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luiagu7's picture

views c index. Tá quase!

Olá carissimos:

No DrupalCamp do Porto, perguntei ao João como criar nas views um index alfabético de uma lista de nodes, para filtrar os filtrar pela 1ª letra do título. Agradeço as dicas que me deu, e a tentativa de por isto a funcionar.

(Como ainda só tenho a versão de testes online, é preciso 1a password para aceder)

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pirex360's picture

Views - forçar path no menu

Boa Tarde,

Antes demais, queria agradecer a esta comunidade pois tem sido de uma extrema ajuda neste CMS que é o Drupal. Eu desconhecia este grupo Português e tentava resolver as minhas questões sempre noutros grupos. Em suma, quero agradecer a todos que contribuem.

Em relação ao meu problema, estou com um Drupal 6, tenho uma view que gera path automático, ou seja... tenho uma view que gera um url mediante o nome de uma galeria de imagens.
exemplo: tenho uma galeria de imagem com o nome "toni", automaticamente a view gera o url galerias/toni.

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Kartagis's picture

Openlayers and views


I've created my map as per, which is seen nicely at However, some of my locations are not visible on the map. What can I do about this?


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jlmainguy's picture

How to get a custom group field with Views?


I was looking for a way to retrieve a custom field from a group in a view?

For example, I have my Group content type in which I added a custom field (say the «Group Color» field).

Then, I wanted to build a view in which I could show the current node's group «Group Color» field. I was able to retrieve the current node's group ID, but not the custom field.

I built the view showing any type of node and used the OG Groups relationships to ge the current node's group ID.

Anybody has an Idea on how to do this?

Thank you,


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JSCSJSCS's picture

Suggestions to make Views Menu Tab content URL human readable

Using PathAuto and when displaying a node, the url is human friendly as in:

Now when I add a view as a menu tab to the node, the view path must be in the form:

Where % is the contextual filter of "Content: Nid" in order for the menu tab to display next to the "View" menu tab for the node.

The trouble I have is that because the view path must be in this particular form, the url of the content when the "Premium Content" menu tab is clicked looks like this:

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mgzrobles's picture

Resultados de una view


tengo una duda con views (Drupal6).
Tengo una view que me muestra una tabla y utilizando el hook views_post_render,
añado un nuevo elemento, que es la suma de una columna de la tabla, a la salida de esta view.

Hasta aquí todo bien, el problema viene cuando esta tabla muestra resultados paginados, ya que necesito que esa suma que añado, corresponda a todos los resultados de la view, no únicamente a los de la página actual.

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rayhill's picture

Can one apply a Panels layout to a Views page?

I've been learning to use Panels in D7 and am pretty much in love with it in most aspects. Unfortunately, I've hit a wall that I can't seem to get around.

I have created a content type for "Common Issues" (for a software support site). I then created a View that shows just that content type. It has a Page version, as well as a Block and Content Pane version, which I insert into panels sidebars on various pages. So far so good.

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zy's picture

Sortera poster i listruta - hur gör jag bäst?

Hej alla,

Såhär är det funtat just nu.

  1. d7 senaste
  2. "default site language" - english, svenska installerad, uppdaterad mm.
  3. en nodtyp med bl.a. två fält "entity reference"
  4. "entity translation" (type av entity - "taxonomy term")
  5. "term name" och "term description" översatta, fungerar väl
  6. "exposed filter" på "entity reference" fält i form av listruta i en vy.

Man kan växla språk, fälten visas rätt vad gäller innehåll.

Men - hur åstadkommer jag sortering i rätt bokstavsordning på respektive språk i filtrets listruta?

Bifogar bild.

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Kartagis's picture

Icons based on categories


I've got some locations, and as per, I've set up a view to show my locations on an openlayers map. Now the user wants me to use different icons based on categories. I've found a module called openlayers_taxonomy, which requires that I pass taxonomy terms as arguments, and I don't see how that will help. Care to help me?


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lundahldaniel's picture

Filtrera datum


Det är så att jag sitter och knåpar med lite filterkriterier i views. Jag är i princip helt ny med drupal, har endast hållit på i 2 veckor.

Nu till mitt problem. För tillfället så kan man välja 2 datum, ett startdatum och ett slutdatum. När man valt båda datumen så listas evenemang som börjar på startdatumet, men slutar INTE på det slutdatum man valt, det är så det ska vara.

Det som är problemet är att jag vill kunna visa de evenemang som börjat tidigare än startdatumet man matar in, och som slutar efter eller på slutdatumet man valt.

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