er búið að skipta út nánast öllum strengjunum sem notaðir voru í 4.6 þýðingunni sem Pjetur skilaði snilldarlega af sér fyrir einhverju síðan.

Ef þú vilt hjálpa

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imerlin's picture

Stutt kynning

Held það sé ekki óvitlaust að byrja hópinn á því að kynna sjálfan mig og hvernig ég nota Drupal.

Ég hef notað Drupal í rúmlega 1 ár eða síðan í v4.5 og kolféll fyrir þessu kerfi eftir að hafa prófað hluti eins og Mambo/Joomla, Plone og fleiri kerfi.

Keyri síðuna mína á þessu ásamt nokkrum síðum fyrir vini og fjölskyldumeðlimi.

Hef gefið út:

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