
We encourage users to post events happening in the community to the community events group on

The group to discuss administering the web site.

We also have an issue queue for the groupsorg.module that runs on this site for things that need code changes.

Maintainer advice:

Boris Mann's picture

Merge Business of Drupal with Consulting

I don't know who approved -- I recommended to the person who created with it to use/merge with the Consulting group instead (which is closest, in my mind), and didn't approve it.

There are some good posts in there, and I'd like to merge it, and commented on that here.


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oadaeh's picture

Unread & New . . .

I just had most (maybe all, I haven't gone through them all yet) of my read nodes marked as unread, and several groups in RSS showed up as new. Was there a hiccup? Should I just ignore it?

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moshe weitzman's picture

Group specific vocabularies introduced

I'm pretty excited that I finally deployed the og_vocab module on this site. This enables each group to maintain its own classification system for its posts. It also offers a handy block called 'Group categories' which helps subscribers navigate by taxonomy term.

You can see the block on the right hand side of any group page if that group has actually created and used a group specific vocabulary. Also, notice that the display of terms at bottom of each post is now grouped by vocabulary. For an example of both of these changes, see

In order to create a group specific vocabulary, you must be an admin of a group or a sitewide editor. If you qualify, you will see a new categories tab on the group home page which helps add/edit.

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moshe weitzman's picture

many module updates

I performed a long overdue update on our contrib modules here. I updated

  • og
  • pathauto
  • event
  • signup
  • views
  • image

Of these, og was the most radically changed i think. The email subscription feature should work better now.

Please let me know about any oddness.

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robertDouglass's picture

Where did the high performance group go?

I know that there was a group dedicated to high performance and that several people had posted to it, including Boris' post about Amazon's file serving service. Where is that group now? Did it get deleted?

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greggles's picture

space around picture

There isn't enough space around the avators, especially when there is a UL at the top of someone's post.

I tested this css in firefox using web developer editcss tool and it seems to work:

.node .picture img {
margin: 0 5px 0 0;

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moshe weitzman's picture

RSS feeds fixed

RSS feeds were broken in various ways for quite a while here. Folks should feel free to resubscribe to stuff (the urls are new) and keep an eye on the site that way. See the Recent tab for some nice feeds.

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moshe weitzman's picture

Improving group moderation queue processing

We have a nice page and RSS feed listing new groups still to be moderated. But not enough people are working the queue. I would appreciate if someone could look into this workflow and make it easier. I want to add 2 links to the queue page.

  1. unmoderate. this removes the group from moderation
  2. notify and delete. send the node author an email and then delete the node. this will have to lead to a form where you compose the email.

ideas to improve this are welcome.

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moshe weitzman's picture

Email notifications enabled by default

I enhanced og and now all new group subscriptions have a corresponding email notification enabled. Existing subscriptions are not affected. Users may still disable this on their 'my subscription' page.

If the mail infrastructure falls down, we'll have to finally fix the 'mail backend' issue: Would be great if someone in this group would work on that.

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moshe weitzman's picture

Please promote stuff to home page

I just promoted a whole bunch of posts to the front page. Editors are all welcome to keep doing this. Front page articles should be some combination of broadly applicable and deeply interesting.

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moshe weitzman's picture

Site updated

I switched this site and virtually all its contrib modules to DRUPAL-4-7 from HEAD. Please report any anomolies. Thanks.

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moshe weitzman's picture

Group approval guidelines

Update: the feedback i have received is that it is nearly impossible to make these decisions. so lets approve groups that are properly titled, descriptioned, and welcome messaged. overlap will be tolerated except in extreme circumstances

I'm open to suggestions, folks. If you are an editor, you will see a block which reads group moderation queue (you can disable it if you wish). The queue has some questionable entries like North Texas and Benelux (belgium, netherlands, luxembourg), and Germany. Those are fine places, but they are a bit general and overlap with existing or obvious city groups like Brussels and Munich.

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moshe weitzman's picture

Hello world


We've been quietly working on an exciting initiative for Drupal fans everywhere. Today we are launching a new web site - This site is for geographic groups like Vancouver and working groups like Views developers. The site provides each group with their own mini-site, where subscribers can post messages and collect replies.

Logging in

You are welcome to login using your username and password. Remember to append to the username. Note that your email address will not be copied over, so you'll want to edit your profile after you login.


There are three useful tracker pages offered by the site (there is only 1 tab if you are not logged in). You may also collect links for RSS feeds from each tracker page. Alternatively, each group offers an email subscription feature. With this, you get all nodes and comments posted to the group via email. A helpful reply link is in each email.

Creating groups

We welcome everyone to create groups on the site. Please adhere to the guidelines posted on the creation page.


This site showcases some pretty neat technology like Organic groups, signup.module, Casetracker, Views, Localization, and more. Read more.


The site has a simple ticketing system for reporting issues. We hope to soon provide each group with its own ticketing area. We also have a feedback form -


This site is just leaving alpha stage and entering beta. I don't anticipate a long beta like those wimpy apps Flickr and Gmail. When we leave beta, I will announce this site on home page and in newsletters, etc. Meanwhile, feel free to blog about the site and use it heartily. It is most definitely live.

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moshe weitzman's picture

Signup module, group images, and more

I worked around a core bug and fixed the breadcrumbs here. Also enabled singup module and added a bit of help text. We are launching very very soon ... There are three random fields when you signup for something that look out of place. I hope someone contributes a patch to this module to clean this up.

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moshe weitzman's picture

Need module development help - locatio, gmap, flickrstickr

On our new groupsbeta staging site, I installed and configured 4 promising modules. The only one that is in good enough condition for use here is signup.module. Please have a look and see if you see what I see. I'd be pleased as punch if some developers contributed patches for the modules below so they work well enough to run here.

  • Signup. Please try to signup for an event and note and problems that you have. Better yet, write a patch.
  • Location + Gmaps.
    The problem is that these modules do not yet play together well. When editing your profile, the Location fieldset is separate from the map and entering in a location from the map blows away your address info (maybe it should). When creating an event, the form looks good and integrated but it seems that the Location info is used and the map info is discarded. Also, the map is sometimes small and doesn't fill up the Location fieldset width.
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moshe weitzman's picture

Input formats - markdown and friends

I've finally spent a little time with input formats. I really want to offer a text => markup syntax since I find those the most comfortable way to write. So I settled on Markdown, which borrows heavily from email conventions. If you write in email style your post will come out as you wish.

The following filters are running on this site

FYI, here is the above list in markdown syntax:

I have the following running on this site
* [markdown]( also see [markdown extra syntax]( provided by [marksmarty.module](
* codefilter](
* [urlfilter](

I looked around and some posts do look a bit different from before the filter. In most cases, you just have to get rid of hacks you used because I didn't have these filters! please report any problems or suggestions.

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moshe weitzman's picture

New module - autotimezone

I have activated autotimezone module so all you lazy folks like me will get properly adjusted timestamps for free. it even follows daylight savings as long as your have a modern OS that changes your clock for you.

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Boris Mann's picture

Fields for profile information -- feedback

I added some custom profile fields in your account weeks ago now. There are two sections, business and personal. Below is a list of fields.

* Organization (text)
* Organization website (URL)
* Organization profile (textarea)

* Real Name (text)
* Website (URL)
* Birthdate (date)
* About me (textarea) -- like a bio More fields? Less fields? What should we add or remove?

Some other ideas:
* A "birthday" block would be a lot of fun.
* one of the "user tagging" modules would be great
* this groups site might be the right spot to also run a consultant/developer directory; profile fields could fit into this

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moshe weitzman's picture

New post view templates

Merlinofchaos came through again, this time with new comment.tpl.php and node.tpl.php. Those make our posts look much nicer with picture, group, privacy, and tag info all presented in a sane layout. nice.

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moshe weitzman's picture

Need volunteer to moderate groups submissions

I'm looking for a few volunteers to look at new groups as they are created and approve them when they meet these conditions:

  • have readable names, descriptions, etc.
  • are not overlapping too much with existing groups
  • are properly categorized (working group vs. geographical group vs. ?)

These guidelines will be further developed over time. If you are interested, please reply here or send me an email. This will be a big gift to our community, and your name will be mentioned on the forthcoming About page.

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